Saturday, April 1, 2017

All Painted Up

Well we are all painted up.  It looks so nice.  I love it.  The blind was too short so we had to go back and get a long one and the ceiling fan wouldn't work so we took that back as well.  We stopped and got a Jamba Juice for dad on the way home.  I am excited for Antelope Island  LOVE MOM

Friday, March 31, 2017


Well I am glad that the weekend is here. I am excited to paint tomorrow also. Thanks for the paint help everyone.  I got all the stuff we need to paint so we are all set. I also bought a fire extinguisher and bracket. The stupid thing was I went to put it up and the bracket didn't come with screws. Well I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Bye


That is awesome Robin, you are so talented.  Good luck painting tomorrow.  Today was good.  At school they had a wedding for Q and U so they had the girls dress as queens and boys dress as quarterbacks.  Then they could bring a qu thing as a present, Isaac brought a quilt.  He said that they had wedding cake and it was fun.  Oliver and Ruthie didn't sleep well and Oliver ended up sleeping in so we missed story time but we went to Joanns for more thread.  This afternoon Ruthie wouldn't nap so we went to IFA and looked at the chicks.  Isaac was whinny about going but liked seeing them.  They liked them so after dinner Casey took them back to look at them.  Isaac went to Judo, Ruthie took a late nap so Casey said with her.  Me and Oliver stayed and watched Isaac which was nice.  He isn't great but he is having fun.  Have a good weekend and thanks for everything.



Today was nice because it was Friday. It was the changing of the month so I decorated the theme board for Peter pan tonight. I took a picture of everyone's shadows at work and then I traced them on shrink a dinks and made them small so that is where the flying shadows come from. Just let me know when you are coming over mom and I will be ready to go.


We made it

Well we made it to the weekend.  I am so excited.  We are going to paint Karen's bedroom tomorrow.  I think she picked out really good colors.  Robin, I will pick you up around 9:30 or 10:00.  We went to the stomach doctor this morning and he thinks dad is having troubles with his stomach because he has been taking more codeine.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't.  He gave him this new medicine that is suppose to just help the stomach work while you take codeine.  I think it is just an expensive laxative but that is just me.  Sunday we are going to meet Anderson bunch at Antelope Island and have a picnic.  Karen and Robin if you want to go that would be fun.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Fast week

Karen, can I still borrow your sewing machine.  Mom said she could pick it up Saturday and bring it to me, thanks.  I am glad that you are painting your room, that will be fun.  Today it rained all day and we were stuck inside so we were kind of lazy.  Isaac wanted to go to martial arts today so we tried it and he had fun.  He had lost his belt and they had one for him so he is good to go.  Casey went to work but is still not feeling great so he rested this evening.  Isaac has spring break next week and he is so excited for no school.


Nice day

Work was good.  I bought a silhouette for work and I played with that this afternoon that was fun.  It is going to help with poster boards and signs.  I am pretty excited.  I worked late so I could go to the doctor with dad tomorrow.  He is going to the stomach doctor.  He had a check up for tomorrow and since he is having a hard time eating, it works out pretty dang good.  I am excited for this weekend.  I am going to paint on Saturday and then play with Rachel and gang on Sunday.  Not much else to report.  I am glad it is Friday.  LOVE MOM

Baby step

Today was good. Nothing to crazy daisy. I had to work at scheels night. But it's the first time I've had to work in a while so it's not too bad. Im so glad tomorrow is friday. Karen I'm OK with whatever is easiest. I will do whatever works best. Have a good last day of March tomorrow and Friday!



Well my day was good. It was a pretty day until the afternoon and then it started raining. I do like the rain, but the sun went away. So mom and Robin do you want me to get the paint and everything before you come up or do you want to meet in Park City and then we can all go? I am good either way, so I thought I would see if you guys had a preference.  Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone has a good one. Bye

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Today.i meet up with everyone for dinner. It was fun. Work is the same but I made it out alive. I like Ruth's hair the pig tails are cute



Well my day was good. I took today off because I had a doctor appointment and I decided I wanted to sleep in. So I went to my new diabetes doctor. She seems nice and she said that I am doing good. Then I went to Walmart because I have everything to make tacos except the taco seasoning. So now I can make tacos. I also got a little indoor seed starting kit and I planted the sun flower seeds Robin got me in them. So that when it finally warms up I will have started plants to plant outside. So cross your fingers and wish me luck that they grow and don't die before I move them. Well I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I am glad that you guys met for dinner, that is fun.  Why did you cancel with Kay?  I am glad that work is going better.  Isaac slept all night which was amazing and seemed a little better today.  Casey was really sick today and stayed home from work.  He did work on the jeep a bit but mostly rested.  Friday at school they are having a Q and U wedding so the boys are dressing as a quarter back so we went to the DI and got a uniform.  Isaac hasn't wanted to go to school all week so we talked about it last night and then if he was calm this morning he could have papa murphys for lunch.  It was a good morning so we had that for lunch.  It was a pretty day and played outside and then watched some shows.  I put Ruthie's hair in pigtails and they were cute.


Rainy Day

Well tomorrow is suppose to be another rainy day but today was beautiful.  I sure enjoyed the beautiful sky.  Work was so quiet.  I got so much done today.  It was amazing.  I feel so much calmer.  We met Karen and Robin for dinner tonight and that was good.  We went to Seagull book before and got a whole bunch of cute things for the kids for Easter baskets.  Then afterwards we went to Shopko and I got a new purse.  Mine broke and was on it last leg.  I like my new one.  Kay called and canceled dinner for tomorrow.  Karen wants to paint her bedroom on Saturday so we are going to do that.  Rachel what are your plans for this weekend.  I did ask for Friday off so we can go to baby animal days.  I just love this time of year.  Dad made it to work today and even went to dinner with us.  He is worn out but he did it.  I was proud of him.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Let the fun begin

Today at work was crazy.  I had to set up and take minutes for 3 meetings before noon.  I have 106 emails that need me to do something.  I am ready to slow down.  Then I left work and we had fun.  Dad didn't make it to work again so I came home and picked him up and we met Karen for dinner and dad even ate something.  I am worried his stomach isn't working right.  I was so happy.  We went to art class and I think it is going to be really fun.  Karen drew a really pretty sunflower.  We didn't make it through the whole class, dad just isn't that strong yet.  Tomorrow Karen has a doctor's appointment and we are going to meet Robin for dinner.  I need to go to Shopko and get a new purse.  Mine is broken.  Then on Thursday I meeting Kay at the Olive Garden.  I might never have to cook again.  Friday dad has a check up with the stomach doctor and I am so glad we have that appointment.  Just give him a once over.  Robin, I am glad you are not getting involved in the drama.  You got the work you wanted.  Rachel, I am glad your crew is feeling better.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Everyone in the office was on one today. I just put in music and worked. Since everyone has a job switch they have been complaining about everything. So I just came home and detoxed. I was so tired still so I figured I would just watch some netflix. I wanted to make some bread in my bread machine for the morning. But I think I'm going to do that this weekend.


I am glad that you were able to take the art class, that sounds fun.  I am excited for our quilting class.  Today was pretty good.  Isaac and Casey still have their cold.  Oliver and Ruth were still asleep after I dropped Isaac off so I sewed for a half and hour and that was really fun.  Oliver has been a lot happier since he has gotten better.  I was asking Casey about his Dad and Oliver asked who that was and he said Grandpa Randy.  Then he said that Grandma Carole was his girl, it was cute.  Jenn came over and it was good to talk, I hadn't seen her in a while.  I had young women's tonight.  It was kind of dumb, we did a personal progress which meant reading a lot of Scriptures and then we had pop corn and watched studio C.  Casey had scouts this evening also so it is busy.  Everyone have a great day tomorrow.



Well my day was good. Work is still moving along. Then after work I met mom and dad. We went to dinner and then our art class. I had a fun time. Robin, I keep forgetting to tell you that you left your umbrella in my car Saturday. Remind me to give it to you next time I see you. Well I hope everyone had a good Tuesday. Bye

Monday, March 27, 2017


Today was alright. We started our switch. I'm doing more qc stuff which will be nice. It's more the girls under me that have the biggest change we are combining USA and intl. Work so the next few weeks are going to be a rollercoaster. We had tacos today at work for huntsman. It killed my stomach. I felt sick all night so I'm just relaxing. Pretty boring night



Karen, that is crazy about the snow.  Mom, Casey said to thank him when it is running again.  He is enjoying looking at motors.  Isaac still isn't well but he didn't have a fever so I sent him to school and it was nice.  He was a lot less grumpy after school, I think it was good for him to get out.  His cough was a lot worse, I am hoping he is over it soon.  It was nice to have a normal day.  This morning we went to Joanns and Oliver really wanted to go to Lee's so we went their.  We just rested the rest of the day.  It was raining all day so we were stuck inside.  Have fun at your art class, that sounds like a fun time.



Karen, I am sorry you had snow.  That makes it hard to get into the spring mode.  We had rain all day and night.  Work was crazy busy and I think it is my turn for the cold.  Tomorrow we are meeting Karen after work and take our art class we gave each other for Christmas.  I am pretty excited about that.  Rachel tell Casey thanks for helping find an engine for us.  Dad did make it to the couch this morning.  He was going to go to work but only made it that far.  He did do laundry today so that is nice.  Not anything else to report. 


Well things are good here in Kamas. It did snow here all afternoon and evening.  Work was good. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, March 26, 2017


My day has been good also. I am glad that everyone is on the mend. I did cook today so I had lynches to warm up now. That was about all the motivation i had. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

The weekend

Casey bought some nasalcort today also with's Moms suggestion and it is really helping me too.  My nose isn't nearly as gross.  Isaac is the worst sick person, he definitely has a man cold.  Yesterday we just hung out.  I ended up having a meeting for young women's which went ok.  Casey made salmon chowder for dinner and it tasted good.  I pulled out the stickers for Oliver's potty chart and it is helping.  He went to the potty on his own so he could have a sticker.  Isaac has to help him so he can have a prize.  Yesterday the kids were watching a movie so I was able to finish cutting and sewing the fabric for our class so we are set.  Today Casey and Isaac stayed home from church and I took the little ones.  It was nice to get out of the house and the kids did really good.  Hopefully this will be a better week for everyone.



Today was nice. I slept in and then drove to Sugar house park. I walked two laps, it was nice to get some fresh air. I also am.doing laundry. Not much else with me have a good week!


Back to the real world

Dad is over the worst of it.  He has gone over 24 hours with no fever and it starting to eat again.  That is good.  I am going to try pineapple juice for coughs.  I saw it on facebook so it must be true.  I bought some little cans of it today.  I got dad some nasalcort and that seems to be helping him as well.  I hope Casey doesn't get it bad.  Not much else going on with us.  We did drive to Jamba Juice and get dad one.  He did seem to enjoy it.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...