Sunday, August 23, 2009

they got me....

So they tackled me at church and gave me a calling. i'm the newsletter girl. whooo. I guess its one of the better ones but i still think i can achieve a lazier calling. Well I like your goat dish rachel/casey. I'm sure that your goats will be fully hydrated at all times. :) I'm sorry you got soaked karen, but I've been there to many times to not laugh. Its all karma, i believe. Once you buy a umbrella it stops raining so your wet and holding a dry umbrella. unfair. Its like being able to find the only patch of black ice, I have a honing skill for stuff like that. Well I hope you guys have fun in the water with everyone. Apparently the fall is coming, all canadians are a'boot there weather. I guess you kinda have to be when it changes so much. anyway enjoy the sun. 


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