Saturday, January 17, 2015

Chocolate Milk

I am glad that you guys had a good day, that sounds really fun.  Poor Casey's was sick again today so he stayed home and was able to get some rest.  He is going to try work tomorrow so I hope that he is feeling better.  I took the boys to the cheese factory today and got some chocolate milk since we were out.  It was fun.  Then we went to Shopko and just walked around.  It was nice to get out of the house.  It was a really pretty day and I took Isaac out to ride his bike.  I had Oliver in a stroller.  It was good practice for him and I could tell he was getting a lot better by the time we made it back.  Then we came back and Isaac rode his scooter and I had Oliver walk.  Then we played in the mud for a while.  It was so nice to be outside.  Well I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Jenn's daughter is having her mission farewell.  I think it would be so hard to send your kids off on a mission.



Today was my first full day off in a long time. It felt good to sleep in. I had a Joann's get to know you machine course. But my I slept on my ear funny and had an ear ache and my knee hurt so I stayed home. I thought by the after noon it would go away but I lingered. But I felt good to veg, I think my body needed it. Well not much else 


Nice Day

I had a nice day.  Karen came down and took us shooting.  We tried out some 22's and dad was able to shoot them.  Thanks Karen.  We took Grandma Bodily out to lunch.  She went to the doctor yesterday and still had pneumonia so they gave her a shot and she said she was feeling better.  Karen went home and I slept the whole afternoon.  It felt so nice.  I made meatloaf for dinner.  I haven't made that in a long time.  It tasted really good.  Not much else going on with us.  It was so clear and nice today.  Have a nice Sunday.  Grandma said that Shopko is closing down in Bountiful.  I think we are going to take her there tomorrow to see if there are any great sales.  LOVE MOM


Well I had a good day. I met mom and dad this morning and we went target shooting. Then we went and picked grandma up and took her to lunch. It was a fun day. Well I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, January 16, 2015

Yea for the weekend

Rachel, I love the wall hanging.  That is just perfect.  That was so nice of Mandy to send the boys a surprise.  That always makes the day so fun.  I can't believe how fast Oliver is getting the hang of walking.  He will be keeping up with Isaac before you know it.  Karen emailed and said she wanted to go shooting tomorrow so I am going to go with her in the morning.  Robin if you want to hook up for lunch let us know.  I am going to sleep in a little bit.  I hope Casey gets feeling better real soon.  Dad worked really late tonight and just got home.  Not much else new with me.  I am with you Robin it has seemed like a long week.  Love Mom.  We have physicals in Park City on Monday at 4 and 5.  I thought we could come and visit Karen afterwards.  LOVE MOM


I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  Casey stayed home sick today and got some rest.  Oliver wok up at 6 which is early for me, the little stinker.  I took the boys to story time this morning and we got all the Bunnicula books that they had and we have read all of them.  Isaac was excited about that.  It is fun to see him grow into harder books.  I am going to start getting our books from the early reader section now, he likes them.  Casey wanted El Sol for dinner so I went and picked it up for us and some nuggets for Isaac and we ate it at home.  It was fun and it tasted really good.  Oliver is getting really good at walking along things, he is moving all over the place.  Today Casey hung up a table runner on the wall in the kitchen for me.  It looks good I think, I attached a picture.  Mandy sent us a package yesterday and their were some place mats that you can color in it.  I attached a picture of the boys coloring them.



Well my Friday has been good. I am so glad that it is the weekend. Mom it will be fun to hang out tomorrow. Well I really don't have much to report so I will sign off. Have a great one.


I am so glad it's friday it has been the longest week. I am glad it's over. I am working at scheels so nothing to crazy. Hope everyone has a good weekend

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fun night

I met Julie and Kay for dinner tonight.  We went to the district.  It was fun.  They have so many stores there.  I found some balls on clearance for Oliver's ball tent.  There were 150 balls in the bag.  I did give Julie a couple for Hayden.  I was way excited about that.  When I was driving to Kay's, I saw where they had torn down all the restaurants by Foothill apartments.  Where cowboy grub was, there was nothing there just the gas station.  It was weird.  That was my big news.  I am glad your photo shoot went well Robin.  That is fun to do that again.  Good luck at Scheel's tomorrow.  You are going to save a ton of money on that unlimited soda for 10 dollars.  You will have to fill up just before you leave work.  That is cool.  I love that ice.  We have an ice machine at our new building and I just love it.  Rachel you are in for living on the stairs.  They just love to climb stairs.  I hope Casey is OK.  That is scary he is so sick.  I hope he gets feeling better.  I agree with Karen it is always nice to go grocery shopping.  Well have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

Make it

Today is hat day at maggie so that was good. But the best news of all time they installed the soda machines. It's 10 dollars a month for unlimited soda and they bought us an ice machine with the good chip ice. They also bought us a pinball machine that is free to play. Then I did a makeup shoot with a new guy at rich's studio he paid so that was nice.he has like 100 ideas. He has quite a bee in his bonnet. But if he's pays I won't won't complain. I work at scheels tomorrow. Not as fun but it's still money I guess. Have a good one



Casey wasn't feeling good again today and he is going to stay home from work tomorrow to rest.  Other than that is was a pretty good day.  Oliver slept all night last night which was amazing, it was nice to sleep.  My visiting teachers came this morning and then Oliver took a nap.  When he was asleep me and Isaac went to Joanns for thread and then grocery shopping.  I made spaghetti for dinner and Isaac ate it.  He kept saying how good it tasted, it was funny.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday, don't work too hard.


Oliver was trying to climb the stairs today, he wasn't able to do it but he was close.

Isaac played with his binki dog a lot but he wouldn't stop moving for a picture.


Well it was super foggy here this morning. It did clear up until lunch. But the sun finally came out. Work was good. Just the same old same old. Then after work I went to Walmart and got some groceries. It is always nice having food in the house. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Well have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Rachel that is such a cute picture.  He is getting so big.  He is going to be walking before you know it.  Robin, I am glad you got a brace.  I bought one tonight also.  You have a back up now.  It just kind of protects it.  Karen, I can't believe you got sunshine.  It was dark and gloomy all day here.  I am getting better with my glasses.  I am seeing better and Rachel I do think it is helping my headaches.  I am glad you got some crafts.  I just love Valentines day decorations.  We had cub scouts tonight and then went to Walmart.  We had not treats in our cupboards.  It was sad.  We have lots of junk food now.  I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow night.  Just to hang out for awhile.  Have a nice Thursday.  I can't believe that January is half over with.  We can do it.  LOVE MOM


Today was pretty good.  This morning we went to the hobby lobby and got some crafts fro Valentines day.  It was fun to get out and fun to have new things to do.  Casey has a cold and doesn't feel great but he is hanging in their.  Isaac had preschool and I got some sewing done.  I did run out of thread so I need to run to Joann's tomorrow.  Tonight was enrichment, Casey watched the boys and I went.  It was fun to go and talk with everyone.  Oliver is getting good at walking along things.  Today he was along the wall and put his head against it, it was cute, I attached I picture.  I hope that everyone has an amazing day tomorrow.



Mom I forgot to write you but I bought a knee brace. I wore it today it's still tender but I think it's helping. Today was kinda a long day. Nothing crazy it was just meh. I worked at scheels. Tomorrow I have a photoshoot. And tomorrow its hat day for our weird holidays at maggie. Have a good one



Well I couldn't put it off any more so I am doing laundry. It had to be done. My day was good. Work is moving along. We actually got some sun here this afternoon. It was nice to see. I am glad that the week is half over. Well I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

No Snow

We really didn't get any snow.  That is neat you took the kids out sledding and playing.  I think that is neat.  I love the picture of Isaac covered in snow.  They do get cold but it is so worth it.  Just give them hot chocolate when the get home and they warm back up.   Karen I guess you needed to build a snow man.  That sounds a lot better than shoveling where the plow had been.  That is always the worst snow to shovel.  It is suppose to get to 40 degrees tomorrow here.  There won't be much snow left.  Robin, I am glad you are staying busy.  I didn't get you a brace yet but I will do that.  Good luck on your photo shoot on Thursday.  If you need someone to talk to I am never far away.  Not much going on with us.  I did sleep in a little bit so I had to work a little late to make up the hours.  It was worth it.  Have a great hump day tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Enjoying the snow

We got a little bit of snow and we had a fun time in it.  Casey and Isaac made a snowman and I watched.  After Oliver woke up we went to Old Main and went sledding.  It was a lot of fun.  Isaac loved it and liked to jump off the sled in the middle and then roll the rest of the way down.  It didn't end well though, Oliver and Isaac got cold and upset but I am glad that we went.  This morning Isaac was really into taking apart and putting together the car you got him Mom, it was fun to watch.  Casey had Scouts tonight and he had a good time.  Well here are a ton of pictures, everyone have a good night.



Work was good nothing to crazy. The rest of the week is going to be crazy but it will be good to be busy. Not to much else with me I just kept it easy tonight  have a good one



Well there we got about five inches of snow last night. It sucked having to shovel it this morning. Especially after the snow plow had been by. I got the driveway mostly done before work so then I finished the rest of my walks after work. Work was good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 12, 2015

Blanket Fight

Thanks for the pictures Mom and Karen.  I love your new glasses, they look really good on you and I think that you will feel better.  That sounds like a fun photo shoot Robin and the money will be really fun.  Today all Isaac wanted to do was play blanket fight with Casey all day long.  He did go to preschool and then they were back at it.  We got a little bit of snow, enough to cover the grass is all.  We lowed Oliver's crib so he wont fall out when he stands up now.  While Isaac was at preschool I pinned my apple core quilt and started quilting it.  It is turning out really cute.  Everyone have a good night.


Now I see it

I got my new glasses today and I am doing really good.  I have even been able to wear them since I got them.  That is a first for me.  I sure can see better for sure.  I am glad I got them.  I did take a selfie and have attached it.  Robin you need to get a brace for your knee that will really help.  Not a huge one just one like a wrap.  I will get one for you.  They help a ton.  I am so sorry your knee is hurting. Poor kid.  Karen I thought for sure you would have 10 inches of snow.  It has rained here all day.  It was so neat to watch the storm come in.  You couldn't see the city and then you couldn't see the mountains and then I couldn't see out at all.  It was cool.  Not much else going on with me.  Work was good.  It was busy but I felt like I got some stuff done so that was nice.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


It was so rainy today, it was so dark in our office all day it made it gloomy. After work I met up with a guy that wants to do a photoshoot Thursday. I guess he wants to do a bunch of props and costume stuff for later... It's paid so I figured why not it will keep me busy. The I went to Joann's I had 80 dollars in rewards so I bought some thread, stabilizer and a binder foot. Now I can do binding in one stich. I don't work tomorrow night so I think I am going to work on price lists for the photographer guy. My knee is hurting a lot. I think it's my cartilage inflammed since that's what happens to my chest. So I am going to take naproxen and see if that helps it out. Stay warm in this weather



Well it snowed for most of the day. So I had to shovel when I got home. It was all slush so it was super heavy to shovel. But I was tough and got it all done. Work was good nothing too exciting too report. Robin I feel the same way about inventory. It all seems like a big waste of time and energy. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Is it March yet?

I am so excited for the sewing classes.  I pulled out some fabric for the baskets that we are giong to make, it will be fun.  I am glad that everyone had a good day, except Robin's inventory  That is lame.  Karen you need to put the pictures on that you took.  Today was fast and relaxed.  They boys slept in which was really nice.  I think we all needed it.  We went to church and that went well.  Oliver slept through most of sacrament which was good.  Then it is dinner time when we get home and we just played tonight.  Thank you everyone again for the fun weekend.  It was such a good time.



It was foggy today.  It felt weird.  We took Grandma Bodily out to lunch today and to Walmarts.  It was nice.  Not much else going on with me.  I did put my penguin together.  I am with you Rachel.  I don't like the eyes.  I am going to go buy me some bigger ones.  It is suppose to be stormy tomorrow.  Be careful out there.  Karen it says you could get up to 5 inches of snow.  I am sorry inventory was so lame.  With such a big company and so expensive of items you think they would have a lot better system.  That is weird.  Have a great week.  I can't believe we are 1/2 done with January.  That is always a nice thing.  LOVE MOM


Today scheels had inv, so I had to work. I was the dumbest way to inv. the don't scan in items you just count how  much the items are and tally the total, at Maggie when we did inventory we knew the exact item not scanned and when that item came in who it belonged to. It was pointless at scheels they have no idea what they have... It's was a waste. I guess I got paid but it might have been more productive to stay home and sleep. Anyway that is my rant for the day, hope you guys have a good week



I had a fun time yesterday as well. It was fun hanging out. Today was good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...