Saturday, January 17, 2015

Chocolate Milk

I am glad that you guys had a good day, that sounds really fun.  Poor Casey's was sick again today so he stayed home and was able to get some rest.  He is going to try work tomorrow so I hope that he is feeling better.  I took the boys to the cheese factory today and got some chocolate milk since we were out.  It was fun.  Then we went to Shopko and just walked around.  It was nice to get out of the house.  It was a really pretty day and I took Isaac out to ride his bike.  I had Oliver in a stroller.  It was good practice for him and I could tell he was getting a lot better by the time we made it back.  Then we came back and Isaac rode his scooter and I had Oliver walk.  Then we played in the mud for a while.  It was so nice to be outside.  Well I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Jenn's daughter is having her mission farewell.  I think it would be so hard to send your kids off on a mission.


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