Thursday, July 17, 2014

Happy Birthday

Rachel, I am so glad you had a happy birthday.  I am excited to come up.  We are going to Alice's for breakfast to meet up with Deena and then coming up.  Robin that is neat that it is your last week.  I am so excited for you.  Karen you were productive getting your lawn mowed.  I had a really nice evening.  Julie called up today and said that she had tickets to Juliann and Derek Hough concert.  It was suppose to be last night but because of the big wreck they couldn't get here.  She was going to take Alysaa but Alyssa had to work tonight so I went with her.  It was really a nice concert.  They sure can dance.  They are on dancing with the stars.  We went to Cracker Barrel before for dinner.  One of her friends from work and her daughter came also.  I am excited for this weekend.  Every one drive safe.  LOVE MOM

Happy birthday

Happy birthday Rachel I'm glad you had a fun day. :) today was good. Work was busy I am glad next week is my last week. Every day I get more excited. Then after work I had a photoshoot. I've done a shoot with her before but she is sumiting  the images to nyc for a magazine subscription.  She said we will know by September if we have been chosen. So if we are I will buy a million copies. :) just kidding. I am beat though.  I am ready to sleep the night away. Have a great Friday. 

The best birthday ever

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.  I am excited for this weekend.  Thank you for all coming up, we will have fun.  I had a really nice birthday.  Casey, Isaac and Oliver sent me some really pretty flowers.  I went to lunch with Jenn and we left Isaac with her daughter.  It was really fun.  We went to El Sol with Casey's family and it was fun.  Isaac really wanted a tamale.  Then we came back to our house and had cake.  It tasted really good.  He put raspberries all over it and it tasted really good.  Well we are excited fro Mom and Dad to come tomorrow.  Drive safe.


Happy Birthday

It was hard getting up this morning after having a day off. I was tough and did it anyway. Work was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I got my lawn mowed after work, so I felt super productive. I hope that you had a happy birthday, Rachel. Have a great one. Bye

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Today was good work went by fast which was nice. Then I met up with walter for dinner we went to lucky 13 it's Walters favorite hamburger spot. We meet up with one of his cousins. It's from his Walters dad side. It's the first time I've meet anyone from his dad's side, he was really cool. He kinda reminded me of Jeff he had a long beard. But he was really nice. I didn't get home till 10. Tomorrow at lunch I am going to help Walter get his truck to the shop and hopefully get fixed. I also have a photo shoot tomorrow. The girl that called me said that they were going to publish it in a magazine. So that will be fun, I love your couch Karen I'm glad you got a fun day off you'll love those couches. And happy birthday to Rachel!!!! I love birthdays I am the same as Karen I will give you your gift on Saturday. Walters still waiting to hear if he has to work or not so he is up in the air,  so eat lots of birthday cake and I hope you have a great day!


Happy almost birthday

Rachel that is so cute with Oliver jumping.  He is growing up way to fast.  I think that is so sweet that Isaac and Casey made you a cake and cup cakes.  You are spoiled.  I am excited to come up and play.  We drove up to Kamas to see the couch.  It looks so nice.  It is just perfect in her living room.  It was such a beautiful drive and the weather was a lot cooler up at Karen's place.  Robin, I hope all is going well.  Not too much longer left.  Are they going to throw you a farewell party?  I hope you are hanging in there.  LOVE MOM


I am loving my couch so far. Rachel I put my TV where my chair use to be, opposite the windows in the living room. Mom and dad just left. They came up to check out my new stuff. I had a nice day off. I hope that you have a great birthday tomorrow Rachel. I am planning on coming up on Saturday. I will bring your present up with me then. I will be up there before lunch, but I am still planning on coming home that night if that is okay. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Tomorrow is my birthday, that will be pretty awesome.  We had a slower day today and that was good.  This morning we played and I made zucchini bread, which was good.  At 1 they had a water party at the library.  It was fun and they had two jump houses/slides.  Isaac had fun but it was really crowded and the third time down the stream of kids wouldn't let him climb up to get down the slide so I had a older girl help him and a girl crashed into him at the bottom.  He was done so we went home.  This evening Casey and Isaac made me cupcakes and cake for my birthday.  Then we put fire on them and blew them out.  I think we will be doing that a lot the next couple days.  Then we weeded and hung outside.  It was nice.  I love your couch Karen.  It is beautiful.  Where are going putting your TV.  I am super jealous.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

An Exciting Day

This evening Isaac said that he had an exciting day which was good to hear.  We went to story time this morning and they held it outside which wasn't a great idea.  It was really hot and they were mowing the lawn so it was loud.  I felt bad for the lady doing it.  I was going to go to the park afterwards to meet up with a group from church that meets but Oliver was hungry so we just went home.  Jenn couldn't sew today so we went to the jump zone.  I saw a girl from the singles ward Holly and it was good to talk to her.  The power went out halfway through which was fun for Isaac, they still let the kids jump.  Then both boys took a nap when we got home so I started to mark my pineapple quilt so I can quilt it, I am about half way done now.  We went out for dinner to get a tamale for Isaac for part of my mardi gras birthday week.  They had a primary water party at 7 so we went to that and it was fun.  Isaac had a fun time running around with the kids.  He didn't get the games he just ran.  He was pretty cute.  Casey's bike was broken so he stayed home and fixed it with Colin.  It is good to go now.  Here are some pictures from the last few days.  Oliver started jumping in the jumper and I took a video but I can't get it to upload.  I will try again tomorrow.  Good luck with the couch tomorrow.  I am jealous that you get to sleep in.


Count down

Good luck with your couch tomorrow Karen.  I am so excited for you.  I am jealous you get to sleep in.  Robin I am glad you changed the oil in your car.  Mine really needs to get that done also.  We are counting down to a lot of things.  New couch, new job, birthday.  Fun times.  We got all the meds done today.  Pharmacy and Sam's.  I am glad that is done.  Have a great Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


Well my couch gets here tomorrow. Hopefully it all goes well. I am taking the day off so at least I get to sleep in. My day has been pretty good. I had engineering meeting this morning. It is suppose to start at ten, but the meeting before it ran long so it didn't start until 1045. Then when we got in the meeting room it was hot and they closed the doors so that made it even worse. So all I could think of while I  was sitting there for over an hour was the hobbit picture Robin put on the blog yesterday. I made it thru though. Well I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Wax on

Work went well. It went fast which was nice, I forgot to tell you I got my oil changed yesterday. Well it all went well but they cleaned my windows and they sucked at it. There is a thin white film. Horrid, I went it gordmans today to get a new skirt for my new job it was fun. Walters truck is getting fixed I was going to pick him up but his finance class went late so I took a nap and just vegged. Have a good one.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Love it

Robin that poster is the best.  That is funny.  Man it was a hot one today.  Summer has made it.  When we took Rachel home it was 103 that day.  Tis the season.  I am excited for this weekend.  Robin we are so flexible.  We were planning on coming home Saturday night also.  Not much else going on with us.  I did cut dad's hair.  It was getting in the mad scientist look.  We did walk clear to 7-11 for donuts tonight.  Dad was craving them.  My boss is on vacation for two weeks.  I am hoping to get all caught up.  I really made progress today.  I might even get bored here before you know it.  LOVE MOM

T minus 3 days

That was a funny picture Robin.  It was so hot today.  We went to sam's club this morning and I was boiling.  We spent the rest of the afternoon downstairs playing cars and rockets.  Isaac and Oliver are doing good.  Isaac seems to be eating better and trying new foods.  He has been eating bananas again which is nice.  After dinner we went and got some ice cream and then we went to Khols and got Casey some new clothes and I got a new shirt.  It was fun.  Casey rode his bike to work and likes that so far.  I am excited for my birthday and this weekend.  It will be fun.


I'm melting

It is soooo hot at work. The have swamp coolers which add humity and then dumb people open the doors and let the hot air in and the cold air out. But other then that work is good. I think my boss is kinda freaking out I'm leaving because projects he put on hold are now getting done. So at least I'm not bored anymore. This girl called me and wants me to do makeup Thursday after work so I thought it would be good. Mom this weekend I think I will plan on driving. I'm not sure if joe is shooting Saturday or Sunday, so I will just drive then I can kinda leave and go whenever. I am planning on coming up Saturday but I will come down Saturday night If that is ok. Well have a good one


Well my day has been good. Work went by fast, so that was nice. I get my couch on Wednesday. I am excited. They even called today and they said it would be delivered between 2 and 6. Well I really don't have much else to report so I will sign off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fun times

I am so excited for your birthday Rachel.  I only have to work 4 days this week.  We had a nice day.  We took Grandma out to lunch and decided to go to Heber City.  Just to get out for awhile.  It was fun and we went to Walmarts afterwards.  El Torro Viejo sounds so good Rachel.  I am jealous.  I am glad you dyed your hair.  I am sorry you got my gray hair.  Not much else going on with us.  I am planning on coming up to Logan Friday and Saturday.  Karen is coming up also on Saturday.  She wanted to know if you wanted to drive up with her Robin?  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM




Today was good I was tired so I slept in. It was nice. Walters truck broke down so I picked him up and went to his family for dinner. I guess a buddy of his is going to look at it tonight and see what is wrong. I decided to dye my hair today. I had some gray hairs poking out. I hope everyone has a good week, I know something big is happening this week but I can't remember what. I hope I remember I feel like a present is needed but I just can't put my finger on it :) 



This morning we went to church and it went well.  The boys were really good and Isaac liked sunbeams.  We were playing the living room and I started cleaning up the plants by taking dead leafs off.  Then we took them all outside and Casey filled them all up with soil and soaked them.  I think that they will be a lot happier.  Friday I picked four cups of raspberries and I think today I got 6.  I have just frozen them all for now and I think that I am just going to make a ton of jam at one time.  This evening Casey has been wanting to eat at El Toro so we went there for dinner to celebrate the car.  It tasted good.  Afterwards Isaac didn't want to go home, he wanted to see old cars.  We told them they were gone so he wanted to go to the perfect store.  So we were just driving around and we saw a police man escorting all these old cars.  So we went to the parking lot where they were going and their were a ton of vintage cars there.  So we walked around for a while.  It was a fun random experience.  I am glad that you had a fun weekend Karen and Mom, that sounds nice.  Robin I love your picture, you did a good job on the makeup.  I love how it turned out.



My day has been good. I met mom, dad, and grandma for lunch. It was fun to hang out. Then i came home and had a nap. So really not too much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...