Saturday, September 6, 2014
Nice Day
It was a nice day. The baptism went really well and we went to the open house for a little while before the baptism. Isaac wanted to go swimming but I told him it wasn't a swimming pool just a place where people got baptized. He went back and told his mom it was a bath tub. He was so good. Oliver can move where he wants to get to and it is fun to watch him roll around. We took naps after the baptism and then went to the mall and got legos for going to bathroom at Grandma's house. He is doing really good at that. I couldn't believe how crowded the store was. Karen I am glad you had a good day. It is pouring rain here right now. It looked like you were really raining up in the mountains all day. We don't have much planned for tomorrow. We are going to have a quiet day. WE will miss all the action from today and Friday. It is always too quiet when everyone leaves. I did dry some zucchini today and that looked really nice. I think I am going to do that again. Have a nice Sunday. LOVE MOM
Well my day has good. I hope that the baptism was good. It was a little stormy this evening. I hope that it rains a lot. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, September 4, 2014
The country
Sounds likes a plan. I am planning on meeting at Mom's house and then we will go from their. We had good time today. Calleen made us a really nice lunch which was very sweet of her. The didn't get the truck fixed though. They couldn't find one part, they found it at the end and they needed a dremel to take a old bolt out. They boys were really good and we had a good time. I forgot how quiet it is out their. We walked to the park and it was so still. Well I will see everyone tomorrow, good luck with work.
Ya that sounds good I will go out Friday. I think I might do something with Walter Saturday if he is feeling better. If that is ok. It's still up in the air but I will plan for Friday. Today was good. Nothing to crazy, everyone liked my peach bars. I am tired today I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Have a good one
I agree
I agree with Karen, I am glad that it is Friday. Not much going on with me. Work was quiet and that was good. I even cleaned out two whole drawers of junk for the move. I am making progress. I am excited for Friday. Karen we will see you at Trolley Square. Robin did you decide to come? Rachel, I hope you had a good time in Clifton and Casey got the truck fixed up. Have a great Friday and everyone drive safe. LOVE MOM
Yeah for Friday
I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It is also the monthly luncheon. It should make the day go by pretty fast. Then I am going to meet mom and who ever else at the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. I will just meet you there if that is okay mom. My day was good. Work went by pretty fast. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Robin, you and Karen were talking about spaghetti factory and going to that store on Friday night when you left Saturday for a pre birthday celebration. Rachel said she was coming down for Riley's baptism so I thought it would be fun to have a pre birthday party on Friday. If you can't make it, that is OK. Next weekend is Karen's for reals birthday and we are going to Kamas. I wasn't sure the exact plan yet but I am sure we will get that figured out. Today we had a new person start working so that took most of the day. I didn't sleep very good last night so it was a long day. They did have chocolate cake so I made it through. I am so glad that Isaac had a good time at preschool. LOVE MOM
I can't believe Isaac is so big and going to preschool. It so weird, I guess I should just start prepping for kindergarten. Today was good. Work went by slow but I had a donut and that helped. I came home and made peach bars. I am going to take them to work. Walter is still feeling sick so I went up to the va and gave him some peach bars. Is it this weekend we are getting together or next?. Well not to much else with me.
A clean counter
Karen, good job getting things done. That always feels good. Mom we will come down on Friday and meet up with everyone. That will be fun. I had a productive day also. This morning I put Oliver down for a nap and Isaac was playing. I was cleaning up a bit and decided to can the tomatoes. I have been putting it off but it was a lot of fun to do and I am glad that I did it. The kitchen looks a lot better. After lunch I took Isaac to school. He didn't have a problem with me leaving him and had a lot of fun. I was really proud of him. I think he will have a good time. He learned a lot also. After I picked him up we went and got some bread sticks as a reward for doing good. Oliver's second tooth broke through today. He didn't feel great but I think the worst is over. This evening we just played in the backyard, it was nice. Tomorrow we are going to Clifton to visit Calleen and fix the truck. It should be fun. I will see everyone Friday. That will be fun.
Well my day has been good. I am glad that the week is half over. Work was good. I had a few things to work on so it went by pretty fast. After work I mowed my lawn. Of course I ran out of gas half way thru. So I went to get my gas can to fill it up and it was empty. So I ran to the gas station and got some more. It was annoying but I got it done. Now I am doing laundry. It also needed to be done. I also paid bills. Whew! I felt very productive this evening. Mom I would love to go to the Spaghetti Factory on Saturday. I have been craving that place. Well have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Where does the time go
Robin I am so glad that your pens were good ones. I expect a lot of colored memo will be coming from your office. Karen that is neat that you got to your peaches. WE are still working on raisins. They are just about dry so we will start our peaches tomorrow. I can't believe that our baby is starting preschool. I am sure he will love it, I am just not sure I am ready for him to be that old yet. I can't get over how cute Oliver is. I knew he would love ice cream. I love the picture of them playing together. There was talk of a spaghetti factory pre birthday celebration on Friday night. And Robin wants to go to Gateway to this new store that has all their jewelry hanging by colors. Do you want to come down Friday and spend the night? That would be fun. Just an idea. I wasn't sure if that would be too much for you. How are your ankles. I was so worried bowling took them back to square one again. Work was busy and I got to go on a tour of the new building again. It was fun to walk around. I am getting so excited to move over. It will be nice. I love the view. I will have to take a picture of it next time I am there. Everyone have a great Wednesday. That does seem nice to already be half way through the week. I stayed a little over tonight so I could save up my leave. LOVE MOM
We have been enjoying the leftovers today, thank you they are really good. I talked with my Sunday school teaching companion and I traded Sundays so I am teaching this Sunday and I have Karen's birthday off so we can stay the weekend. I am going to come down on Saturday and just come home that night. Fun times. The Sunday after that they are dedicating the Ogden temple so I have that weekend free also. We had a good day. Isaac woke up at 6!!! and didn't go back to sleep. We walked to story time and when we got home Isaac fell asleep for 4 hours. It was nice to have time with Oliver. We read and played. Jenn didn't feel well so we didn't sew. Casey had scouts today and that went well. Isaac's first day of preschool is tomorrow. I have been talking about it a lot with him so I hope that it goes alright for him. I think he will have fun.
Oliver likes Grandma's dog
Casey fed him Ice cream and he cried whenever he took it away.
Today was good I brought my pens to work, I love them, work went by fast so that was nice. I worked a few more hours to make up for Monday, I called Walter and I guess he still has a migraine, he went to the hospital and they gave him a muscle relaxant. He is going to go back in tomorrow. I was going to make peach bars but I started a knitting thing, I bought this knitting device from Joann's forever ago and when I was cleaning my house I found it. I had a bit started, So I started again. I will take a picture when I get enough to take a picture of. Well have a good night
Well I have finished drying the nectarines that I got. I now have peaches going. I even just ate one and they are yummy peaches. My day at work was good. It felt like a Monday though. At least that means Friday will come faster. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, August 31, 2014
A beautiful day
I am sorry that your fruit roll ups didn't turn out Mom. Keep trying and you will get it. Good job drying fruit everyone. Today was good. Casey didn't sleep good last night so me and the boys went to church. Oliver was not very content and church was kind of rocky. Luckily he napped though my lesson so that went well. Casey went on a bike ride with Collin and they had a fun time. Then they sat in the blue car with Isaac. Isaac loves the car. Casey found mouse droppings in the kitchen so he cleaned everything and we went to lowes to get stuff to kill them. We got these things you plug int he wall and the sound repels them. Casey and Isaac went to the park while Oliver napped and then when he got up we walked over and meet them. It was a really pretty evening and it felt good to be outside. I finished binding my quilt!!!! I attached a picture. It feels good to be done with it. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Drive safe.
My fruit roll ups are a failure. They are hard and not cute at all. They taste good. Just not going to be all wrapped up cute. Next time. We dried fruit today also. It is taking forever. I am excited to come up to Logan. Karen is coming down and as soon as she gets here we will leave. I was going to get up with my alarm and get bagels and stuff for tasty turkey sandwiches for lunch. I thought that sounded really good. We went to church today and made it through sacrament and then they said the bishop wanted to meet with us but after 45 minutes he came and said he would have to meet with us some other time. So we at least got sacrament in. I did take a huge nap and that felt nice. I made lemon chicken for dinner and that tasted good. Robin, I will see you up there when you get there. Everyone drive safe. LOVE MOM
Well I have had a nice day. I got nectarines drying. I figured I would do those first side they were riper than the peaches. I am excited to come up to Logan tomorrow. Mom I will be at your place around nine if that is still okay. Well have a great one bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...