Monday, June 14, 2021


 It was payroll Monday and it went well.  I had bad anxiety all day.  Go figure that one out.  I went shopping after work for a basket for a gift.  I was going to use one that Rachel made but I needed a bigger one.  It looks just like the ones Rachel makes just bigger.  Karen I am glad you got your homework done.  That always feels nice.  Robin, I hope you survived work.  Just 4 more days.  Rachel, I am glad your dentist went well.  It is a hot one for sure.  Crazy weather.  I am going to go get my drivers license renewed.  I hope it goes well.  LOVE MOM 

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 We had a nice day. Everyone slept in and i felt a lot better. We went ice skating this afternoon and then went to Starbucks for hot chocola...