Sunday, August 31, 2014

A beautiful day

I am sorry that your fruit roll ups didn't turn out Mom.  Keep trying and you will get it.  Good job drying fruit everyone.  Today was good.  Casey didn't sleep good last night so me and the boys went to church.  Oliver was not very content and church was kind of rocky.  Luckily he napped though my lesson so that went well.  Casey went on a bike ride with Collin and they had a fun time.  Then they sat in the blue car with Isaac.  Isaac loves the car.  Casey found mouse droppings in the kitchen so he cleaned everything and we went to lowes to get stuff to kill them.  We got these things you plug int he wall and the sound repels them.  Casey and Isaac went to the park while Oliver napped and then when he got up we walked over and meet them.  It was a really pretty evening and it felt good to be outside.  I finished binding my quilt!!!!  I attached a picture.  It feels good to be done with it.  I am excited to see everyone tomorrow.  Drive safe.


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