Tuesday, April 17, 2018


What is going on tomorrow?  Are you doing something fun.  I was listening to the radio and I heard that Imagination Dragon is playing this summer in SLC with a bunch of bands.  I texted Casey and we decided to get tickets for Isaac, so me and him are going in July.  I think he will have a blast.  Today was busy.  I babysat this morning and the kids were really good.  We had a dumpster delivered this morning so all the kids got to watch.  Oliver had school but Ruthie didn't nap so we painted.  After Isaac came home we had swimming lessons, the kids love going.  We met for young women's early and watched the Greatest Showman.  The girls were all singing and then one girl didn't want anyone singing so we had to watch the show in silence after that.  I thought it was lame of her.  I just kept thinking of the time we watched the Newies and everyone was singing and it was so awesome.   I am Ms Negative Nellie this week.  Love you guys and have a great day.


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