Monday, November 28, 2022


 That sounds like a rough day Karen.  I am sorry everyone is sick.  That is am awful end to Thanksgiving.  I have a cough and runny nose but I have never fevered.  I wore a mask to work just because everyone seems to do it when they are sick.  We have had a hard time at work with some fringe on two different blocks and we got both of them approved today so that was good.  It went really fast today.  It snowed but not as much as we would.have liked.  Not enough to go sledding really.  I made turkey soup for dinner and no one ate it but it tasted good.  Isaac had violin lessons today and he is doing really well.  Everyone had homework but they didn't complain and we're good to do it.  I went to exercise class and it felt really good. Luna is so cute with Santa.  That is a good picture.

Love Rachel 

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