Friday, January 6, 2012

Trucks saved the day

Today was touch and go for Isaac. He slept in until 7:30 which was nice. Around 9 he got upset and nothing really helped. So around 10 I turned on the truck movie in my bed room and we laid there and watched it and he fell asleep. He took a good nap and was happy when he woke up. I went with a lady from the ward to pick up the mystery quilt kit, it was fun. The first on is embroidery, I didn't expect that. I think that it will be fun. I made some demi moore stew from the basement for dinner and we both liked it, it tasted good. I have been trying to figure out how to make cards with my slice. I feel retarded, I am not very creative and I could figure out how to fold everything. I will figure it out. Well I am excited for Mom and Dad to come up tomorrow. Casey has to work all weekend but he has Monday and Tuesday. He got a second interview and it is on Tuesday so he is working the weekend so he can go to it. Well drive safe and I hope that it doesn't snow also.

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