Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Tomorrow is my birthday, that will be pretty awesome.  We had a slower day today and that was good.  This morning we played and I made zucchini bread, which was good.  At 1 they had a water party at the library.  It was fun and they had two jump houses/slides.  Isaac had fun but it was really crowded and the third time down the stream of kids wouldn't let him climb up to get down the slide so I had a older girl help him and a girl crashed into him at the bottom.  He was done so we went home.  This evening Casey and Isaac made me cupcakes and cake for my birthday.  Then we put fire on them and blew them out.  I think we will be doing that a lot the next couple days.  Then we weeded and hung outside.  It was nice.  I love your couch Karen.  It is beautiful.  Where are going putting your TV.  I am super jealous.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...