Thursday, March 26, 2015

So long

Today was so long. I felt like time moved backwards, I am so glad tomorrow idps Friday, I worked at scheels tonight. Nothing to exciting, I am free tomorrow night if everyone is around. I will give someone a call after work and see what is up. Have a good night


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I did it

My cording is done and I am all packed for the class.  Surprises are wrapped and food is in the kitchen.  I am ready to play.  I went to Walmart tonight and I found the movie Robin we are good to go for Sunday.  I will pick up some eggs and dyes on Saturday after the easter egg hunt and we are all set.  I am super excited that tomorrow is my Friday also.  Too much fun.  Drive safe Rachel.  Thanks for coming down.  I love to dye Easter Eggs, that and carving pumpkins are two of my favorite things.  Have a great day tomorrow.  Robin, I think one item is a good start.  Give it a little time.  I bet that you will sell some.  LOVE MOM

Super Star

Oliver is still not sleeping great.  Those dang teeth.  Other than that things are going good.  Isaac was the super star at school which is fun.  Casey saw his teacher last night at scouts and she said that Isaac is getting really good at interacting with all the kids which is really good. After dinner we went to petsmart just to walk around and it was fun.  Oliver loves animals.  Then we just went to all the stores that were around then got some icecream.  It was fun just to get out of the house a bit.  We are headed down tomorrow.  I didn't realize that the class was at 6, I am so excited to take some sewing classes.  I am ready to go and have all my sewing stuff packed up.  Everyone have a good night.



Today was good it was waffle day so that was tasty. We found out that one of my bosses is having a baby girl, so that is fun. She is due in October, i came home and embroidered the file that I bought keeps making my bobbin clog and it's making me mad but I'm half done so I'm living with it. I opened an etsy account to sell the crowns I will see what happens. They said I needed 10 items to get more hits but I only Have one. So if I haven't sold anything by may  will take it down. Well not much else have a good night


almost there

Well just one more day of work for me this week. Yeah! I get my new TV the day after tomorrow. I am excited. Work is going good. It is the last week of the month so production and the machine shop are pretty busy. The monthly luncheon is a week from Friday. It is a Easter Brunch theme, so I signed up to bring some monkey bread. I thought that would be good. Well I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Here is my corny Easter joke

Image result for clean easter jokes

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Dave had free tickets to the aquarium tonight.  Some one in the stake was at a raffle and won 1800 tickets for a special event at the aquarium.  I bet that cost a few pennies.  It was really crowded but fun.  Jared and his family showed up.  They have two girls almost the same age as Isaac and Oliver.  They had a fun time.  It is raining here now.  I am with you I love the rain.  Have fun with waffles tomorrow Robin.  That does sound good.  Rachel, Isaac looks so grown up with his hair cut.  He is getting big.  Karen I am with you, my week is 1/2 over.  That does make the world seem brighter.  Love you guys  MOM


You diet picture made me laugh out loud Rachel. :) I'm glad Oliver is walking but now you will have your hands full! Today was good work was busy. Tomorrow is national waffle day so they are making us waffles for lunch. Then I went shopping I am making Mother's Day present so I bought some stuff for that. Then I have been embroidering all night. I did do an excercise video during a long part of the embroidery session. We are doing points weight loss at work and I've been terrible. I gave the girl at work her tiaras and she liked them. Have a good waffle day

On the move

It rained here today for most of the day.  It was nice, I love spring rain.  Oliver is really getting the hang of walking and doing so good.  He is cute and grumpy.  Today was good we went over to Randy's around mid morning to see Tiffany but they had already left so we just visited for a while.  He said Isaac could stay with him but he wanted to go home but when we got in the car Isaac really wanted to stay and was very upset so we turned around and dropped him off.  I was sewing with Jenn so Casey helped me clean up the kitchen and then we up to be with them.  Oliver wouldn't nap so he had to come back and pick him up also.  He never ended up napping and we tried a lot.  I cut Isaac's hair this afternoon.  It was bugging me so I impulsively cut it.  That is about all for today.  I hope that everyone has a great night and a good day tomorrow.



Hi everyone. Things are good here in Kamas. No rain here today. I kept hoping it would but it never did. Work is still moving along. I am glad that I don't work on Friday though. That means my week is half over already. Robin I hope that your burns are doing okay. Burns are the worst. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Monday, March 23, 2015


You guys all had an eventful day.  I am so sorry about your fingers Robin.  Burns are the worse.  I am glad that Walter took good care of you.  Karen what a miracle about your meds.  That is so much money.  You are really going to be happy about that one.  Rachel, that is so exciting that Oliver is walking.  He will be running before you know it.  My day was normal.  I did sew some more strips for the class and the thread broke and I didn't notice it and two got sewn with no thread.  OH well, I will work on it tomorrow night.  Robin, I love the crowns.  They are so beautiful.  We were suppose to go the aquarium, Dave got free tickets.  I looked up the time and they close at 6 so I am not sure we will go tomorrow night.  That is OK, I really want to sew and get all ready for the class.  Dad is going to meet the tax dude at lunch and give him the taxes.  I am excited about that one.  LOVE MOM


Oliver has been walking a bit but today when we were at Randy's he walked from the living room to the kitchen which is a ways, he is doing really good.  Oliver didn't sleep well and wasn't feeling a hundred percent with his teeth today but later this afternoon he started feeling better and acting better.  This morning we just went and got some milk at cheese factory because we were out and Casey got to sleep a bit.  He went to lunch with his family and Isaac went to school and I gave Oliver a nap.  When Isaac got back we went up to Randy's to visit with Tiffany.  It was fun and everyone was really sweet to be a train for Isaac.  Isaac loves talking in the microphone also and singing songs.  Oliver was talking in it also which was cute.  We went to dinner at a pizza place in Smithfield and it was pretty good.  We had rain and hail today.  I love spring rain, it makes everything so green.  I ordered some cotton thread and it came today.  It is so pretty I might switch over to it for all my sewing.  I will have to see how it goes.  I am sorry about your burn Robin, that sucks.  I love your crowns also.  They are really pretty.



Well it was rainy here off and on all day. At least it didn't snow. I did get the rest of my prescriptions. So on my old plan all together it coated 1100 and with my new plan it was 130. So it was way cheaper on the new plan. Other than that it was just a normal Monday. I am excited to play this weekend. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Image result for funny quotes


Sorry I didn't blog last night it was crazy and I fell asleep. So yesterday I worked at scheels the I thought it would be fun to make Swedish pancakes and bacon since it's Walters favorite. Well the fire alarm kept going off because of the bacon smoke. I was able to turn if off every time it went off. But it went off and the bacon was cooking in the oven. I decided to take it out then turn Off the alarm. But as I set the bacon pan down it tilted and bacon grease fell on my hand. It was awesome. so walter helped me tame the fire alarm and get ice. He said I needed burn cream so he drove me to Walgreens and got me some burn cream. Luckily with the cream and icing it all right it's not to bad Two fingers are red but no blisters and it didn't hurt today it was just a bit red. So that was lucky Ducky. But things are good and other then that not much else to report. work was good and I finished my crowns and made cookies. So other then crazy bacon grease life is chill. :)


Sunday, March 22, 2015


We had a nice Sunday.  We slept in a little bit and then went and picked up Grandma.  It was their wedding anniversary so we went up to the graveside and put flowers at the grave.  We then went to lunch and to Walmart.  It was a nice day.  We just rested after we got home.  I did sew a little bit.  I am starting to get the hang of the cording.  Not much else going on with us.  I am looking forward to next weekend.  I hope that Casey is feeling better.  He had a really bad cough.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  We just played this morning and then I decided to walk to church hoping that Oliver would fall asleep on the way for his nap.  He didn't fall asleep but it was nice to walk.  We will start doing that more.  Church went good.  It was the heaps son farewell so that good piano player came back.  I gave the lesson and the kids were a little more hyper but it made the time go fast.  Oliver fell asleep 10 minutes before church got out.  He didn't stay asleep in his stroller which didn't work out very well so he was tired.  Randy called and said that Tiffany and her boyfriend were here so we went over and visited and went out to dinner.  It was really nice to see them and visit.  Well everyone have a good night and a good Monday.



Sorry I didn't blog last night . I forgot. Mom and dad came up yesterday and helped me in my yard. Mom rounded up the front yard and me and dad cleaned up the raspberry area. I also swept up my garage and I swept up the sidewalk gutter in front of my house. It looks so much nicer. Then we went to dinner in Park City. We went to Best Buy afterwards and they had a TV on sale that I liked so of course I bought it. It is a 60in., flat screen with 240 hz refresh rate. It was also on sale so I saved 500 dollars on it. It wouldn't fit in my car so they are going to deliver it on Friday. So that sums up Saturday. Today has been quiet. I took a nap which was pretty awesome. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...