Monday, June 14, 2021


Today was good. I didn't feel as stressed so that is nice. I think it's just my last week and there is only so much I can do. Then next week hopefully I will have a few days to putter around the house to feel more together. I went into work it was hot but I made it out alive. I'm working from home tomorrow I heard on the radio it's going to be 106 so I figured it would be better to not move dresses around. I ran to Costco to pick up Jeramy's medicine. He had to work till 7. Then we just watched t.v to relax. I was tired so we just stayed cool and had an easy night. My holly hocks by my fence are on crack and starting to bloom. They are taller than me. But I think they are pretty. It's fun to have something grow finally. Lol

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...