Saturday, March 14, 2020
Fun weekend
It was fun to go to local stores and get stuff. I enjoyed that. Thanks Robin for letting us come down. Thanks Karen for coming down and Rachel for coming and spending some time with us. I sure enjoyed that. I think tomorrow will be a rest day. I think it will be nice to just veg. I did panic a little bit about empty food shelves at stores but I feel a little better now we have a few items on our shelves. Everyone enjoy Sunday. Thanks again for the fun weekend. I sure enjoyed it. LOVE MOM
Friday, March 13, 2020
Fun day
Well we started at the zoo and it was so windy and cold. We went back to the car and met Karen for lunch and got Oliver a new pair of shoes. Hopes that helps his leg pain. I did have panic set in a little bit and went to Walgreens and sprouts. They were manageable. Robin I hope you get to work from home a little bit. You could use work in your PJs. Karen I am glad you got your Jeep back. Love mom
shut it down
Today they are making everyone start working from home. Im Staying and another girl from our team to help with office stuff. I'm sure it won't be long till I have to work from home. It escalates every day. They also closed all Utah schools. It's pretty wild. They told us it's not an if but a when we get sick. So there's that light at the end of the tunnel. I'm tired tonight so we just took it easy. We did go to la fountain for dinner. It tasted good. Stay safe everyone!
Thursday, March 12, 2020
We went to winco and it was crazy. Lines were down all the isle. They did have luchables and ice cream. We but no ramen noodles. We will survive. It was kind of scary. Rachel and the kids made it safe and sound. What do you guys want to do on saturday. Love mom
Yeah, the part for my jeep is in so my car will be ready for pick up tomorrow. So yeah Friday the 13th is now my lucky day. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I haven't been to the store in a while but I am putting it off for as long as I can. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
too late
I needed to go grocery shopping just.for normal life and with the virus everyone has gone crazy and the stores are packed. The next pick up time at Walmart is Saturday night. So we might have to battle people and actually go shopping lol. They told us at work it's probably more if an when you get sick. So everyone is planning on code red. They will let me work from home though so that will be nice. We went on a long walk with Jenkins today and it was nice. It was so sunny. It nice to have extra sun.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Baby Stepping to Friday
Well I worked a little late to set up some interviews. I hope it all works out. Not much else going on. Robin, I am so sorry your back hurts. That is just awful. I hope it feels better. I am so glad you aren't in Chicago right now trying to set up wedding dresses. You have been working up a storm for months. Karen, I think your jeep might be a victim of the coronus virus. It probably had to come from China. Everything has been canceled at our place and there are hundreds of meetings to prepare us for the virus. It is starting to get old already. I am hoping they offer me to some time to work from home. That would be nice. I could sleep in and work late. Drive safe tomorrow Rachel. I am excited to play. I am going to Winco after work and pick up some food. LOVE MOM
Well still no car. They are now expecting the part on Friday. Things are good other than that. Work was good and I am staying busy so time goes by fast. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. I hope everyone has a good Thursday tomorrow. Bye
That is crazy about Paul. That is nice of Kay to go down and help. Around 12 my back randomly started to spasm. I went to Target and got the stick on hot pads but it didn't help alot. Me and Jeramy ordered blinds and they came today. We might put them us tomorrow when my back is better. Then we had tacos for dinner.
Today was busy and good. I went to exercise class and that was good. After we dropped Oliver off we went and got a couple things for the science fair. It is next week and we need to get started on it. I had quilt group and that is always fun. I love it. I helped in Oliver's class and that went good as well. The kids were good. I was going to help the PTA hang up some posters but it was canceled. Oliver had doughnuts are school and the other kids wanted one so we stopped at Lee's and got some on the way home. The kids just played outside until dinner. I was able to cut back the raspberries so they are looking good. We are headed down tomorrow after we eat dinner so we aren't stuck in traffic. Thanks for having us again. They cancelled stake conference this Sunday and want to have normal church. I need to figure out if I need to get primary organized. What a mess.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Work was good. It was busy. I am not as nervous anymore and that is good. I think I am calming down. We hooked up with the Gumm gang for dinner and Kay said that Paul called from the doctor's office this morning and they are going to have to do a triple bypass surgery on Thursday. Kay is flying down tomorrow morning and so is Scott and Jennifer. Scott and Jennifer are staying until Sunday and Kay is staying for at least 3 weeks. I guess he will be in ICU for 3 days and in the hospital for 5. Kay was pretty upset. I am so glad that Scott and Jennifer are going with her. She doesn't know her way around at all. They can teach her on where to get groceries, etc. We went to all a dollar afterwards and got a few sticker books for the church. Robin, I am so glad you go to slow. You need some calm in your life. You have had a lot of stress lately. Karen, I am so glad the snow is melting. Rachel, I hope you had a nice day. I love the pictures of Oliver being a nija. He is so serious. Have a nice hump day tomorrow. I loving having it lighter at night. LOVE MOM
It was a beautiful day today, we are enjoying it. It was so dark this morning I skipped walked and just sewed. The little kids slept in and then we went to story time. Ruth had to wear red to school and the boys wore blue. They looked cute. We walked home from school and it was nice. The kids played outside until dinner. Casey and Isaac had activity days. They were combining with the girls so I went and got the food drive all organized. The primary is in charge of handing out bags for a food drive so we are going to do it next Tuesday. I left with the little kids and we and got Oliver a new zorro mask because he lost his other one. Love you guys. Karen you have had a rough week. I hope that your car is done soon. Good job sewing Robin, that feels nice.
Things are going good here. The snow has all melted from my front yard so it must be spring. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Today was good. I'm so glad it's spring the sun was out and it was warmer. I cleaned a rack of old gowns I've needed to do for week s. It felt so nice. Then I came home and unpacked a bit. I have a walk space in my get ready room. Then I sewed. Jeramy s nephew wanted to play x box. So it was nice to watch a movie and sew in my new room. I'm sorry your tooth isn't healed yet Karen. It's cool that Isaac lost his tooth.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Well I had an appointment to see if my mouth had healed enough for a stud and he said no. So I have to wait 3 more months. Then the car place called and they didn't get the part in the were supposed to. So now it is supposed to be in on Wednesday. Other than that things are going good here. I hope everyone has a great day. Bye
Maybe since Jenkins isn't here we will come down Thursday night also so we can have more time on Friday. Thanks for having us. The kids weren't excited about the time change this morning and had a hard time getting going. I skipped walking and just went to exercise class. I attached a picture of a shield and sword that Oliver wanted to buy but didn't have enough money. He ended up with a zorro mask and a sword which he loves, I also have a picture of that. He took it to exercise class and lost the zorro mask so we will have to get a new one tomorrow. I went grocery shopping while the kids were at school. We walked home but it was raining a bit. It was still nice. Isaac lost his molar today. It has been really loose and bothering him. It was really good to get it out. He was happier this afternoon. The kids played outside after dinner and that was really nice. At preschool they are studying colors and get to wear the color they are on. Today was yellow and Ruth has a sweater and sweat pants that are yellow and she looked cute. The boys are wearing different colors to go along with the Wizard of Oz this week. I hope that I can keep what everyone should wear straight.
I couldn't sleep last night so I didn't go into work very early but I got payroll done so that was nice. We went to Lowes to get some electrical tape and they are limiting items to 10 items of cleaning supplies. I thought that was a really smart idea. They have canceled all travel at intermountain as well. I can't tell you how many people I have to cancel their trips on. Crazy. Robin, I am so glad you get to stay home. You just bought a whole week of sewing time. Good for you. Karen, I am sorry your tooth isn't ready for a stud. That stucks. I hope your jeep is ready on Wednesday. Rachel, I took Friday off. I thought I would work until you showed up and then we can hit the zoo. Robin mentioned that Jeramy has never been to the aquarium. Does that sound fun for Saturday? Karen, I hope your mid terms go well this week. Traffic has been so light lately. I am wondering if people are starting to work from home. LOVE MOM
They cancelled Chicago today. The whole Mart is shutting down because of the corona vitus. I was pretty excited. I get to stay home now. :) that my big news. We went to Subway for dinner and just lounged around the rest of the night
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Dad felt better today and even ate some solid food. That was a good sign. We went to the mall today to get a shoe holder. I have all these shoes in boxes and I thought it would be nice to go through them and organize them. Other than that is was a quiet day. Rachel I am glad you are enjoying your church calling. That makes me feel good. Karen good luck on your tests. I hope all goes well. Robin, I hope you got a restful day. You have been running. I do have to admit I like it staying light longer. It is so nice to have sunshine. I have to go to work early for payroll. Wish me luck. LOVE MOM
Things are good here. It is mid terms this week so I was reviewing stuff. I still managed a nap though so that was good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Today was good. I had a meeting this morning and there is a lot going on. Church went good and I like that part of it. It is nice to be in with the kids. Casey worked after I got home from my meeting. When we got home from church the kids played outside until dinner time, it was a beautiful day. Casey came home and had some time to prune some trees. Isaac has a paper due tomorrow and we were able to finish it tonight which is good. Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard. I hope that Dad is feeling better.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...