Saturday, October 1, 2016


We went on an adventure today and had a really nice time.  We drove up to Guardsmans peak and the leaves were so beautiful.  It was such a nice drive.  We came out in Midway so we decided to stop by and say hi to Karen.  It was such a beautiful view.  I fell in love with the place.  We came home and I made 30 garlic clove chicken and it tasted really good.  I am glad that everyone had a good day.  I am with Karen, I can't believe she can climb stairs.  I have seen a lot of places that can fix screens at the mall.  I think you could go see how much that costs also.  Robin, I love your pictures.  I am so glad that you got some rest.  Have a nice Conference Sunday. 



Wow, Ruth is getting big. I can't believe that she can climb stairs already. That sucks about Casey's phone. They do have places that will replace or repair the glass. Don't know how much they charge. My day was good.  Mom and dad stopped by after going on a hike. So we visited for a bit. Other than that not too much to report. Have a great Sunday tomorrow everyone. Bye


I love your makeup Robin.  After we went to Lagoon I went back and looked at your pictures again, you do a good job.  Today was good and busy.  We just relaxed this morning and watched a movie.  Ruthie can climb stairs now, and she loves it.  She is also crawling a lot better.  When Casey got up we went to Somebodies attic and dropped off some of Oliver's old clothes.  Isaac found a gun and sunglasses, I attached a picture.  After lunch the girls next door came over and spent the afternoon.  We made caramel apples with them.  They liked to eat the caramel and candy the best.  We were getting bowls out for stuff and a cup fell on Casey's phone and cracked the glass.  So after dinner we went to best buy to get a new one but it is such a racket we didn't get one.  We are looking at other options.  I have a old phone he is going to use.  Casey made enchiladas from our garden tomatoes for dinner and it tasted really good.



Today was good. I slept in, and it was amazing. I had to work at lagoon tonight. I had to stay late to help. So I went and watched the shows. While I was watching the show it started to pour rain. I had to run to the other side of the park. I was drenched. Well hope everyone had a good day.


Friday, September 30, 2016

I see a weekend in our future

Today was a good day.  I got a lot done and that felt nice.  We came home and just vegged.  I need to get some laundry done for sure this weekend.  Not much else to report.  Robin I am so sorry about your machine.  I sure hope they fix it.  I would put a bad review on it for sure.  I am excited for Tuesday.  It will be fun to play.  Everyone enjoy this nice weather.  LOVE MOM


What a nightmare about your machine Robin, I hope that they are able to fix it.  We had a good day.  We went to story time while Isaac was at school and the kids had fun.  Oliver is so cute their, I probably say that every week, sorry.  We watched a show while Ruthie napped and that was nice.  Then Oliver took a nap and me and Isaac did beads.  Imogene came over for a little bit but she wasn't supposed to so she didn't stay long.  We got the bubble guns out and Casey made some bubble liquid and the boys had a fun time playing with that.  Thanks for everything and have a good night.



I am glad that the weekend is here. Things are good here. I made it thru work and it was good. It did look like it might rain a few times, but it never did. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Not crazy

Today was ok. I was so glad it was friday. I left a little early from maggie to hand my.machine back in. She thought I was crazy so she started embroidering on my machine. And it worked so I was kinda mad. But she said she would do a fancy design later that night and see what's up. And it broke on her. So she gave me a call and said she was going to send it back to be fixed. So I was glad I wasn't crazy. I also worked at lagoon. So it was a busy day have a good weekend


Thursday, September 29, 2016


Today was fun I met up with everyone at gardener village. I picked up my machine again. They said the bobbin was sitting to high so they "fixed" it. I tried it again tonight and it still struggled. So I am going back tomorrow to have a little heart to heart. I also work at lagoon so I might have to do it saturday. Who knows. Well have a good night


Good times

Wow I have played two nights in a row.  It was fun to go to gardner village.  I love how they decorate for Halloween.  Rachel we can go one time you are down here if you would like to.  It was nice to visit and walk around.  Work was OK.  Nothing too exciting for me either.  That was a good idea about the color wheel Rachel. He will really like that.  It was such a pretty day.  I think that is neat your are in a car pool.  It was really nice to visit with Robin tonight.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


It looks like you had fun tonight at Gardner Village.  I wish I could of come. Today was good for us.  We went grocery shopping while Isaac was at school.  It was my day for car pool and the boys are cute.  The made apple sauce and were excited about that.  Isaac talks about colors a lot so we ordered him a color wheel and it came today.  He loved it and we looked at all the colors you make.  Isaac went and played at Imogeans house today.  They have a dog so Isaac was worried but still went and had fun.  The internet hasn't been working great so Casey and Oliver went and got a new router tonight.  Isaac didn't want to go so we stayed home.  They internet has been working great now.  Enjoy your Friday and thanks for everything.



Well just one more day until the weekend. I am so ready. Work was good. It did drag a bit but i made it thru. After work I went to the store and got a few groceries.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fun night

I had to go to work early to set up a meeting so I left work early and we took traxs to Gateway for our oil class.  It was fun and we had a good time.  They have all different flavors of balsamic vinegar to go with the oils.  We learned a lot and are going to try it. We got pomegranate and tangerine balsamic and the tasted really good.  We will have to take you to the store at Gateway.  They have been there for 6 years.  I am excited.  Thank you Karen!  It was raining so we went into Charming Charlies and they had an umbrella.  They also had cheap tights so I got you some Robin for your costume.  Love the pictures Rachel.  Good job on them, you are getting really good.  Tomorrow we are getting together at Gardner Village.  I am excited to hook up.  LOVE MOM


This week is flying by, I can't believe it is already Wednesday.  We went to the fun park story time today.  They do a good job and the kids have fun.  Oliver always has a meltdown but he calms down and we go back.  Isaac has been wanting fried rice so Casey made that for dinner and it tasted really good.  Calleen has a farmer market on Wednesday's Casey took Ruth and Isaac to it.  Oliver was still napping so I stayed home with him which was fun for me.  When they got home the girls came over and played until bed time.  I hope that everyone gets some rest and has a good day tomorrow.


Sleepy days

Today was good. I was tired. Nothing to exciting on my end. I had to work scheels tonight so it's a boring night. Sorry it's short. But have a good night



Things are good here in Kamas. Work went by good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope that mom and dad had a fun night. I hope the olive oil class thing was fun. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I forgot to tell you what dad read today.  There is this article that says if you have kidney stones and you ride a rollercoaster.  It will help you pass them.  I think we need to test that out on dad next time  :)


Well my day was good. Wok went by fast so that was nice. Robin I am glad that your machine is fixed again. I hope it stays fixed this time. I got a mosquito bite on my elbow and it itches so it is annoying. I am excited to spend the night Rachel it will be fun. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye

Long week

This is already a long week.  I have to go into work early and set up a summit conference.  It is making me get behind but at least it will be done.  I hope it turns out OK.  Love all the pictures.  Thanks for posting them.  I am excited for next Tuesday.  Robin, you and I can drive up together since Karen will already be up there.  Let us know when frightmare is again.  That might be worth going to again.  See how the weather holds up.  Robin, I am glad your machine is fixed also.  I LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Those pictures made me laugh, thank Robin.  I am glad that your machine is done.  Thanks everyone for coming up on the 4th and thanks for spending the night Karen, that will be fun.  Today was pretty good.  We went to walmart while Isaac was at school and got Ruthie some more socks, I keep loosing all of hers.  They had a new Thomas movie so we got that also.  After school the boys watched it, it is pretty dumb.  I had to go visiting teaching.  I took Isaac and Ruthie, Oliver was napping so he stayed with Casey.  It was the worst.  Everyone was late so I was their forever and they just talked with each other.   After dinner Casey had scouts and the girls came over to play.  They are staying which was good news.  Not much else going on, I hope that everyone has a good night.


It's Tuesday

Sorry I didn't blog I fell asleep last night watching netflix. Lagoon was fun thanks for going. I get another set of tickets in October if you want to go. I was going to give them to Walters family. But due to unfortunate circumstances they are now up for grabs. I can get the dates for you. Today was good, I didn't want to work but I think that is my natural emotional state now. I have the 4th off as well. Are we still doing garden village on thursday mom?
They called and said my machine is ready but I work scheels today and tomorrow so I am picking it up sometime this week.


Monday, September 26, 2016

coming along

We are coming along.  Not much going on with us.  Work was work.  My computer wouldn't work this morning but they fixed it so that was good.  I was feeling behind today.  I guess I will get caught back up.  I had a fun time yesterday as well.  I got the 4th of October also.  I am ready to go.  Rachel I bet Isaac felt really important because you were in his class.  I am glad he is doing good.  Robin thanks again for getting us tickets.  It was nice to hang out.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun time yesterday, we had a blast.  Isaac is ready to go back again.  Today was good.  Casey took the day off and I went and volunteered in Isaac's class.  It was good to go and I feel a lot better about things.  Isaac does great, he is a cute kid.  It was my carpool day so I just ran to joanns afterwards and then picked the kids up.  I made lasagna for dinner and it tasted really good.   Thanks for taking the 4th off, we will have fun decorating.



Things are good here in Kamas. It was cold this morning but it did warm up this afternoon.  Work was good today. I stayed busy so time went by pretty quick for a Monday.  I did get the 4th of October off so I can go decorate. But since I thought it was silly to take Tuesday and not Monday off, I took Monday off also. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...