Saturday, May 12, 2012


I have the most amazing girls. Thank you for the wonderful mother's day. I had such a nice day. You guys are the best. You make being a mom easy. Have a great Sunday. I love my fan. LOVE MOM

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ready to Party

I am excited for you to come down tomorrow Karen. I will have dinner ready for you and we will eat and go play. We are thinking of just using the two gifts we bought and putting all our names on it. How do you feel about that one. WE can decide when you come down. Well have a great friday. Don't work to hard. LOV EMOM

Almost there

Well other than packing I am ready to go. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. Really nothing too exciting to report. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Have a great one. BYE

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let the good times roll

I am officially on vacation and dad decided to take a couple of days off also. We are coming up to Logan in the morning. That will be fun. Rachel I love the quilt. It makes me motivated to get mine done. I need to focus and get it done. I have been so anxious the last couple of days. I hope this goes away soon. It is really hard to handle. I am sure dad and Robin agree with that remark. It will be nice to have some time off. Rachel I got a gift we can go in together with it. I was thinking that Friday I would put Casey's roast sandwiches in the crock pot and we could have them before the reception. I made lasgana and chicken enchiladas tonight for the weekend. I am going to Einstein bagel in the morning to get bagels for Tasty Turkeys. I got all the ingredients for them. I am ready to party!!!!! LOVE MOM


I haven't gotten Marissa anything.  You guys are on top of it.  Maybe I will get her a card tomorrow and some money.  Today was good.  It was really nice weather.  I finished my bow tie quilt, I still need to put a border on but the hard part is done.  They finally shipped my block of the month for May, they are really late.  Well I am excited for the festivities to begin.  



I bought marissa a snow cone maker for her wedding. its not the one on the list but its cute. I also got some beer mugs with long spoon handles for root beer floats. they are nice. Work was busy today it was nice I am excited for the weekend though. :) robin


Well my day has been good. i wish it was my Friday like mom. Oh well just 2 more work days to go. I put chicken in to my crock pot this morning and it turned out good. I like having dinner home when I come home from work. Well have a good trip to Logan mom. BYE

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


today was good nothing to crazy, I was tired so I didn't go to the gym and made toffee instead. nothing else to crazy I'm glad everyone is doing well have a good one robin

My Thursday

Well tomorrow is my Friday and then I get to play for 4 days. I just thought I would rub that in a little bit. I am way excited about that. Rachel I am so glad you found that contact. I am surprised it didn't give you a headache. I am glad you got a screen door you are going to love it. It will get a dent in it sooner or later anyway. Karen I am so glad your plants are doing well. That is really good. Mint is like a weed. Once they start growing it will never stop. You will be able to supply nations with that plant. I didn't do much tonight. Just watched Eureka. I didn't sleep good last night so I thought I would just take it easy. I am going to try to go to bed at 10 and see how that works for me. Don't work too hard. LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. None of my plants are dead yet. My spearmint is growing really good. I went grocery shopping after work so that was nice to get done. I also got gas in my car and got my car washed. I also got a card for the wedding reception. So I am all set. Well have a great one bye.

Fun in the sun

Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning and then went to Sams club.  Jenn couldn't sew today so we are just going to meet up next week.  I worked on my bow tie quilt, I haven't wanted to work on it lately so it was good to get some done on it.  I am almost finished.  Tonight Casey came home a little early which was nice.  We just played outside for a while then we went to Lowes and bought a screen door for the back door.  It is really nice.  We didn't look at it before we bought it though and it is dented on the side.  I was in too much of a hurry.  It will be really nice to have, thank Mom and Dad.  One more thing.  This morning I was putting in my contacts and the right eye went in fine and I put my left one in and it was gone.  I wasn't sure if I dropped it or not.  But it felt like it was still in my eye but I couldn't see it.  So I ended up putting another pair in and I kept looking for the contact in my eye all day.  When Casey came home I had him look and he couldn't see anything.  But I think rolling my eye around moved it to the front and I saw it and got it out.  I am glad that i finally found it.  Well I am excited for this weeks festivities.  It will be fun, especially the quilt show. :)


Monday, May 7, 2012


Robin, I might need therapy after that picture. It is really good. I had a good day also. It was windy this morning but it turned out to be a good day. Work was quiet and I went to the store and then did wash and ironed. I still have a lot of ironing to do. I am hoping to get a little bit done tomorrow night also. Not much else to report here. I only have to work two more days this week. Too much fun. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM

tonight I blog

I am losing my mind. I keep forgetting to blog and I forget everything. I'm a space cadet this week. well I am glad that you anniversary went well I'm glad you got to go on a mini vacation. My weekend was fun the avengers was good, I liked the hulk the best. then I had a photoshoot I will post a pict. i took from face book. I got my tax return today :) super excited. already boosted my amazon spending with a new makeup case. I am so excited mine is breaking and falling apart. its sad looking. Then I went to the gym today it felt good to run a bit. and that is my day its been productive. I'm excited to see everyone on friday robin

Towers of Midnight

Karen, you really need to read the new wheel of time books.  I just finished Towers of Midnight and it was really good.  There is only one book left and I am excited for that to come out.  Today was good.  The people across the street started to move in.  So there has been a lot of activity over there.  I ironed on all the wheels on the truck quilt and I will sew them on tomorrow when I sew with Jenn.  It is starting to really look nice.



Well my Monday has been good. The engineering meeting went long. It seemed really long. Other than that it has been a pretty good day. I am glad that you had a good anniversary Rachel. Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday. BYE.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fun vacation

I am glad that everyone had a good weekend.  I hope that you guys did something fun.  We had a fun time.  It was perfect weather for Lava Hot springs and we had fun.  Isaac really liked swimming, he was really cute.  He did really well with everything.  He slept great int he hotel.  Well back to reality.  I hope that everyone has a good night and Monday.


Good Weekend

I had a really nice weekend also. Karen you forgot your pears. We will have to eat them for you. I got a nap this afternoon and that was good. We went and saw grandma Bodily this morning and Susan is there for wedding. It was nice to visit with them. I am excited for the next weekend also. Man we are having a good time aren't we. Rachel, I hope you had a good anniversary. Dad has been using his tens unit and that seems to be helping him a lot with his pain. That is a good thing. HOpe everyone's week goes well. LOVE MOM


Well I had a fun time this weekend. Thanks mom, dad, and Robin. I also liked the movie, I am going to have to bye that one. I hope that Rachel and Casey had a good anniversary and a fun time at lava hot springs. Well I hope that everyone has a great week bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...