Monday, March 9, 2020


Maybe since Jenkins isn't here we will come down Thursday night also so we can have more time on Friday.  Thanks for having us.  The kids weren't excited about the time change this morning and had a hard time getting going.  I skipped walking and just went to exercise class.  I attached a picture of a shield and sword that Oliver wanted to buy but didn't have enough money.  He ended up with a zorro mask and a sword which he loves, I also have a picture of that.  He took it to exercise class and lost the zorro mask so we will have to get a new one tomorrow.  I went grocery shopping while the kids were at school.  We walked home but it was raining a bit.  It was still nice.  Isaac lost his molar today.  It has been really loose and bothering him.  It was really good to get it out.  He was happier this afternoon.  The kids played outside after dinner and that was really nice.  At preschool they are studying colors and get to wear the color they are on.  Today was yellow and Ruth has a sweater and sweat pants that are yellow and she looked cute.  The boys are wearing different colors to go along with the Wizard of Oz this week.  I hope that I can keep what everyone should wear straight. 


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