Monday, April 16, 2018


It was so windy here as well.  It was so dusty all day outside.  Work was good.  I got a lot done so that was nice.  I have a bad cough so that sucks.  Rachel that is so rude.  She just wanted to go when she wanted to go.  Just say no when she asks you to go with her.  You are too busy for that.  We did go to best buy to look a computers.  My desktop is running so slow lately.  It is getting old.  I want one where the desktop is in the monitor.  We were just day dreaming but I think we will get us one.  I think if we wait for when school starts we will find a good deal on one.  I bet it rains mud for awhile when the storm finally comes.  We did mail our taxes today.  Check that one off for the year.  Be careful in the snow tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

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