Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Let the fun begin

Today at work was crazy.  I had to set up and take minutes for 3 meetings before noon.  I have 106 emails that need me to do something.  I am ready to slow down.  Then I left work and we had fun.  Dad didn't make it to work again so I came home and picked him up and we met Karen for dinner and dad even ate something.  I am worried his stomach isn't working right.  I was so happy.  We went to art class and I think it is going to be really fun.  Karen drew a really pretty sunflower.  We didn't make it through the whole class, dad just isn't that strong yet.  Tomorrow Karen has a doctor's appointment and we are going to meet Robin for dinner.  I need to go to Shopko and get a new purse.  Mine is broken.  Then on Thursday I meeting Kay at the Olive Garden.  I might never have to cook again.  Friday dad has a check up with the stomach doctor and I am so glad we have that appointment.  Just give him a once over.  Robin, I am glad you are not getting involved in the drama.  You got the work you wanted.  Rachel, I am glad your crew is feeling better.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...