Saturday, November 12, 2022


 We.made safe and sound. We got Isaac a bigger violin and then went grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Rachel madecsalmon for dinner and that tasted so good. We just hung out.and it was nice. We are spending the night and going to the primary program in the morning. I am glad you got some branches cut. Love mom

Friday, November 11, 2022


 Work quiet. Everyone came back  from Florida sick. I came home and just rested. I have been tired today also. I am sorry Luna and Ruth are sick. The hospital is double bunking. There are some bad sicknesses going around. Just let them go slow. We are going to Logan and spending the night. We can upgrade the violin. Karen drive safe to Lehi. Give Luna a hug for me. Love mom


 I went to work and Casey called around 9 and said Ruth didn't fell well and he couldn't work from home today.  So I came home and spent the day with her.  I think she was just tired because I sat with her and she fell asleep for 4 hours.  I cleaned the house and caught up on laundry.  It felt so nice to get all of that done.  I picked the boys up from school and we had time to do crafts.  We made diamond bead Christmas ornaments and then we did pearler beads.  It was so nice and I feel a lot less stressed.  Isaac had ambassadors and had a fun time there.  He said he is ready to go to a full size so I thought we could do that tomorrow if we had time.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel


I worked from home today. Luna is still sick but I think getting better. She has been bitting and hitting a lot. Hopefully it's just a thing when she is sick. It's not a fun trait she's aquired. 



 My day was busy. I had an internal audit to do this morning and it took longer than I thought it would. I got it done though. Then the rest of the afternoon I worked on emails I got. By the time I got through my emails it was time to go home. I applied for a remote job and I got advanced to a interview. It was strange. They had 5 questions, so you read the question and the recorded a response. It was kind of awkward but I made it through. I will let you know if they get back with me. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, November 10, 2022


 Today was good.  They launched a new product at work.  These Christmas houses that are pretty cute so everyone was excited.  The had another give away and I got a bunch of pretty pins for all of us.  I got the kids some ribbon and buttons.  Isaac has orchestra.  Me and the little kids put together primary gifts for after the program. Tiffany was really sweet and sent us a package.  We called her and talked for a while.  Oliver was really cute.  I had a primary meeting tonight and I was dreading it but it ended up being really fun.  We just played bunko and talked.  It was really a fun night.  The heating element for the dryer today and Casey picked it up.  But the werid thing is the dryer is working again.  I don't know what happened.  It may be a short somewhere.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I was tired all day but did work all day. So that was good. Dad babysat Luna. He loves that. He did start having a kidney stone. He is doing good. We just vegged tonight. The crown is on so we watched that. Have a nice Friday. Karen I am jealous you got gifts already. You are on top of things. Love mom


Thanks again for dad coming down. Sorry if Luna was a handful. I did the at home test for COVID and she was negative. So that was good. Her cough is dying down but she still has a runny nose. Work was good they told us a Month ago this huge project needed to get done by this week but then didn't give anyone access till Monday. So this week has been busy. I'm working from home tomorrow. I picked up groceries after work and we just took it easy tonight. Luna was on edge so everything made her upset. Hopefully tomorrow she is more zen



 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. That means the weekend is almost here. My day was good. There was only about an inch of snow on my walks this morning so I didn't bother to shovel. It melted by lunch so I think it was a good decision. Work was busy today. I kept getting distracted so it was hard to finish any one thing. I made it through though. I figured out what to get the kids for Christmas so I got it ordered. It feels good to make some progress on Christmas shopping. I hope that everyone had a great Thursday and I hope Luna is feeling better. Bye

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 Work was so dead. Everyone was gone. We took Trax downtown and went to dinner with the people I work with and it was really good. Then we went to the gala. It raiser and was long but Rachel platten and Mandell sang. I just wish the had sang more.  They both have beautiful voices. I thought the last train was at 10 so we had to rush to lcatch the train buy I was wrong nut that was OK i was ready to leave. Dad is going to lunas tomorrow.he is excited. I am sorry she is sick. Love mom


They called me right about 4:15 that Luna had a fever. This morning she was acting fine. So I'm not sure what made her go down. So tomorrow dad is coming back up to watch her. Friday I don't have have any meetings so I can work from home. I ran to Walgreens after work because Luna has to do an in home COVID test since she fevered. Our power went out last night and it was dead silent. It woke Luna up. The power finally came back on at 6 so her fan noise came back in and she went right to sleep. So she was tired. You can also here the tree limbs on the roof. So Karen is going to come down with her little chian saw so we can cut them off the roof. 



 It rained and snowed all day here all.  It came and went.  We went on a walk at work and it was nice weather and as soon as we walked in a huge rain storm happened.  I just did little odd and ends at work.  Wednesdays are nice because we don't have anything after school.  Ruth had a friend over and they played really well together.  Oliver had the best day of his life with the little bit of snow that came.  Isaac has been playing Christmas music on his violin and I love it so much.  Casey took the kids to activity days and they had fun.  I went grocery shopping while they were gone.  Exercise at 8 on Wednesday and it seems so late.  

Love Rachel 


 It snowed here off and on all day here. It was also cold and windy. Work was good nothing too exciting. I have just been working on my to do list. I hope one day that it will get shorter. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Work was good. It is super quiet. Everyone one is in florida At a conference. They all changed their flights so they wouldn't get stuck in the hurricane. They let me bring my computer home in case the snow was bad. I thought that was nice. We get to go to the 100 birthday party gala tomorrow night. We are all meeting for dinner and then going to the gala. I think it will be fun. They are all dressing fancy but I am just wearing a skirt. Me and dad are taking Trax downtown. Dad said Luna was congested and had a hard time laying down. He sure had fun. Rachel you are so busy. It is hard dropping off and picking up. It takes all your time. Karen I am glad you found someone to do snow. Have a great hump day. Love mom 


 I hope Luna feels better soon.  Today was good.  We had a potluck and a baby shower at work.  It was fun to talk for a while.  After school Oliver went to his friends house.   Ruth had tumbling and Isaac had orchestra.  I was picking and dropping off everyone.  I went to exercise class after work.  It rained most of the day today.  

Love Rachel 


Today was good. Dad was sweet and watched Luna. On my way home I stopped at Costco to grab some more diapers. Then when I got home Luna was wild, she is acting better than last night. She sti has a bad cough. Hopefully she sleeps better tonight. I'm glad you found a snow removal Karen. That will be really helpful. I guess tomorrow is going to be really snowy. Stay safe.



 My day has been good. I found a place that will handle shoveling my snow after my foot surgery, so that was nice. Work is going good. It is just the usual. It hasn't snowed yet but it is definitely coming. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, November 7, 2022


The day care called around 3 saying Luna wasn't feeling good. They had a case of rsv in the center so they were worried about her. I took her to a doctor and they said they didn't see any infection it's just a cold. She didn't sleep very good last night. And she already is struggling again tonight. So we are going to keep her home. Dad is going to come down to help Jeramy wrangle her. Jeramy is going to work from home.  Thanks again dad.ifnthe weather is too bad I can stay home and we can figure it out :) Wednesday it's suppose to be really bad weather. 



 Work was.good. it was so pretty outside to watch the clouds roll by. Rachel I am so glad you had a good day. That made me happy. Heating elements go out a lot I hope that fixes it. They have good buys on black Friday also just in case. I came home and we went to smith's because we were out of ice cream. We live a Robin I am sorry Luna is sick. Dad is excited to come down and play. Love mom


 I had a really good day today.  Nothing special happened I just felt so good all day.  I slept well and everything went well today.  Exercise class was even really fun.  Our dryer is still not working.  The error code says it is a bad heating element.  So I think we are going to replace that.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 I went to the dentist this morning. I chipped a tooth. They want to put a crown on it so I have to go back on the 21st. Then i went to work. It was a pretty quiet day so that was nice. It was super windy all day though. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, November 6, 2022


 I slept in and then we hooked up with Karen and helped her fix that leak. It was fun to work and get stuff done. Parleys canyon was so easier to drive. No campers or trailers. I am sorry jeramy is sick. It sounds like what I had. Maybe we have a bug. I sure had fun yesterday. Thanks so much for the fun time. 18 month year Olds have such a short fuse. They lose it on a dime. Day light savings is hard. Rachel I hope your practice went well. They are hard. Kids always pull it together. Love you all mom 


 It was fun to meet everyone yesterday.  Today was good.  Isaac didn't feel well this morning so he stayed home from church.  We practiced the primary program and it went really well.  I got two new teachers and I think I have all my callings filled.  I didn't have any meetings today which was nice.  Casey worked today.  I sewed and the kids played video games.  We took Tony to the park and that was nice.  Their were other kids there and they had fun playing together.  Isaac only had shorts and I had kohls cash so we went to Kohl's.  We got a ton of stuff and everything was on sale and I had a ton of Kohl's cash.  That is always fun.  The kids have been playing with the marble run a lot today.  They love it.  Everyone have a good Monday.

Love Rachel


Jeramy woke up sick he suspects food poisoning. Usually onions upset his stomach. So he was out most of the day. Luna woke up at 6:30 because she wasn't notified the time changed. She only took an hour nap. So I took her to a kids gym to get out her energy and let Jeramy get some sleep. She had fun. Then at 5:30 she lost it and took a nap then woke up at 6 pissed. She finally calmed down and was happier. Hopefully tonight isn't terrible. We will see.



 My day was good. Mom and dad met me for lunch and then they came to my place. They helped me fixed my gutter, put my toilet back toga, and fix the hook on my couch. Thanks again for all your help. It was fun seeing everyone yesterday. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...