Saturday, October 26, 2024


 It was a fun day. We went to the cooking class. It was slow at the start but got funnier as it went on. I bought an icecream maker. It was fun to make icecream. I also took a nap. After dinner we hung out and just watched shows. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow 


 Today was good.  I got up early and went to exercise class.  I was worried because I haven't really been in two weeks but it went great and it was really fun.  The quilt for Alissa was longer than me back so I went to the fabric store and got a little bit more for the bottom.  I started quilting it and am half way done.  Casey and Ruth went to the dump and got more fire wood and made a big fire.  Me and Oliver went and got our hair cut.  He looks handsome.  She cut a lot of because she said my hair was dry.  I think it looks okay and it will grow.  We went to a trick or treat at a car dealership and most of cache valley was there.  Everyone loves the kids costumes and we got some many compliments and all three of them.  We stood in line for a hour and then gave up and went and bought some cookies instead.  

Love Rachel 


 We had a nice day. We just had a quiet morning and then went to the Raman class. They made broths and toppings. It good. Best Raman ever. I am going to make the basic broth so we can make the recipes. Karen did an impulse buy and got an ice cream maker. It was good ice cream. We started freezing candy tonight. We are trying jolley ranchers. Robins said they are called unicorn poop. Have a wonderful Sunday. Love mom


Today was nice we just took it easy. Luna woke up and it's too dark and cold to play outside. So we went downstairs and watched movies till Jeramy woke up. It's going to freymost if next week so we worked on taking out our garden. Our tomatoes were a beast the base were thick as trees I felt like. It took most of the day. I also order some more face paint. Luna loves it and I thought it would be fun to add a rainbow to her face when she is a unicorn. They gave us gems with the kit. Luna was head to toe in gems.


Friday, October 25, 2024


 I cleaned up the fruit dryer. The last batch of apples were done. I still had enough for one more batch of apples to freeze. We did that after dinner. The apples and peaches are all done. I did walk to reams today. It was such a pretty day. I did go to all a dollar and get those glow sticks Oliver wanted for Halloween. Isaac looked so good in his costume. I loved it. Robin do you have school on Halloween or are they doing it another night. Rachel that gum ball machine turned out really cute. Karen signed us up for a cooking class tomorrow. We are going to learn how to make Raman noodles. I texted julie today and her companion isn't being very nice to her. It made me sad. I had an idea for work and neighbor presents for christmas. Karen is making those fidget trees red and white. They look like candy cane trees. You could say have a twisted Christmas. We could attach a candy cane with it. Just a thought and she has already made 20 of them. She has enough filament to make a lot more. Have a gun weekend Love mom


Work was rough today.  The kids were all super super chatty.  After school we worked on making the gumball machine for the trunk or treat.  We had a fun time and the kids were really cute to help.  It turned out really good.  Karen sent nertz and that was really sweet, thank you.  Isaac had a party at his friend's house and I lent him my phone so he could call when he was done.  Me and the little kids went to the trunk or treat and Casey met up with us after work.  They had soup from dinner and that was good.  Oliver and Ruth looked cute in the costumes and had fun walking around.  A lot of kids for school were there and they were happy to see me and that was nice.  Love you guys.
Love Rachel 


Today was nice because it was Friday. I'm excited to not have to work for the next 2days. It was pajama day at Lunas school and she wore her princess Elsa PJs and thought she was cool stuff. Jeramy family needed some attention. So we figured we would go today instead of tomorrow. So we drove to Provo and fixed everything up.


Thursday, October 24, 2024


 My day was pretty good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Work was good. It was just the usual. Then I came home and helped mom cut up apples for freeze drying. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye


 I felt great today and it was so nice to be able to eat.  Work was kind rocky because were really chatty but I made it through.  The trunk of treat is tomorrow and Ruth wants to make a gumball machine trunk so we went and got some balloons and cardboard to make it.  We did homework when we got home.  Isaac went to a teen Halloween party at the library and he looked so good in his costume, I didn't take great pictures.  He was really happy and had a fun time.  His friend is having a Halloween party tomorrow also.  Ruth has a bad rash on her arms.  I am not sure what is causing it, she is allergic to something.

Love Rachel 


 I took dad took dad to work today so I could have the car. I went grocery shopping and then went and picked up Jeff and we went out to Kay's for lunch. It was nice to get together. No new gossip. Chaz and Heather paid 13 thousand dollars to save their cat. I thought that was really bad. I came home and mailed karens broken pump and my Amazon I didn't want. We only have one more batch of apples to freeze. I should get that done tomorrow. Robin that is a long day. I am sorry. I hope your head isn't too sore. Rachel I hope you felt good. Love mo.


Today was long . It was my work and class day. So I'm tired. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 I am glad today is over and everything went well.  I took more medicine this morning and watch the great British bake off.  They had me come in early.  Casey had a meeting so he came to pick me up and rode his bike so we would only have one car.  Everyone was very nice and the sedation medicine wasn't bad.  My hand surgery was a lot worse and today was super easy.  I feel so much better being able to eat again.  Ruth for activity days had a Halloween party.  Casey and Oliver carved pumpkins for activity days and Isaac played wordel for young men's.  It was a busy night.  I embroidered Mom's sweater while they were gone and I love it.

Love Rachel 


 I did a lot of yard work today. I mowed the lawn and put poison down for grubs. There wasn't one autumn leaf. I thought that was weird this late in October. I worked on apples this afternoon. We did Arby's for dinner. Dad said he saw a mouse. I hate that. I hope we catch it soon. Rachel I am so glad your colonoscopy went well. I hope you are feeling OK. Robin Luna looked tired in her pictures. Your head might be sore for a couple of days. I am going to go to lunch with the gumm gang. Our first without julie. I also need to go grocery shopping. It is suppose to be a lot colder tomorrow. Love mom


 Well i am all hooked up to my new pump. So far so good. Work was busy. It was meeting day so i had three meetings today. That seems to take up most of my day. After work we went to Arby's for dinner. Dad saw a mouse in my kitchen so we have traps out now. I hope we catch him quick. I am glad your colonoscopy went good Rachel. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


Today was busy the class I'm taking had a tour and so I went to that. It was for the IHC print center. After I had a doctor's appointment. I had a mole on my head that was huge and bugged me. So I went into our clinic at work and they removed them for me. My head is sore but it will be nice to have it gone. After work we had dinner. It's taking Luna 2 hours to eat so it's a whole event to finish eating. I'm glad your doctor's went well Rachel and you have a working pump again Karen


Tuesday, October 22, 2024


 Work was good today I just had prep and then we had a meeting.  It was hard to only eat clear liquids.  I thought it would be easier.  Isaac had violin lessons and Ruth had tumbling.  We are keeping the fire going in the backyard and the kids love that.  I took the medicine tonight and just watched a movie.

Love Rachel 


 I waited for Karen's pump to come. It came around 1 this afternoon. It is nice to have it here. I did just clean house and took it easy. We are watching castle and I am liking that. Robin I hope your neck is feeling better. That hurts so bad. I can't believe how fast October is going. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


I had a lot of meetings today so it was a long day. After work I put on the last corner of the shed and we were short a section so we ran to Lowe's. After we finally finished the corners and I had to cut a bigger hole for a window. Nothing too exciting on our our end.


Monday, October 21, 2024


I'm sorry your pump went down Karen. That is stressful. I woke up to a neck crink and I was tired. So it was a long day. I picked up groceries and had spaghetti for dinner. By the time we were all cleaned up and fed it was bed time. I have no idea where the night went to. We just basically ate dinner.



 I am sorry about your pump Karen, that is very stressful.  I am glad you are getting a new one tomorrow.  Today was good.  Work went well and all my lessons went really well.  Isaac and Oliver had orchestra so I was driving them around.  I am getting a colonoscopy on Wednesday so I went and got the medicine and clear fluids.  Casey went caving tonight.  We got caught up on homework and that felt good.  I went to exercise class and it felt good.

Love Rachel 


 It started out being a stressful day but Karen was so good at getting everything taken care of. We had a really fun day. We ran errands and then went to lunch. She took me to fujis. It tasted really nice. We did work on apples. We have made a dent in them. There are still some left. I did get most of the laundry done. I will finish it up tomorrow. Have a really nice Tuesday. Love mom


 Well it was a day. My pump died about 6 this morning. So I called the pump people again and there was nothing too be done. I have a new pump showing up tomorrow. So then I called my doctor so I could get the long acting insulin to cover me until the pump shows up. It took a couple of calls but I finally got the prescription. So me and mom went to target to pick it up. Then we went to Costco and out to lunch. The rest of the day I was just lazy. Tomorrow I am going to work though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, October 20, 2024


 I slept in and then we went to Lehi. Robin's shed is looking really nice. It is coming along. We came home and I fell sound asleep. We just took it slow tonight. Rachel good luck going back to the real world. so glad you got to get away. Karen good luck sleeping. Love mom


 My pump kept erroring last night so I didn't sleep at all well. So did go down and visit Luna and took everyone to lunch. Then we came home and I took a nap. My pump errored again so it wasn't a super long one. The are sending me a new pump. It will be here on Tuesday so I just have to be patient until then. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 Thanks for all the support you guys gave us on our trip.  We had a really really fun time and we are not ready for real life tomorrow.  I had chatgpt write Oliver's talk for primary and we got so many compliments on it.  We just went to primary which was nice.  We just hung out today.  Ruth and Casey made a fire in the backyard.  We went to Randy's for dinner and the kids had fun playing.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...