Saturday, April 23, 2022


 We had a good day and got a lot done.  Ruth and Oliver had soccer games this morning.  It was cold but not too bad.  The kids are playing really well.  Casey isn't feeling great but he didn't get much rest today.  We thought we would mow the lawn but we needed to clean up the branches from the trees.  So Casey wanted to take the trailer to the dump to clear it off for the branches.  I have been wanting to remove the brinks in the front between the window and thought it would be good to put them on the trailer to the dump. So we got sidetracked but we moved the bricks.  I moved the extra dirt to the front flower bed and it looks a lot better.  We dropped the little kids off at a birthday party and went to the dump.  Then we cleaned up the branches.  The lawn mower would start because of a bad battery so we are charging it.  Mom sent some money to see the bad guys movie so we went and saw that.  It was fun to go out but the movie wasn't good.  It wasn't anything like the books at all.  Isaac has been wanting to make Caesar salad dressing so he did that tonight and we had it with dinner.  It was good.  It has anchovies in it which is werid.  Good job Karen finishing everything up.  You did a great job and should be proud.

Love Rachel


 Way to go Karen. That is a huge accomplishment. We are so proud of you. Hope you enjoyed your milkshake you deserved it. We went to Lehi today and played with Luna and did a little packing robin said they get to close both houses on Wednesday so now we can have all day Friday in the new house. That will help a lo t.  I took Friday off so we can clean and move precious things over. That will be fun to see the house. Not much else going on with us. I hope the Anderson bunch had a nice day. Love mom


 Well I did it. I finished my final project and presentation. I also turned it in so whew I am done with that class. The only thing I have left in my other class is the final and I can't do that until the 3rd. That was pretty much my day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, April 22, 2022


 Sorry I am late blogging.  I went to ladies night for exercise class.  We did a paint night and it was a lot of fun.  We watched a video and all painted the same thing.  It was fun night.  Today was good.  I slept well last night and I slept in because it was raining.  So that was nice.  I went to exercise class.  Then me and Ruth went to the book table to get a birthday present for a party tomorrow.  We had lunch at great harvest which was fun.  I went on a field trip with Ruth's class.  We went to meadow view park and planted trees.  They had the holes dug and the kids filled in the dirt.  It was really cold and windy.  It rained a bit but nothing too hard.  The kids were pretty good but we had a couple kids cry and complain.  After school impulsively we went and got doughnuts.  Then played video games because it was raining.  Casey is done working late which is nice.  Oliver was supposed to have a soccer game but the cancelled it.  Karen we can definitely help.  I will put it in my calendar.

Love Rachel


Work was good. They can't get cleaning help so administration cleaned. We cleaned the ee waiting room. I was sweating when I was done. I cockpit some chicken today and it was good. We just vegged. We are going down and help pack tomorrow. Can't believe just one more week. Good.ouck Karen. You have worked so hard on that report. Rachel I hope you survived planting trees in the rain. Have a nice weekend. Love mom


I worked from home today. Luna took a 3 hour nap so that was nice. I think she will have a hard time going to sleep tonight. But it was nice to have some focus time at work. Luna wanted to get over where Jenkins was and she took like 19 steps on her own to get to him. She wouldn't walk again all night. But it was cute when it lasted. She keeps trying to stand on her head. 



 Yeah, the weekend is here. Work was good nothing too wild and crazy. It was a wet afternoon. I am going to get my capstone project done and turned in this weekend. Then I will just have the final in my other class left. Free dump day is the 4th of June. I am planning on taking down the swing set. So if anyone wants to come up feel free. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, April 21, 2022


 Today was quiet at work but I never got ahead. It kept coming faster than I got things done. I left early to go to the doctor to get my blood pressure checked and it was better today. That was good. We went to the mall and walked afterwards and had dinner. We shared one of those chicken rice bowls. It was good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am sorry she has pink eye. Her friend at work is going to get it if he hasn't already. My eyes have hurt ever since you told me. Rachel I love that material. It is so pretty. I am glad you can sew again. Karen two more weeks and counting. So close and yet so far. One more week for you robin. Wow. Be careful in the weather. Love mom


This morning Luna had some eye goobers. So I washed them off and we went to daycare. Around 3 they called me and said she had pink eye. So I was able to get a doctor's appointment for her and get some eye drops. Hopefully it goes away quickly. I am working from home tomorrow because we are banished from daycare till Monday. Then after I picked up her eye drops she fell asleep in the car. So I worked for an hour to make up for lost time. Then when she woke up I gave her a bath. Hopefully she sleeps ok tonight


 Today ok, I might have been grumpy a bit.  I walked this morning.  It is earth day tomorrow and the second grade was going to clean outside.  It is supposed to snow so they moved it to today.  Me and Ruth helped.  It was a lot of fun and my group was really good and stayed with me.  Then we went to PetSmart to get Tony a new leash, his broke.  I have been slowly working on trimming some triangles and I finally got them done today.  I am going to use them to make the block below.  Oliver walked home again and then took Tony for a walk.  Ruth had dance class.  I picked her up and we hard a fast dinner then we went to Oliver's soccer game.  The wind really picked up when we got there and was bad the whole game.  Oliver played so well and paid attention.  I was so proud of him.  He did a great job.  This is last night Casey has to work late so that will be nice.  

Love Rachel


 It was super windy here all day. It is supposed to snow tomorrow. Work was good. I had 2 meetings today. One was long and went from 1100 to 1230, the other one was a harassment prevention training. So it was a little dull but at least it was short. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


 Work was good. Just same old same old. I came home and just vegged. I did sign up for my state retirement last night. It was weird doing that but it is fun at the same time. First baby step. Luna is standing so good. Have a nice Thursday. Love mom


I had a dentist appointment today to get my final crown and a cleaning. My gums hurt now. It took forever but at least I'm done. Luna fell asleep on the ride home so I just kept her in her car seat and put her in the stroller. I took Jenkins around the block. When we got home the neighbors dogs got out and started snipping at Jenkins. Jenkins tried to hide under the stroller and it was a hot mess. Luckily the neighbors grabbed their dogs quick and it was fine. Then I forgot my keys so I was locked out. So I just waited in our patio till Jeramy got home. Luckily Luna slept through everything and it was fine. Then we went to one man band for dinner.



 I walked and went to exercise class this morning.  We did high and it is so fun.  Isaac's stomach hurt this morning so he stayed home.  He rested all day which was good.  I went grocery shopping after I dropped Ruth off and a guy helped me unload my cart because of my hand.  It was really nice of him.  I picked the kids up from school and Oliver forgot his backpack so we drove back.  He wanted me to drop him off by the canal so he could walk home but I just had him walk from school.  He came home and took Tony on a walk.  He went father than I thought and it was more dangerous.  He walked back to the school and then walked across 400 e and up 2200 n where their isn't a sidewalk.  He had so much fun.  Me and Ruth weeded the front flower bed.  It looks so much better.  Ruth made me some lemon water which was really sweet of her.  I am going to get some flowers tomorrow i hope.  Ruth had a soccer game.  She plays really well and was an awesome goalie.  She got tired at the end but she did great.  The boys came and played at the park.  They met someone who like five nights at Freddy's and had a fun time. We picked up tacos on the way home for dinner.  Then Isaac went to young men's.  Casey just got home so he didn't have to work as late which is nice.  

Love Rachel


 Things are good here in Kamas. Work is still moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy. After work I went and put gas in my car. I joined hulu so I am watching Dharma and Greg. It is funny. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


 Work was good and went by fast..I rode Trax into work and dad picked me up and we met Karen in park City. We are at billy Blanca and it was good. Afterwards we went to the outlet mall and I got me a new pair of shoes. We came home and just vegged. It rained a little bit on our way home. Rachel that video made my day. Robin I hope your house passed. Thanks Karen for the nice evening. Love mom


 I walked morning and it was warm.  It got colder and colder as the day went on.  Ruth was tied and slept in so I sewed.  I also got the teacher appreciation party planned and that feels good.  Oliver's teacher texted me an hour before school was out because was cold so I brought him his jacket.  Ruth and Oliver had soccer practice.  It was rainy so they practiced in the rain.  Ruth had tumbling also.  Oliver wasn't paying attention so I took a video.  He may never be an athlete.  I have been trying to ice and heat my hand all day.  Oliver loves the rice packs so I got all of them out.  Ruth put hers in the microwave for too long and it smells burnt in our house.  My pinky started to move today.  You can't see it very well but I can feel it so that is encouraging.

Love Rachel


Today was good. I took Jenkins to doggie day care so they could re check the house. I haven't heard any news back so I'm assuming it's all ok. It was so windy today. I picked up spaghetti factory when I pick up Jenkins. It tasted good. 



 My day was good. Work is moving along. I left early today to go to the allergist. I told him I didn't think the shots were working so they are going to max the dose and see if that helps. If at the end of the year it hasn't then that will be the end of the shots. So fingers crossed it helps. Mom and dad met me for dinner. It was fun to hang out. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, April 18, 2022


 Thank you again for hosting this weekend Karen.  It was such a fun weekend.  Thank you again.  Today was hard for everyone to get back to real life.  Isaac didn't feel well this morning but he made it to school.  I slept in and just walked Tony whis afternoon.  Their were a ton of people at the park.  I went to exercise class this morning.  I picked up the ceramics finally and they are so cute.  They turned out great.  Ruth was so excited to spend her easter money so we picked Isaac up from orchestra and went to Walmart to change everything into dollars.  They had the hardest time deciding what to get and we were their forever.  Isaac ended up not getting anything.  The game he wanted was too much.  Oliver bought a big ball for the trampoline and they had a lot of fun with it.  Ruth went to Clair's.and got notebooks.  She was so happy.  Casey worked late and just got home.  Love you guys and thanks again.  I always feel like I don't do enough.  You guys are awesome.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...