Friday, July 15, 2011


This morning I got up and I was taking the the laundry, Isaac and my p-hone downstairs when I dropped my phone. It must of hit the wrong way because it wouldn't work anymore. I had to get a new phone. Casey was eligible for an upgrade so I used that. It is a nice phone, but I feel bad. Casey's grandma is doing better and was able to go back to the Terrance grove. We went and visited her today. We went to breakfast with Mandy and Kelly. It was nice spending some time with everyone. Well I am excited for this birthday weekend. It will be fun.


Yes it will be in the 110 by next weekend I am sure of it. I am excited to come both to Logan and St. George Two fun weekends in a row. Grandma isn't doing well at all. I don't think it will be much long. Robin was home tonight so we went to the Yellow Fin and had dinner and then went and visited grandma. Julie was there so it was nice to sit and visit. I am leaving in the morning for Logan. I am not sure if dad will come or not. He is still working. Poor guy it is tough. I am glad it is the weekend and I get to be with Isaac. Sorry girls. I love you also.



Rachel that is cool about the job. That will impact your sewing time though. My day was pretty good. I few computer issues but once that was fixed it was nice. The humidity has finally gone. So it feels a lot nicer outside. It is only 102 today. I can't believe that it is the middle of July and we haven't hot 110 yet. I think that it is saving up so when you get down here mom we can have record highs again. Well have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Almost a birthday day

I am glad you had a good day Rachel. That is good about the job. That would give you some spending money and you could do it from home. That is sweet. I like that idea. Well I had much the same day as always. Grandma looks worse everytime I see her and yet she is still breathing, heart rate perfect and oxygen rate was 97. Those are all just so good. I feel bad but she seems peaceful and that helps. I am glad Grandma Anderson is OK. Dad is still at work he said they had a break through on the IMS stuff so that is good. I am tired as usual and going to go lay on the couch a while after I do farmville. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. Robin you will have to tell us if you liked the last Harry Potter. I hope you get some sleep. LOVE MOM

Good day

I had a good day. Caseys grandma anderson is in the hospital, she got dehydrated and her kidneys shut down. She is doing a lot better now and may be released tomorrow. So I meet everyone at the hospital around 10. We stayed there till about 2. Then we went to there house and played gutair hero. We went to dinner at fredricos, it tasted really good. Isaac was really good today and let everyone give him love. We are waiting for Casey to get here to make smores. My old job called me and asked if I would come back, they said that I could work at home part time. I told them I would be interested. He just wanted to see if I would be interested, he is going to get with hr and work out a deal. Well that is my news. I am getting really excited for my b-day.


Rachel, that was a cute video. He is so dang cute. My day has been good. I even stayed busy at work so they day went by pretty fast. I am so glad the tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. Uhmm it seems like there is something important happening this weekend, what could it be? Just kidding just three more days till your birthday Rachel. Robin Harry Potter sounds like fun but you better get the jumbo pepsi so you can stay awake. Maybe just hook it up to an IV for a direct line. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

cutie pie

Isaac is so cute. i just love that kid. today was good I worked for the most of it. Tomorrow I am working and then at 3 in the am... yes that is not a typo a bunch of people from work are going to go watch harry potter. I i don't know if I will ever make it home we will see. but hopefully its fun. well not to much else going to catch a bit of sleep before I become a full zombie



Mom, how can send me so much on Farmville? I can't figure out how to send you that much back. We had a good day, Mom send us a package and that was fun. I picked up the pictures from the mall. They called me and said that this month if I went in I could get a 10 X 13 for free. I think that I can get a free 8 X 10 also and the sitting fee is free so I made an appointment for next Wednesday. I figure if they aren't good at least I can get some free prints. I forgot yesterday to put a picture of Isaac with a zucchini so I have attached that today. Also he LOVES his jumper, he can jump forever. Here is also a short video of him jumping. It isn't very exciting but it is cute.

One tired mama

I am tired tonight. I went up and saw Kelli's mom this afternoon and I was glad I went she looked a lot better than the last time I saw her. I then went and saw grandma and she just looks worse every day. Julie came up and visited but we were both so tired we just both went home. I fixed dinner and now I am going to veg the rest of the night. Oh that sounds good. They didn't take Jen into surgery until5:30 tonight. I that that is horrible making her wait so long she was suppose to go in at 1:30. I am excited for Rachel's birthday weekend. That will be fun. Have a great day LOVE MOM

Half way thru

Well the week is half over, Yeah. I got to play with my new computer today so that was fun. It was warm again today, but the humidity was lower so it felt alot nice outside. Well I really don't have much to report so i am going to go. BYE

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

I had a good day at work. I was busy most of the day. I did miss your emails Karen but I knew what was going on. YOu said you were getting a new computer. That is exciting. Rachel that is fun that you got raspberries. You were productive. I am excited for this weekend. Dad broke a tooth so he has a dentist appointment tomorrow to get it fixed and I went and picked up his antibiotics and then went to the nursing home. Jeff was there so we went and got dinner at the cafeteria and sat in mom's room and had dinner. It was nice to visit. Guess what Grandma's roommate died this morning. That was a shocker. Grandma just isn't doing well at all. When I got home dad took me to Spoon Me. It tasted so good. Well have a great hump day. I don't have anything special going on. Just same old same old.



Thanks Karen, I am excited that is a great gift. The Photo place called and said that the standing up photo was done so I will go and pick it up tomorrow. I mowed the lawn today and I got some weeding done. It was nice to be outside. Mandy is coming on Thursday and is leaving on Friday. Isaac got his remote Mom and he likes it. Thanks that will be nice when he wants the real ones, it will get alot of use. I almost forgot. There were some red raspberry's today, me and Isaac ate all we picked. I also picked three zucchini's. I grated two of them and froze them. I am excited.



Well I got a new computer at work this afternoon, so sorry mom that is why I didn't email you. I didn't have time to play with it before it was time to go but I will get to play with it tomorrow. Rachel I got your present ordered. I like it, it is way cute. you did a good job setting it up. I had a pretty good day. It started out a little slow at work but then it picked up. It is getting cloudy outside now, maybe it will rain. It has been really humid outside so it would be nice it would rain. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

count down

I am glad today is tuesday, at lagoon the shows don't run at night so I get the whole backstage for myself. it will be nice. Zions was good. I can't believe how slow 5 hours can go sometimes. but I guess it make you a stronger person :) well not to much happening on my end hope everyone has a great day


Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, Monday

It feels like it should be friday already. What is up with that. I had a good day at work. I went to see grandma and she is bad but I checked her pulse and it was really good and strong and 80 beats a minute. I could be that lucky. I stayed a little longer tonight and then dad worked late so we were really late getting dinner. Oh well. Such is life. I am excited for the weekend. It should be good weather and we can have a lot of fun. I am coming up early and then we can play all day and night. Have a great day. LOVE MOM

That's fine

Rachel 34 dollars if fine, just send me the information and I will get it ordered. My day has been good. I got thru Monday which is always a plus. The big printer at work broke and it is going to be until the end of the week until they can get it fixed so it should be interesting getting prints done. Oh well I am sure that we will survive. Thanks for the card mom that's was nice. I am sorry that Isaac didn't sleep well Rachel I hope that he will sleep for a long time tonight. Well have a great one. BYE

6 days till my B-Day :)

Robin, that will be fun to have you and Josh come up for my Birthday, I am excited. Karen, I created a book but I had a couple extra pictures (25) in it and it cost $34. I am going to work on taking some pictures out. It is really hard to make a book, I hope that I am doing it right. Mom you and Grandma got a letter in the mail from Butch and Mary, I will send it down with Casey tomorrow. Isaac didn't sleep well last night so I tired today. Hopefully he will do better tonight. Yesterday we pulled out Dad's barbecue and it works. I cleaned it today, I still have a little bit left but it looking better. I think that is it, everyone have a good night.

sunny weather

today was good. I am thinking I might blog earlier so I will be better at blogging. this weekend was good. I had a photoshoot with rich and then I worked at lagoon. sunday I worked at zions and josh came over for dinner. we went over to see grandma. she is really thin. but dinner was fun. I work at lagoon tonight, saturday I work in the morning at lagoon but I am going up to logan for rachels birthday and I think josh is going to come to if that is ok. well not to much happening hope you have a great night


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nice day

I had a nice day. I went to see grandma and stayed for a while, Jeff, Shaun, and Andrea came it was nice to visit. Then I cam home and had a nap and Josh and Robin came for dinner. It rained here really hard and we had a really nice lightening show. Not to much else to report. Casey forgot to take Isaac his remote control. I will bring it on saturday. Karen I am glad you primary class went well. It is fun to play games. WEll have a great week.



Well it rained for awhile this morning. It was only about 70 this morning but they left the ac in the church at full blast, so it was super cold in church today. They really like playing pictonary thanks for the idea mom. Rachel did you choose what photos you wanted for your book for your birthday? If you want to receive it sometime around your birthday I should probably start ordering it soon. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...