I mostly had a lazy day today. It was nice. I got up changed my sensor and then watched a movie. Then I had lunch put on a show and slept through it. Then it was dinner time. After dinner I finished off my HR management class lecture. It was on job analysis. Basically how to describe the job and the duties that the employee would have to perform to do the job. It also went over tools you could use to find people to fill vacant jobs. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. Bye
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Friday, June 18, 2021
We are still at lagoon. It isn't very crowded except for lagoon a beach. It was hot but we got free water. Robin I am glad you made it through your last day. Love mom
I am so glad that the weekend is here. I worked on my HR homework after work. I still need to watch the lecture but I got most of it finished. I hope everyone had a great day and that grandma and crew survived Lagoon. Bye
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Isaac shoulder is feel and looking a lot better thank goodness. I attached an updated photo. We had a fun day. I walked this morning and it was nice. I finished Robins quilt and it turned out really nice. We rode bikes to the school for summer reading. On the way home Oliver crash and got pretty scrapped up. It was a long and difficult walk home. We watched a movie afterwards to calm.down and cool off. Ruth had dance class and she loves her teacher. We also made brownies. Casey came home early and we went and bought two trees. We love the guy who works their names Spencer. We planted on in front to shade Ruth's room and one in back by the ac. They are really pretty tree. It was super super hot digging the holes and getting the trees in. The kids were good to help. We went to summerfest for dinner and got a Navajo taco. The kids wanted this expensive boot drink so we got it. We are headed to lagoon tomorrow. We are glad that Robin hasn't had her baby yet so we can go. We will see you tomorrow Mom at 10:30 at Barnes and noble. Love you.
Work was good. I got a lot done so that is nice. Robin I am excited that tomorrow is your last day. Wow that is a big day. That is good you got your play and pack out. Karen I am glad you got batteries. We need to do that. Rachel and kids and me are going to lagoon tomorrow. It will be fun. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
I hope Isaac's sunburn is doing better. That sunburn looks like it hurts. My day was good. Work is just the usual. I am making progress on my to do list and things keep getting added. So I am staying busy. My car told me my key fob had low battery so I went to Food Town and got a battery for it. I also replaced the one in my garage opener as well. So that all should work better now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Congratulations Karen. That is so fun to get a raise. Robin your quilt is beautiful and it is turning out really good. You don't notice the puckers. Thanks for letting me quilt it. I am almost done. Poor Isaac woke up with blisters on his sunburn that really hurt. We got him see medicine and he was feeling better in the afternoon. I walked and went to exercise class. Oliver had art class and he loves it. We picked him up and we to a concert at the Tabernacle. They are doing it this year. Isaac called all the old people boomers, I don't know where he learned that. We watched a movie and played in the basement the rest of the afternoon. Casey wants a tree for father's day so we dug a hole for it. It is on the side of the house by the ac. We talked with Andy next door for a while. He left some bugs in slides for the kids to look at. He is so nice. Everyone have a good night.
Work was busy and I seemed to run all day. I hope tomorrow is quieter. We did meet up with Karen tonight and have dinner. I took my car in because it was making a sound when I accelerate. They said I need a new engine. I am just going to drive it for a while. Maybe next time we are with Casey he can hear the sound and see what he thinks. It is driving just fine. Karen congratulations on your raise. That is fun. Robin, I am glad you made it work. I can't believe you only have two more days left. Good luck with the doctor tomorrow. I hope he says it won't be much longer now. Rachel, I am sorry that Isaac is blistered. That looks so sore. I hope he feels better tomorrow. He was so cute when he called me. He did sound like he felt very good. Have a nice Thursday. LOVE MOM
Well I got an 8% raise today. So yeah for me. They moved me up a grade on the pay scale so that was fun. I only worked half day today and then I took my proctored test. After my test I got my allergy shot and then met mom and dad for dinner. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
We had a good day and went slower which was nice. Casey had to go to work early so I just walked for an hour. I had extra time so I loaded on Robins quilt. I have about half of it done. Oliver had art class and had fun. Isaac and Ruth went to Emily's house to play. She has a brother about Isaac's age. Then after lunch we just watched a show and stayed cool downstairs. We deep cleaned the house and it feels so nice. The kids were really nice to help and not complain. After dinner we rode bikes and I walked Tony to the rope park. Oliver got a flat tire on the way so Casey drove home and got the van. He picked us up and we went to the park. It was fun. Good luck tomorrow and stay cool.
Work was good. Not much going on. I am just working through emails. I did leave early and go get my drivers license. It went really fast. I was so nervous but it went well. Not much else to report on my end. Robin be careful going into work tomorrow. To bad you can't take your computer with you and just be done the rest of the week. Karen, I am sorry your allergies are bad. That sucks. I am excited to go to dinner tomorrow. We are going to take my car in and have it looked over. It makes a noise when I accelerate. Rachel, I am sorry Isaac got burned. That hurts. Everyone have a nice hump day. This week seems to be going fast. LOVE MOM
Things are going good here. It was Tuesday so it was meeting day. So that took up most of the morning. Then in the afternoon they fixed the AC. It Then blew a bunch of dust in the air so my allergies were bad. Since they were bad already I mowed my front yard. Then I did my homework for project management and reviewed for my test tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, June 14, 2021
They are cutting back the culinary water for lawns on Logan also. It is a werid year. I walked this morning and went to exercise class. We did High today and it is so much fun. Oliver had art class and had a fun time. I had a dentist appointment. I had a old filling that had new decay around it. Casey picked up Oliver from art class and it worked well. Then we went swimming. We stayed all afternoon and closed the pool. I was a bad parent and around 4 I got a Pepsi and read my book in the shade. I couldn't swim anymore. It was a hot day and the pool was crowded. Someone pooped in the little pool so it was closed for a bit. Love you guys. I hope that everyone has a better day tomorrow.
It was payroll Monday and it went well. I had bad anxiety all day. Go figure that one out. I went shopping after work for a basket for a gift. I was going to use one that Rachel made but I needed a bigger one. It looks just like the ones Rachel makes just bigger. Karen I am glad you got your homework done. That always feels nice. Robin, I hope you survived work. Just 4 more days. Rachel, I am glad your dentist went well. It is a hot one for sure. Crazy weather. I am going to go get my drivers license renewed. I hope it goes well. LOVE MOM
It is always hard to get up and go to work on Monday's but I was tough and got out of bed on time. Work was good. It got hot in my office though. The AC unit wasn't working. Apparently the coils got clogged with all the dust and crap generated while they were doing the remodel. I hope that they get it fixed soon. Then I came home and did school work. I watched my project management video. It was on determining the critical path of a project and how to tell how much time all the activities will take depending the the activity dependencies and how to see if any of the activities have slack time in them. I was going to do the home work assignment but it isn't available until tomorrow, so I guess I will do it then. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Quiet day
I sure had fun but I was with Rachel I fell asleep and slept all night and then took a huge nap. The heat can get to you. It is suppose to be really hot. Robin I hope you had a quiet weekend and got some rest. Karen your cookies are amazing
We had a really fun weekend. Thanks Mom, Dada and Karen. It did wear me out. When we got home last night I fell asleep and didn't wake up until morning. Today was busy. I had a meeting this morning. They are changing where nursery is meeting so it was busy setting that up. I had a presidency meeting this afternoon. They are all really nice and good to talk to. It was hot this afternoon so we stayed in the basement. We did some crafts and Isaac did his lego. The evening was cooler and we played outside and fixed everyone's bikes. Thanks again for the fun weekend. Here are my pictures.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...