Tuesday, September 2, 2014


We have been enjoying the leftovers today, thank you they are really good.  I talked with my Sunday school teaching companion and I traded Sundays so I am teaching this Sunday and I have Karen's birthday off so we can stay the weekend.  I am going to come down on Saturday and just come home that night.  Fun times.  The Sunday after that they are dedicating the Ogden temple so I have that weekend free also.  We had a good day.  Isaac woke up at 6!!! and didn't go back to sleep. We walked to story time and when we got home Isaac fell asleep for 4 hours.  It was nice to have time with Oliver.  We read and played.  Jenn didn't feel well so we didn't sew.  Casey had scouts today and that went well.  Isaac's first day of preschool is tomorrow.  I have been talking about it a lot with him so I hope that it goes alright for him.  I think he will have fun.


Oliver likes Grandma's dog

Casey fed him Ice cream and he cried whenever he took it away.

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