Saturday, December 3, 2022


We went down to Provo today to take out Jeramy Mom for lunch. Then we came home. Luna woke up once we took her out of the car seat and wouldn't go back down. We put up the car box so Luna could play in it. She's been liking it. We put up Christmas lights then noticed all the outside outlets were out. So Karen came down and helped us find the right breaker to switch. We have lights and we found out it also affected our freezer in the garage so it's nice to have work again. Thanks Karen. I hope Casey is on the mend. And you are getting a little down time rachel. sorry it's so stressful. Love you guys


Friday, December 2, 2022


This morning Luna's whole bottle spilled into my purse. So I ran to the gas station to get more milk. I need to wash my purse so it doesn't smell like milk. Then Jeramy texted me. He caught a mouse downstairs. He was working from home today. He put it outside. But by the time I got home it was dead. Jeramy thinks I ran over him. I think he ate the roach poison. I had to pick up groceries so we picked up rat traps. When Luna went down we put together her car for Christmas and it's now charging so it's ready to rock. It's really cute. I'm glad Casey is getting better. Hopefully they can wake him up soon and he can come home! I don't have any major plans this weekend so I can always run up or run errands to help out. 


Thursday, December 1, 2022


 I am glad Casey is doing well. I am with Robin this sucks, glad he was able to get help quickly, and Rachel you are awesome. My day was strange. I got to work and was there for about an hour and then had to go home because I have covid. If anyone needs anything just give me a call. Love you all. 


I'm sorry to hear about Casey. I'm glad they were able to quickly fix the issue and it wasn't a lot worse. I'm so thankful he's going to be around a lot longer. I know it's harder to be in the sidelines but you are doing great Rachel. Let me know if you need anything. I can come up anytime. I'm sorry you have COVID Karen. Hopefully you can reschedule your surgery for a better day. I don't have anything's suppose to snow a ton tonight so everyone be safe. The new boots I bought at black Friday have the security tag on it still so I can't wear them. So that was my wild news.😊 For some good news tomorrow is Friday.


Wednesday, November 30, 2022


I had my work party today. It was fun. Mom and dad watched Luna while we were out. I'm sorry you are not getting surgery Karen. We did all get you a little gift coming tomorrow :) but it can hold over till the surgery actually happens. I keep getting alerts that Thursday night to Friday is going to be a massive storm. Hopefully it's not too wild. 



 I worked from home and it was good. We had a meeting and I talked and coughed and they said to work from home the rest of the week. We had an appt with the stomach doctor and they are going to scope his stomach to make sure he is OK. It is in February. We went and babysat Luna. It was a lot of fun. She is a mover. She was happy. Rachel you need to slow down. You are going to wear out. That party looked so fun. That was a great idea. Karen I am sorry you can't have surgery. That sucks. Are you thinking after Christmas? Tomorrow it is.officially December. Love mom 


 I am sorry we got you sick Karen.  Should have been careful over Thanksgiving.  I hope you don't have to wait long.  Today was another busy day.  It is Lily's second birthday.  I got up early and went and got her a present.  Work was good and it going pretty smoothly.  Oliver's friend Walter came over and played.  They are cute friends.  I folded laundry and had to deliver 11 loafs of bread to my primary teachers for Christmas.  It is a little early.  The kids were really cute to help me and we had fun.  We went to Randy's house for Lily's party.  Kimi does such a cute job.  Lily likes dinosaurs and she made a cake the kids could use paint brushes to look for dinosaur bones.  Then the had kits the kids could look for fossils.  It was fun and Lily is cute.  Casey and Isaac went to get some groceries and the CR-V battery died.  The guy at the store had a cheap battery but then had to pay cash because he was using the money to fix his car.  I had to go and get some cash and run it down to them.  Tomorrow is my works party at the fun park.  I spent so much at bath and body works I got two free things so I got Ruth a plug in scent thing. She loves them.

Love Rachel


 Well since I have a cold I called and they said no surgery until I am over it. So since I am well I will call and reschedule. They still made me go get a covid test before they would tell me that. Oh well. Other than that it was a quiet day for a Wednesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


 We didn't get any snow up here.  They kids want it to snow so badly.  It was a busy day.  Work went good.  I feel like it am getting the hang of it better.  Casey didn't feel well so he worked from home.  Ruth had tumbling and Isaac had orchestra.  We met tonight to make the Christmas presents for primary and I needed to pick up a couple things so me and Oliver did that.  We met at 7 to put everything today and we didn't get done until 10.  They are really cute though and it is so nice to do it together instead alone.  It was fun.  It is a busy week.

Love Rachel 


 I worked from home today. Every one from my group said the roads were so bad. I didn't sleep well. I took cough meds that hyped me up. I left work a little early and took a nap. We did go get drugs and I picked up cookies for luna. we are babysitting her tomorrow so Robin can go to her work party. Dad has a doctors appointment at 2 so we will go their first. I stopped Taking that Antibiotic. It so sick. I just can't win. I am feeling better just doing nothing. Well that was.all.our excitement. I think Luna will.always love her feet rubbed. Love


Today was ok. It snowed about 2 inches here. I had no trouble going into work. But I guess 30 minutes later there were 15 cars in an accident and it made a mess. So I was lucky and missed it. It's so cold now i don't like it. 



 I felt better this morning so I went into work. I made it through all day so yeah for me. After work I went and bought a better mouse trap so wish me luck. Then i pulled out my snowblower and cleared my walks. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, November 28, 2022


 I worked from home. It was payroll Monday and work went fast. I haven't fevered either so that is good. I may see how the roads are before I go into work. I think we are getting better. We haven't done much. Just rested. I love the pictures of luna also. I hope Ruth likes her lego. Well be careful in the weather. Love mom


Luna was so grumpy Tonight. We set up the play and pack and she loves to play in it. But by the end of the night she would cry because she wanted to get in. Then cry because she wanted to get out. It snowed right when I got home so that was lucky. It was so cold today. Hope everyone starts feeling better soon


 That sounds like a rough day Karen.  I am sorry everyone is sick.  That is am awful end to Thanksgiving.  I have a cough and runny nose but I have never fevered.  I wore a mask to work just because everyone seems to do it when they are sick.  We have had a hard time at work with some fringe on two different blocks and we got both of them approved today so that was good.  It went really fast today.  It snowed but not as much as we would.have liked.  Not enough to go sledding really.  I made turkey soup for dinner and no one ate it but it tasted good.  Isaac had violin lessons today and he is doing really well.  Everyone had homework but they didn't complain and we're good to do it.  I went to exercise class and it felt really good. Luna is so cute with Santa.  That is a good picture.

Love Rachel 


 Well i saw a mouse last night. So i laid out some traps. I didn't catch anything but I haven't seen him tonight either. So maybe he ate some of the poison and kicked it somewhere else. I called in sick to work today. I am feeling better and I didn't run a fever today so I might be getting over this cold. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 

Sunday, November 27, 2022


Sorry you are sick Karen it's a rough one. Yesterday I was able to glowforge a bit and set up our Christmas tree. I forgot to take a picture. We went to the mall today to take Santa picture with Luna..she didn't love it but we got her an ice cream after and she loved that. We set up the play and pack downstairs for a time out but Luna loved playing in it. She played all night. So she will just keep hitting I guess. Lol. I painted a Grinch for my desk at work . 


 I still wasn't feeling very well. I can't shake the fever. I did tell everyone I was going to work from home tomorrow. I can't go in with a fever. I do have payroll so I will do that. I am working tonight also. Karen I am sorry you have a mouse. I hope you catch him. Good luck everyone getting back to the real world. Love mom


 I still feel a little rough. I might call in sick tomorrow, because I really want to get over this before Friday. Other than that I just took it easy again today I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...