today was good, went up to logan I had to put isaac down for a nap and it took me two hours and alot of giggles from a 1 year old but I conquered :) well have a great sunday have lots of sleep and lots to eat ;)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Cute Pictures
Isaac's pictures turned out really nice. Karen you will love them. We had a nice day. The roads were bad going up but good coming home. Jay's funeral was nice and I was glad I went. Thanks Rachel for going with me. Thanks Robin for driving up and back. That was really nice of you. I had a good day. Good luck Karen with your new primary class I hope it goes well. I am going to rest tomorrow. It will be nice to have a quiet day. Thanks for letting us come and Rachel. It was a nice day.
Well it was really windy here today. I hope that Isaac took some cute pictures today. I had a good day. it was nice. I slept in, went grocery shopping, and was generally just lazy. I like having Saturdays like that every now and again. Well i hope that everyone had a good Saturday. BYE
Friday, January 6, 2012
today was good just chilled. and then me and mom went out for dinner and walked the mall. I got these shoes that are very comfortable and make me tall. well not to much else tomorrow logan have a great one
Fun night
I had a nice evening. We took Dad and Casey dinner and then me and Robin went to the mall. It was fun. She found some really cute shoes and is now a giant with them on. Work was really busy and I am really behind. I am not sure how that happened but I really have a lot to do there. Dad isn't going to Logan tomorrow. He is going to stay with Casey and help him. Me and Robin are coming up around 9:00. I watched the weather and it is suppose to storm but nothing really bad. I am going to Jay's funeral at 2. Well have a great weekend. I am glad your pedal came Karen. I am glad you like the piano. I was hoping you would. LOVE MOM
Trucks saved the day
Today was touch and go for Isaac. He slept in until 7:30 which was nice. Around 9 he got upset and nothing really helped. So around 10 I turned on the truck movie in my bed room and we laid there and watched it and he fell asleep. He took a good nap and was happy when he woke up. I went with a lady from the ward to pick up the mystery quilt kit, it was fun. The first on is embroidery, I didn't expect that. I think that it will be fun. I made some demi moore stew from the basement for dinner and we both liked it, it tasted good. I have been trying to figure out how to make cards with my slice. I feel retarded, I am not very creative and I could figure out how to fold everything. I will figure it out. Well I am excited for Mom and Dad to come up tomorrow. Casey has to work all weekend but he has Monday and Tuesday. He got a second interview and it is on Tuesday so he is working the weekend so he can go to it. Well drive safe and I hope that it doesn't snow also.
Yeah for Friday
Well I am glad that it is the weekend. I got my pedal for my piano today. I tried it out and it works good. I am enjoying playing my piano thanks mom and dad again for the nice gift. Work was good. It was slow in the morning but then it pick up in the afternoon. I hope that mom has a good trip to Logan tomorrow. i also hope that you don't get snowed on along the way. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Nice evening
Rachel thanks for the pictures they are great. I had a nice evening. We went to sizzler for dinner and then to Target and walked around. It was nice to be out and about. 3 hours. That is a long interview. Work was busy and that is good. Dad helped me get my MP3 loaded with music tonight so I can take it to work tomorrow and listen to it. I like to have music when I am doing data entry. Well have a great Friday. Good luck with your primary lesson Karen. I will try to come up with an idea about listening. You could do the cups with string.
more photos
so i will add some more photos as well since I have nothing to report. :) still alive
Today Isaac woke up at 5 am. I tried to get him back to sleep and after and hour and a half Casey said just to turn the lights on and let him be awake, so that is what we did. He did fine all day, he did take two naps and after dinner he was a little grumpy. It went better than I thought it would. Casey's interview went well. It took 3 hours, that is a long interview. Here are some pictures from Christmas and St George. I was looking at my phone today and there are a ton. Also when he pretend talks on the phone he holds it up to his neck, it is so funny. I wasn't able to get a picture with Karen's phone but I got one when he did it with the quiet book.
Almost Friday
Well my day was pretty good. It was a little slow at work but I made it thru. I am sorry that everyone was grumpy yesterday. You should eat more chocolate, that always makes me happy. I am so ready for it to be the weekend. Well i have to think of an activity for primary. We are learning about listening to the prophet. Like Nephi listens to his father, the prophet, in 1st nephi chapters 1 and 2. If you have any ideas let me know. WEll have a great Friday everyone.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Grumpy also
I was a little grumpy also. I had a headache all day. It is feeling better now. Rachel you had the most news. All of which is exciting. I hope all goes well with Casey's interview. I got some more ironing done tonight and we just vegged and watched a TV series it was nice. Have a great day. This week is going fast. Dad goes to the doctor tomorrow to have a checkup with the heart doctor. He is doing so good I think I will just work and let him go. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Today was good, Isaac was a little on the grumpy side but we survived. We spent some time outside enjoying the nice weather. We went to the mall to play this evening. We stayed for a while but some bigger girls came and they were rough so we left. I got an appointment for Isaac's pictures for Saturday at 3:30. It will be fun. I thought the same thing about Jay outliving Grandma, I guess you never know. Casey got a job interview for tomorrow, it is in Logan. I hope that it goes well for him. Well that is all my news. Everyone stay safe.
Well just the same old same old down here. I went to work. I had enough stuff not to get too bored so that was nice. Hopefully I will get some more stuff to do tomorrow. Robin they put new episodes of Bones on netflix. You should just watch those. I am liking my coffee table. Thanks everyone for you help in picking them out. Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Good luck with the job hunt Robin. BYE
no show
sorry I forgot to blog. I was just moseying around nothing to crazy. I went out to dinner with josh last night at watched indyfans on netflix. I highly recommend you don't watch it. kinda boring we just made fun of the people they interviewed the whole time. but other then that just job searching and job searching. so much fun. that is sad about jay. I can't believe she out lived grandma though. well i guess you will get new neighbors now rachel.... well have a good one
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Today was so nice outside. We were out playing in the rocks when Sandra came over and told me about Jay. I feel bad for her but Sandra said that she was in a lot of pain and she is in a better place. I went over to the fabric store and they said that the mystery quilt starts on Saturday, that is when you can pick up your fabric. We also went to the store and I got organic milk. Isaac ate a whole bottle of it and some of a sippy cup. At first he wouldn't drink it, then I warmed it up a bit more and shook it like his formula and then he drank it. I made him potatoes for lunch and he really liked eating that. This afternoon we broke out the stroller and when on a walk around the block. He looked so big in the stroller, he is growing fast. He did really well, I think that he liked looking at everything. Well I hope that everyone had a good day. I also think that it is nice Mom to get back to your routine. I liked going back to work also.
Made it
I made it through my first day back at work. It was kind of nice to be back to my routine. I know that sounds sick doesn't it. I am sure that will wear off by the end of the week. It was nice here also but I had this mud all over my car this morning. I need to find a car wash. I was going to do it tonight but I was too lazy. Maybe tomorrow. Rachel told me that Sandra came over to the house today to tell her Jay died this morning. I would like to go to the funeral. I will see when it is. Not much else to report. Austin leaves tomorrow for Albania. That will be an adventure. LOVE MOM
Well I made it thru work. It will be rough working all week. Work was a bit boring but I made it thru. Hopefully it will pick up tomorrow. I am impressed with your laundry skills mom. Six batches it a lot of laundry. It was nice here today it was sunny and 60 outside. Too bad I had to work all day. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, January 2, 2012
Quiet day
We had a quiet day also. I slept in until 10:30 and then did 6 batches of laundry. I also went through all the mail and did a lot of shredding. It was a good day. I am missing Isaac also. He is so cute. I knew he would love the truck movie. I can't believe he didn't go to sleep. I thought for sure he would. I had a nice vacation thanks. I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. It has been good to have some time off. Have a great first new week of the year. LOVE MOM
Well my day was good. I slept in. That was really nice. Then i went to bed bath and beyond and got a salt and pepper grinder with the 25 dollar gift card mom got me. Then I went to Old Navy and they took the security tag off the sweater mom got me. I went and got me a primary song book from desert book. Then I had lunch and a nap. I ordered me a pedal for my piano. It was a most productive day. I think it was the naps that did it. I am glad that Isaac did well. I had a fun holiday thanks for coming down everyone. It was nice of all of you to drive down. Well have a great day back to work tomorrow. BYE
Thank you everyone so much. I had such a nice time this last week. Thank you for all the wonderful presents. I loved that we were able to spend so much time together. Isaac did really well on the drive home. I attribute it to him being able to watch movies. I don't think we would of made it without it. He didn't fall asleep after SLC, he was awake the whole time but he loved watching the truck movie so he was good. I gave him a bath when we got home and he fell right asleep and he slept in until 7:30 so things were looking up. Casey and Kelly fixed his car and I glad that they got it working. We have had a quiet day, we just cleaned everything up. We tried going to the park but it was cold and the slides were wet. With my amazon gift certificate I ordered a bag for my slice. I am excited for it. Well I hope that everyone is recovering from the trip. Thanks for the wonderful time. Isaac missing everyone.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...