Saturday, August 29, 2009


so I went to the Ex today with girl from my ward. It like a big fair, it was fun though. I also bought fabric to do maleficent's head piece. I hope it turns out I'm pretty excited. well sorry to make it short I'm sleepy. I'm going to go to bed. ttyl love you


Jeff came and worked on grandpa's truck and dad helped him. We got it all inspected and registered. Jiffy lube did it. I hope Karen's tetanus is going well. I am glad you got new shoes. Rachel I love the carrot. Did you eat it? I got a recipe for you for carrot cookies. They are really good. We went to Annette's birthday party and we had a good time. It was at the neighbors and he is a doctor and they have this really nice yard. It was good. I will be back in Logan in the morning. I am going to get ready to go tomorrow. Hey Robin. I was wondering do you want me to wear a coat up for you? I am not going to be able to fit all your clothes so if you have a desire for one over the other let me know. LOVE MOM


Rachel that is a pretty big carrot. You have got good green thumb. Well my day has been good. I have gone to the bank, grocery shopping, I even got a new pair of jeans and a new pair of shoes. I am working on getting my homework done. I needed a break though so I thought that I would write on the blog. I am almost done. I have to read one more chapter and do the workbook on that chapter. Then I have to do laundry, finish a drawing for dad's work, and start getting packed for Canada. Plenty of time right? Well I hope that everyone is having a good Saturday. BYE

Friday, August 28, 2009

Biggest Carrot Ever

We picked the biggest carrot from our garden today.

It is pretty awesome.
Not much else is going on. Casey made it home safely and we ate at the Indian Oven for dinner, it was really good. Everyone have a good weekend.


Dad made it home safe and sound and we went to Best Buy and got me a new camera for my trip. He leaves on Sunday for Washington DC. He is excited to go. Kristen called dad and invited us to go to Annette's surprise birthday party. It is tomorrow night. I am not sure if we are going or not. Margaret and Mel want us to go. We are going to stay the night tomorrow in Salt Lake City and I am going to drop dad off at the airport on Sunday morning. I will drive down on Wednesday and he will take me to the airport on Sunday. Rachel I love your heart quilt. It is going to be really cute. Karen I hope that tetanus shot doesn't make you feel too sick. I am getting excited for Toronto. I can't believe it is almost here. Harmony's house guest is going to take my old couch and love seat on Tuesday before I go and then I am going to have someone come and clean my carpets the wednesday we get back. I have that all arranged. That way when the new couch comes my carpet will be all cleaned. I am really excited about that one.



Well I got my tetanus shot done. I should be done with all that now. I hope that you have a good weekend Robin I love pj nights. I think that I am going to have one myself. Work was good I had stuff to do all day. It was nice not being bored. Robin you don't have to clean up for us, we have lived with you so it is too late to make a good impression. Rachel I think that your quilt looks cute. Your quilts are always so good. Mom's are awesome also. Have a great weekend.


Yeah for friday I am so excited I think i'm going to enjoy a nice weekend. Its finally cool outside, I love it. I think i might clean my place since everyone is coming on thursday. :) i think it will be fun I'm excited. I like you heart quilt its going to be pretty when its done. I'm sorry you have to get shots karen, that sucks. well nothing else to exciting with me. Its a girls birthday at school she is turning 19, thats the legal age to drink here. So everyone is going out to get drunk. I think i'm going to make an appearance to give a gift and jazz but I think i'm going to cut out early. I get bored fast at those parties. everyone gets to crazy, . so I may watch a movie later and have a pj night don't be jealous. :) :) well I better go I'm starving. Love ya

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am so glad that tomorrow is friday. I am tired. Two weeks in a row I get short work weeks. That is nice. Robin I am excited you get to do an expo. That will be good experience. I am with Rachel, make sure you get pictures. Good for a portfolio. I am glad I found your immunizations Karen. I was worried about that one. I think I found someone to take my old couches. The guy that is living in Harmony's basement. She is going to ask him. That will be good. I got a lot of ironing done tonight. Have a great friday.



Robin, that is awesome that you are doing makeup at a wedding expo. That sounds really neat. That will be fun. Be sure to take you camera so you can take pictures. That is awesome. Me and Mom had a really good time last night. It was fun to be their when she bought the couch. I think that I am a good couch buying partner. I was their for Karen's and Mom's purchases, I enjoy buying couches. Robin when you get a couch I need to be their. Mom finished her bag and it turned out really good. I finished all my blocks for the valentines quilt and I just need to put it together. Here is a picture of a block.

Tonight I took care of the goats and seem to be doing really good. They are happy. I mowed the lawn also. It rained this weekend so the grass was long and green, it was fun to mow it. Helen hurt her elbow when propping up my gladiolas. She put rocks underneath them so the stand up straight but she put on in her hand and it twisted her elbow. I feel bad for her. We planted too many cucumber plants and we have a ton of them. I hope that everyone has a good night. Good luck with your class Karen.

One more week

Well Robin just one more week than me and mom will be up there with you. I am excited. Well all I have to do now is get a tetanus booster and then I should be good to go for my EMT class. My day was pretty good. Work was good even I wasn't bored so that was nice. Thanks for looking for my records mom. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend.


So there is a wedding expo coming up the 12-13 of september and I'm going to do the makeup for the fashion show. I think it will be fun. It will be interesting to do a fashion show its pretty high paced. I'm glad that you got your couches mom that is super exciting. I'm so proud. well today was pretty chill. Everyone in my class hates prosthetics, i think there are only 2 or 3 of us that actually enjoy it. I think its fun, but I don't mind getting head to toe plaster. well the heat here has finally calmed down. I don't feel like my hair is constantly soaked with sweat. we finally have a cool breeze. well nothing else to exciting have a great night.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Exciting day

We must be under a good moon right now because we had an exciting day. We got our taxes done and we get a lot of money back YEAH. I was worried we were going to have to pay. Then dad's detector was able to duplicate all the data from last night. So that was exciting and they all wore red shirts in celebration. Then I got me a new couch YEAH. It is really pretty. It is going to be green like Rachels and Karens. I really like their couches. It has a few more pillows on the back but I think it is great. Rachel was so great to use her Icon discount. I got 25 percent off. I figure I got the chair and ottoman for free. That was neat. They will be ordered and here in a week to 10 days. I know Karen knows how that count goes. I am sure it will be after I get back from Canada before they get here. Well I did have a lot of good news. Karen I will continue to look for your immunization card. Robin that is neat you got such a good buy on makeup. That is wonderful. Well have a great Thursday.



Mom I like the couch. I am so proud that you bought one. Things are going good here. I got of class early so that was nice. I am tired today. Nothing too exciting here. I have to go and get my TB test read tomorrow so I hope that goes quickly. Well have a good one.

couch :) :) (buy one)

I am rooting for a new couch :) :) :) :) :) :) post picts. oh the noise is just my apt building, they are redoing the back shipping area and I guess they need to make the whole building suffer. but I had an idea i don't know how expensive it is but they have the medieval times up here, it the restraunt that puts on a show. just an idea. well we worked on zombies again. I got my face casted today so I now have another plaster cast of my face. The algenate that we put on the face shrinks with time so we are all waiting till they shrink then make shrunken heads. i think it will be cool. The makeup counter at school was having a sale and i went a little crazy but let me tell you. they had pressed powder foundations that are normaly 33 dollars and i got them for 5 dollars. You use the foundations mostly for mature skin and darker skins because there skin is thicker so its oiler and powder foundation is lighter for the skin. I also bought a new lipstick pallet. it was pretty exciting. well I hope you all have a great one. Oh i forgot karen I can send you gelatin molds of cuts and wounds if you want them to practice for school. :) i don't know if you have to practice suturing.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have never seen so many blackberries in my life. I did four batches of jam tonight and there are still more that I haven't picked. Joseph came over tonight to help me so that was nice. Tomorrow me and Rachel are going couch shopping. I am way excited about that one. I got a lot done tonight also but I still have to find Karen's immunizations and then print up my itinerary. I was just thinking. If they are making noise where Robin is we are on the same block. That might be interesting. I hope they are quiet while we are there. I am getting excited to come. I think it will work out good. Dad said they just got the red unit up and working and it is wonderful. They are all going to wear red shirts tomorrow. It is exciting. Have a great hump day.


Addicting Games

You sound busy Karen, that is fun. You got a lot done. I think that is a good idea to do the Cheetos cat for a project. That sounds fun. I had a good day. It was busy and went fast. Tonight I worked on my quilt and read my kindle book. This is m fourth book, I am almost done with it and I am interested to see how it ends. Their is also a fun Internet game that I have been playing, I am addicted. Here is the link: Have a good night.

Made it

Well I made thru Tuesday. I even got a lot done. I got my TB test going, 2 chapters read in my text book, printed off check off forms for my class, and got my visiting teaching done. I think that I deserve a nap, too bad I don't have time for one. I am sorry that construction is being done near you Robin, but at least you won't be in danger of falling asleep on your zombie. I do hope that they stop soon though. Well I better go. See ya


so they are doing construction on the back of our building but they are jack hammering or something that is loud and shaking my walls. I'm about to turn some people into real zombies. grrrr i think i need a pepsi. anyway I did a casting of a face today. its fun to do. I want to cast a hand and make it all creepy and have it for halloween. OH i had this amazing idea, i don't know how long it will last but for creature design I've been struggling on what to make and you have to know by the first day... well what do you think about the cheeto cat. cool huh. I think he would be fun to have in a kitchen. I think i might by some cheetos for inspiration. mmmmm. well better go and contain my joy of construction workers. blah.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Well I just got back from my class. I have to go and get a TB test tomorrow and probably a tetanus booster sometime also. Mom will you email me a copy of my immunizations. They need a copy of that also. It was just introduction and paper today. Wednesday hopefully we will get to learn some fun stuff. I will keep my fingers crossed for your zombie Robin, I am sure that it will turn out good. Well I better go and get some sleep. Love ya


My day was uneventful also. I did go to the viewing and graveside service for Jay's son today. That was interesting. I am glad that I went. There were about 5 neighbors from across the street and they talked to me so that was good. Other than that I fell asleep watching TV. I did go look for a new camera for Toronto. I still can't find the one you guys bought me. I feel really bad about that one, It had our grand canyon pictures on it. Well I will have to be more careful. LOVE MOM


I had a pretty uneventful day. I had a sandwich for dinner with cucumbers from the garden and fruit left over from Sunday. I also made those Jello/Yogurt delicious things. They taste so good. They goats were really happy today, they had a lot of energy, maybe because they were stuck inside all day yesterday due to the rain. Good luck with your Zombies Robin, I am excited to see it. I hope that Karen had a good time at school. Vickie called me today and she had a good time at the U. She said that her dorm rooms are far away from campus. It is just a big campus. She said that their are a lot of older cute guys in the bountiful ward, that would be fun for Karen. Well have a good night.



Well today i mostly just worked on my zombie. it is pretty disastrous now but i think it will turn out hopefully, or I'm just going to cover it with blood :) whatever works. well I went to a friends house to practice makeup. it was fun I mostly sat as a model, but we still had a good time. well other then that all is well hope everyone had a great day love you

Sunday, August 23, 2009

About Time

I think it is about time they finally gave you a job. 4 months is a long time to wait to give someone a calling. You will have to make it a really cute newsletter. Good luck Karen on your class I am so excited for you. Thanks Rachel and Casey for coming down for dinner. I thought it was a lot of fun. The rain was great. It started to rain again about 10 minutes after you left. I am going to Jay's son viewing tomorrow and then the graveside service. I thought I should do that. Dad has a dentist appointment at 8:00 so I am going with him on that one also. I guess I will fit work in there somewhere. Have a great Monday.


Run faster

Robin, you are going to have to start running faster. They usually start with small callings and then they suck you into bigger ones. I had a good day. I didn't have church so I took a nap, went for a walk, watched a movie, and stuff like that. It was very relaxing. I hope that you guys had a good time with Jed and Teresa at dinner. My class starts tomorrow, wish me luck. I am excited for it. Have a good one

they got me....

So they tackled me at church and gave me a calling. i'm the newsletter girl. whooo. I guess its one of the better ones but i still think i can achieve a lazier calling. Well I like your goat dish rachel/casey. I'm sure that your goats will be fully hydrated at all times. :) I'm sorry you got soaked karen, but I've been there to many times to not laugh. Its all karma, i believe. Once you buy a umbrella it stops raining so your wet and holding a dry umbrella. unfair. Its like being able to find the only patch of black ice, I have a honing skill for stuff like that. Well I hope you guys have fun in the water with everyone. Apparently the fall is coming, all canadians are a'boot there weather. I guess you kinda have to be when it changes so much. anyway enjoy the sun. 



I forgot all about writing on the blog last night. I guess I just got running. Jed and Teresa are coming for dinner so I went and got food and dad decided to go to a movie. We went and saw Unit 9. It was an interesting movie. Kind of set up like office where everyone gives there opinion and then they show the movie. I liked it. It was different than I thought it was going to be. Grandma and Grandpa are doing better. Dad was better so that was good. I just keep thinking that in two weeks we are going to be traveling in Canada. It just doesn't seem real. Robin I found the cape so I will bring that with me. Have a great Sunday with no church.


Best laid plans

Well we had a good weekend. We were planning to go camping on Saturday and Come back Sunday after meeting up with Jed and Teressa but Casey worked on a drainage system for the goat water and his back hurt from digging the trench so we didn't think that it would be good to have him sleep on the ground. We are still going down to see Jed and Teressa and Mom and Dad today. When I woke up this morning it had been raining so I am glad that we didn't go. I guess that it all worked out.

Casey put in a drainage system for the goats on Friday. Here are some picture of the drainage system that Casey did. His idea was to have water contently pouring into a bowl for the goats, then he put a pipe in the middle of the bowl so when it reached a certain height then it will drain out. So he dug a trench from the stable to the pasture so all the extra water will help water it.

Here is the water bowl, he used an old green one because he didn't want to ruin the blue one in case it didn't work.

Here is the trench

It works really good and it is really nice. He did a good job. It will be really nice for the goats. Well I guess that we are all getting rained on. Stay dry and have a good day


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...