Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today was so nice outside. We were out playing in the rocks when Sandra came over and told me about Jay. I feel bad for her but Sandra said that she was in a lot of pain and she is in a better place. I went over to the fabric store and they said that the mystery quilt starts on Saturday, that is when you can pick up your fabric. We also went to the store and I got organic milk. Isaac ate a whole bottle of it and some of a sippy cup. At first he wouldn't drink it, then I warmed it up a bit more and shook it like his formula and then he drank it. I made him potatoes for lunch and he really liked eating that. This afternoon we broke out the stroller and when on a walk around the block. He looked so big in the stroller, he is growing fast. He did really well, I think that he liked looking at everything. Well I hope that everyone had a good day. I also think that it is nice Mom to get back to your routine. I liked going back to work also.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...