Friday, April 20, 2018


We made it safe and sound to kamas. Karen made us an instapot dinner and it was yummy. Thanks for fixing Robin's car. That is so cute they were holding hands. We will get up and come to Logan. Karen is going to pick Robin up. See you all soon.


My day has been good. It went pretty quick for a Friday.  Mom and dad made it up safe and sound. We hung out and played ganes. We are planning on leaving here early around 8. See everyone tomorrow. Bye


Today was a good day.  It was nice weather today.  We went to the hobby lobby this morning and got zippers for the pouch Robin got me, I am slow.  We went to story time and that was fun.  Oliver loves animal books and he reads them when we get home which is great.  For lunch I took them to chick fil and they had fun.  They were holding hands going up the stairs and it was so cute.  We rode our bikes to pick up Isaac and Imogene is so fast she just left us.  Isaac and Roxanna talked and rode together.  We saw Zoey on the way home and she was riding bikes so Isaac went and rode with her and played at her house for a while.  This evening Casey finished Robin's car and we played outside.  Their were a ton of ants so we killed them and they were clumpy so I took a picture.  I also finished the first block on my block of the month, ti took forever.  I am a month behind.  Drive safe tomorrow.


Thursday, April 19, 2018


My day was good as well. Work is still moving along. It felt like today should have been Friday, but unfortunately it was only Thursday. That is going to make tomorrow seem like a long day. I hope everyone had a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Thanks for working on my car you guys are sweet. Today was good nothing to over the top. I decided to get pre approved so I can start looking at places. I had to scan in my tax documents all night tonight. I had a headache and my neck hurt so I took a naproxen an in 30 min I felt a ton better. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I will head up to kamas tomorrow. I am not sure if I will make it for dinner so I will eat in SLC and then drive up.



I had a good day at work.  I remembered on the way home last night that I forgot to publish some minutes so I got up early and did that before a lot of people got into work.  Dad stayed home today and rested and worked from home. I came home early and then we met the Gumm Gang at Spaghetti Factory.  It tasted good and I have enough for lunch tomorrow.  I think we have a plan.  Tomorrow after work we will go to Karen's house and pick up her table and spend the night.  Then early morning (8:00 ish) we will come to Logan.  Me and dad will spend the night for sure but I am not sure about Karen and Robin.  Get us a list of things you want us to do.  It is suppose to be a beautiful day.  Everyone have a great Friday.  I am still over my time so I get to leave a little bit early tomorrow also.  LOVE MOM


Today was good, nothing too exciting.  The little kids slept in the morning and I let them sleep and sewed for a bit which was fun.  We went to Walmart to get Oliver more underwear so he would have enough for a week.  I went visiting teaching when Oliver was at school and it wasn't too bad, I was dreading it but it was nice to talk.  The kids had swimming lessons after school and they love them.  They are fun to watch.  Casey worked on Robin's car and the little kids love to help him.  Isaac really wanted Noodles and Company for dinner but we were having nachos.  Casey told him if he used his own money he would take him their to eat.  Isaac really wanted to do that so they went.  Ruthie grabbed her purse and wallet and went along too, it was cute.  They had a good time.  Me and Oliver ate and then played video games.  Everyone have a good Friday, this week went really fast.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Yes, bring anything up that you want to throw away.  That will be awesome.  That is funny that the plant night was canceled, I am glad that you had a good time anyway.  Today was good. I volunteered at Isaac's school and that was fun and we ate lunch with him.  He rode his bike by himself this morning, Imogene was sick and the little kids were still asleep, and he wanted to ride home with his friend.  We walked down to the end of the street and that was fun.  Casey had scouts and the girls next door came over for a bit.  After dinner we just played outside which was nice.  Thanks for coming up guys and have a good day tomorrow.



So I guess I need to check my emails more. I missed one that plant night had been cancelled but I had a wonderful time.  They had good food and we played cards.  Work was crazy busy today and I ran all day.  I am hoping tomorrow will be slower.  Not much else going on with us.  Dad has bad allergies.  I am excited to go to Logan and play.  LOVE MOM


Well I  went to SLC and when we got to the place the plant nite was we found out it had been canceled. So we had burgers and fries there and then went to mom and dads place and played cards. They had sent mom an email saying it was cancelled but she hadn't checked her email. It was fun anyway. We also got rescheduled for next week. Other than that it was just the usual here. Hey Rachel would you mind if when I come up on Saturday i being mt old table and throw it in your dumpster? Have a good night everyone. Bye

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Rachel that is one huge dumpster.  You should be able to fit everything into that one.  We will help you get it all in for sure.  That is fun you got tickets for Isaac and you to go to a concert.  I think that will be a lot of fun for you.  I can babysit the other kids.  We are going to a plant night tomorrow night to build a terrarium.  I thought I had blogged about that one.  It is at a bar.  It is called plant nite.  I think it will be fun.  The have 5 dollar hamburgers on Wednesday nights so I think we are eating there as well. I will let you know how it goes.  It was a groupon.  Then on Thursday night I am meeting up with the Gumm Gang at the spaghetti factory by Robin.  Rachel do you want us to come up Friday night and help you?  I wasn't sure what the plan was.  We can also come up Saturday and spend Saturday night so we can work late.  Let me know what you would like.  We are good with whatever helps you the most.  Have a nice hump day.  Drive safe Karen.  LOVE MOM


What is going on tomorrow?  Are you doing something fun.  I was listening to the radio and I heard that Imagination Dragon is playing this summer in SLC with a bunch of bands.  I texted Casey and we decided to get tickets for Isaac, so me and him are going in July.  I think he will have a blast.  Today was busy.  I babysat this morning and the kids were really good.  We had a dumpster delivered this morning so all the kids got to watch.  Oliver had school but Ruthie didn't nap so we painted.  After Isaac came home we had swimming lessons, the kids love going.  We met for young women's early and watched the Greatest Showman.  The girls were all singing and then one girl didn't want anyone singing so we had to watch the show in silence after that.  I thought it was lame of her.  I just kept thinking of the time we watched the Newies and everyone was singing and it was so awesome.   I am Ms Negative Nellie this week.  Love you guys and have a great day.



My day was good. It snowed off and on most of the day. I am glad the latest storm is over. Work is going good. It was quieter today so I was able to work on a project I have been putting off.  I am excited to play tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


Today was pretty smooth I felt like I was getting on top of life a bit. Knock on wood it stays smooth sailing for a while. I went to the gym tonight it was nice to get out a bit then I just came home and relaxed. Thankfully it's going to stop snowing for a while and should be warm

Monday, April 16, 2018


It was super windy here today as well. Rachel I agree the lady was rude, don't let it bother you. Some people are just drama. My day was good. Work was quieter today so I was able to catch up on a few things. Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone. Bye


It was so windy here as well.  It was so dusty all day outside.  Work was good.  I got a lot done so that was nice.  I have a bad cough so that sucks.  Rachel that is so rude.  She just wanted to go when she wanted to go.  Just say no when she asks you to go with her.  You are too busy for that.  We did go to best buy to look a computers.  My desktop is running so slow lately.  It is getting old.  I want one where the desktop is in the monitor.  We were just day dreaming but I think we will get us one.  I think if we wait for when school starts we will find a good deal on one.  I bet it rains mud for awhile when the storm finally comes.  We did mail our taxes today.  Check that one off for the year.  Be careful in the snow tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


That is rude rachel, heaven forbid the world doesn't revolve around her and she has to worry about your schedule. I think you are awesome and she can just be miserable on her own. I hate drama girls they boil my blood. I just air slapped her ha ha my day was good. I did not want to go to work and I made it out ok. I need an attitude alignment I just over working ha ha ha. I told everyone I would buy smart cookies because they have been awesome. So I went up and grabbed some, I almost blew away it was so windy. I came home and took a nap so I don't sleep tonight but I couldn't fight my eyes any longer



It was a windy day today.  We rode bikes to school this morning and it wasn't too bad but after that it was windy all day.  I babysat this morning and that went good, she is a cute girl.  I went visiting teaching afterwards.  Let me rant for a minute, last week she asked if I was available "Monday or Thursday afternoon".  I told her what I had in the afternoons so last night she texted me and said that she had something set up for 10 this morning.  I told her I babysat this morning but could go around 11:30.  So she changed it and I went.  When I got there she said that she hates to change appointments that she has already set up but that I had something come up.  I was like no, I always babysit Monday mornings and she had just asked about the afternoons.  She said that she meant all day Monday and the afternoon on Thursday.  She was really rude over a misunderstanding and it made me pretty mad.  Sorry that was a long story  Oliver had school and Ruthie took a nap.  I drove to pick up the kids because of the windy but they rode their bikes home.  Casey got a new wheelbarrow, it was cheaper than buying new wheels.  Then he met us at Sam's for dinner and we got diaper.  I love you guys and hope you have a good night.


Sunday, April 15, 2018

I tried

I tried to be productive. I did one little section of my elephant but i got really tired and my thread kept snapping so I had to stop then I was lazy the rest of the day I had big dreams of getting alot done but I didn't. I hope everyone has a good Monday



My day was good. I was just lazy. It was nice. I will plan on coming up next weekend to help. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Over the river and through the woods

We went and saw grandma today.  We went to all a dollar and walked around and then had lunch.  She wanted to start coloring again so we also went to Walmart and got her some crayons.  I bought some color books and smelly crayons for the kids for church.  I thought that might be fun for them.  We didn't do much else.  WOW I love that door Rachel.  Do you just put crown molding around the edge of the door.  I wasn't sure how you finished it up.  We are planning on coming up this weekend.  Put us to work for sure.  It is suppose snow tomorrow night and Tuesday but so far the weekend looks great.  Have a nice Monday.  It is tax day on Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

New door

Thanks guys, yea if you guys want to come up on Saturday their is a ton to do.  We are going to get a big dumpster and we can load it up.  Thanks.  Yesterday Casey worked until noon.  Then we went and got the door.  Randy came and drove the door in the truck.  He stayed all day and helped Casey install the door which was really nice.  The door looks so nice, I love it.  I think that we are slowly going to replace all the windows, add it too the list I guess.  Today was busy.  I had meetings all morning and then we went to church.  We just played in the backyard all evening which was fun.  The nieghbor girls came over.  Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...