Saturday, October 15, 2011
well today was good. there were a ton of people at lagoon today. but luckily i don't have to deal with people. anywho not to much else going on just workn have a great night robin
I am ready
Well we went to Logan today and it was a lot of fun. Isaac just grows and changes so fast. He is such a perfect child. I am now ready for the farewell and birthday party for Casey. Yeah. I think I have enough food to feed an army. I am glad you got to go see the fireworks Karen. Robin your maggots looked amazing. You are so good. Thanks Rachel for letting us hang out with you today.
Well I had a good day. I got my grocery shopping done. I also had a nap. I wish there was nap time every day. They fireworks just finished they were pretty. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE
Friday, October 14, 2011
well today was good not much happening just worked at lagoon. So same ole same ole. I can't believe its the middle of the month already. well not to much else going on have a great weekend.
Here is the article about the wagon train. It has been 150 years since the church sent the first group down here and the did this wagon train to celebrate it.
Here is the article about the wagon train. It has been 150 years since the church sent the first group down here and the did this wagon train to celebrate it.
ready for the weekend
It was kind of a slow day for me as well. I was really busy but the day seemed to move slowly. I did get my laundry done tonight so that was good. I am getting into the Wheel Of Time Book. It is good. That sounds like fun Karen. Why is the wagon coming? I love the quilt Rachel it is beautiful. It turned out really well. 1st dam is a good place to go watch cars. Did Isaac say duck? We are for sure coming to Logan tomorrow. We will be up there around 10:30 or so. Just see how fast we move in the morning. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
I finished
I had a good day. We did laundry in the morning and in the afternoon we went up to first dam and feed the duck and watched cars. I finished my quilt top. It turned out good, it isn't great but I am getting better. Here is a picture. I have four quilt tops that I need to quilt now. I think that I am going to piece one more and then work on that.

Well I made it thru work. It seemed to drag alot, but I got thru. I am glad that tomorrow is Saturday. The wagon train is arriving here tomorrow morning, so they are having a parade and a festival and then fireworks. I hope that you get everything on your list done mom. Have a great weekend everyone. BYE
Thursday, October 13, 2011
fast but lazy
today was good I went to work for a bit and then I went and shopped with mom and this time we did by some things. I can't believe how fast time is going but then I just am lazy so what I should get done, doesn't so next week I have a lot to do. well tomorrow is another day of frightmares. not to much else exciting sorry you had a crazy day rachel that is intense. I liked your video karen. :) anywho have a great night
Made it to Friday
We made it to friday almost. Boy Rachel that was an eventful day. That fence gets more deer. We are going to have to fix that. My day was quiet compared to that. Work was busy and it went fast. Dad called and said everything went really well and he was happy about it. He will be home around midnight. Me and Robin went to the Halloween Store and looked around. It was neat. I can't believe how fast time is going. Have a great friday.
That was an awesome video Karen, my luck that would happen to me. Sorry I missed your email Mom, I wasn't good about keeping my phone with me. This morning I heard a cry and I just thought it was Isaac so we got up, got dressed and I feed him. Then we were in the front living room playing and we heard this loud cry and I look outside and animal control released a deer from the fence. The deer was fine and ran off. I feel bad I didn't notice him earlier. Then when I put Isaac down for his nap I was making a sandwich and I heard a loud crash and there had been a car accident on the corner. They took both away on stretchers, so I hope that they are alright. Then they turned off our water and I didn't know when I was making Isaac a bottle. Luckily I had some water in the fridge. On the positive side Casey made it home alright and I finished my quilt, I just need to put on my border. I will post a picture tomorrow, it turned out pretty good.
Well my day was good. Just the same old same down in St. George. I hope that dad's trip went well. I hope that you got your pizza for dinner mom. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. This week has gone by pretty fast though. Just think Robin a week from Monday we get to play in Vegas. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
well things went well today. I did a zombie demo for a bueaty school in sandy. i was so nervous I didn't sleep well but I came home after and slept the rest of the afternoon. Then me and mom went out for dinner and walked the mall it was fun. well not to much else happening. have a great night
Big Day
Well tomorrow is a big day. Dad is delivering a detector. One down. I hope it goes well. He wasn't feeling very good. He is really struggling. I am worried about him. I hope it goes OK. It was a busy day at work and then Robin and I went to Yellow Fin for dinner. I love their california rolls. We walked the mall and then came home. It was a nice night. Have a good Thursday. Pray for dad.
Hello Mr Anderson
Today was so pretty outside. It was so nice. I took Isaac outside and he walked around on the grass. He is doing really good walking. On the clapping front, I was singing if your happy and you know it clap your hands and I was clapping and Isaac was facing me. he had a hold of my and hands and he would stop my hands and make a face at me and then put my hands together. I think that is good process. I have almost finished all my blocks for the quilt show quilt. I only have another half an hour. It is looking pretty good. Well Isaac wouldn't take an afternoon nap so it was a early bed time. I am glad that Dad made it safely. I hope that it goes really well for him.
Half way
Well I had a good day. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. I hope that your zombie thing went well Robin. I made tacos for dinner and they tasted really good. I am glad that dad made it safe. I hope that his trip goes well. Thanks for the package mom. They are cute projects. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
what up
so today was good. I relaxed today worked on some projects and then went to brigham city and meet up with rachel. tomorrow I have a demo I am doing for a school for zombie makeup. I hope it goes well. not to much else happening have a great one robin
home again
We made it safe and sound to Brigham city and back. It was so nice to do that. We ate at Old Grist Mill and the soup tasted so good. THen we went to Walmart and got me some shampoo and Isaac a new toy. It was a lot of fun. Dad is leaving in the morning and will come home late on Thursday. He has presnidone. He is going to have a much better trip. Thanks Rachel for getting that for us. Thanks Robin for driving. Karen I am still only one ahead. YEAH. Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
Where the sun go
Well it is starting to get dark early. This morning when I was driving to work the sun wasn't even over the mountains yet. Pretty soon I will have to turn my lights on to go to work. Work was good. It was a little slow in the morning but it picked up in the afternoon so that was nice. It was nice outside today. the sun was shining and it was 70. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, October 10, 2011
those are cute videos rachel he's so funny. well today was chill I just slept and then migrated to the couch and then napped and then watched some t.v. its really nice to have a day off of nothingness. I enjoyed it. well not to much else going on have a great one...
Cute Cute
Rachel, thanks for videoing that. He is so cute. I can't get over how well he can eat and talk. He is amazing. My day was pretty good. Work was busy and it went by fast. I did some ironing and watched My Name is Earl. I enjoy that series. WE watched the last one tonight. Dad is going to Dupot on Wednesday. I hope it goes really good. Pray for him. He still isn't feeling really well but he is going to go. I hope he isn't pushing himself to hard. We need to save that video. It is neat. Have a great Tuesday. I can't believe how fast October is going. Man is it already the 10th.
Another one
We had a good day, it seemed to go fast. I found some charm packs that Mom got me a hundred years ago that are Halloween and super cute. I found a cute charm pack pattern that I want to do with it. I am still am working on the one we got at the quilt fair but I feel more motivated so maybe I can get them both done by Halloween. Isaac started to high pitch babble this weekend and it is really cute, he does it alot now also. Today we were eating apples and he would take a bit and then babble and I got a little video of it. He takes his sock off at the end and drops the apple that's why it gets a little bumpy.
Well I had a good day. Work went well. It was meeting day so I had 2 I had to go to. I like the video Rachel. It's all a matter of motivation. I am doing laundry. I was going to do it last weekend, but I definitely wasn't motivated. Well other than laundry my night is pretty quiet. i hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Right Ward
We found the right ward today. They even had our records. Go figure out that one. We just stayed for sacrament meeting and then came home. I didn't want to have dad sit for too long. We went out to see Grandma Bodily. It was a nice day. I took a nap when we got back and just woke up. I hope I sleep tonight. I am glad that Isaac is crawling forward. Fruit Loops. I will have to go buy a box of them. They aren't my favorites. It sounds like everyone had a good weekend. It was nice to have a quiet one. Good luck getting back into the work week.
Well church was good today. I didn't have to teach primary this week so I went to Relief Society. I could hear the primary practicing their singing and it made me miss singing time. Oh well I will be there next week. I am glad that Isaac went forward. I think he just likes going backwards better. He just wants to go his own way. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE
The right motivation
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I am super jealous that you guys get to go to the blue man good. That is awesome. It will be so fun. We had a good day yesterday. We just did some cleaning and yard work. We also went on a bike ride. I picked three more bags of apples and and drying them since I have eaten all that we dried before. Today Casey had to work but he can back just now so that was nice. Me and Isaac went to church and a guy behind us had a really deep voice and when he sang Isaac just started at him with his mouth open. It was funny. I tried to keep him facing forward so he wouldn't stare. Casey's Dad and Terry came over and Isaac commando crawls forward. So after they left I took a video of it but it wont post. I will try later. He will only do it for Fruit Loops so far. He just needs food as a motivator.
big mouth frog
today was good. it was warmer at work we made a cloth drape to catch all the heat in our little area. then after work we all went to applebees and had a bite to eat. we have a fun crew this year. anywho thanks for the tickets karen that will be fun to see the blue man group. Not to much else happening on my side. I work tomorrow, well have a great night
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...