Thursday, April 19, 2018


Today was good, nothing too exciting.  The little kids slept in the morning and I let them sleep and sewed for a bit which was fun.  We went to Walmart to get Oliver more underwear so he would have enough for a week.  I went visiting teaching when Oliver was at school and it wasn't too bad, I was dreading it but it was nice to talk.  The kids had swimming lessons after school and they love them.  They are fun to watch.  Casey worked on Robin's car and the little kids love to help him.  Isaac really wanted Noodles and Company for dinner but we were having nachos.  Casey told him if he used his own money he would take him their to eat.  Isaac really wanted to do that so they went.  Ruthie grabbed her purse and wallet and went along too, it was cute.  They had a good time.  Me and Oliver ate and then played video games.  Everyone have a good Friday, this week went really fast.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...