Thursday, June 17, 2021


 Isaac shoulder is feel and looking a lot better thank goodness.  I attached an updated photo.  We had a fun day.  I walked this morning and it was nice.  I finished Robins quilt and it turned out really nice.  We rode bikes to the school for summer reading.  On the way home Oliver crash and got pretty scrapped up.  It was a long and difficult walk home.  We watched a movie afterwards to calm.down and cool off.  Ruth had dance class and she loves her teacher.  We also made brownies. Casey came home early and we went and bought two trees.  We love the guy who works their names Spencer.  We planted on in front to shade Ruth's room and one in back by the ac.  They are really pretty tree.  It was super super hot digging the holes and getting the trees in.  The kids were good to help.  We went to summerfest for dinner and got a Navajo taco.  The kids wanted this expensive boot drink so we got it.  We are headed to lagoon tomorrow.  We are glad that Robin hasn't had her baby yet so we can go.  We will see you tomorrow Mom at 10:30 at Barnes and noble.  Love you.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...