Friday, January 16, 2015


I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  Casey stayed home sick today and got some rest.  Oliver wok up at 6 which is early for me, the little stinker.  I took the boys to story time this morning and we got all the Bunnicula books that they had and we have read all of them.  Isaac was excited about that.  It is fun to see him grow into harder books.  I am going to start getting our books from the early reader section now, he likes them.  Casey wanted El Sol for dinner so I went and picked it up for us and some nuggets for Isaac and we ate it at home.  It was fun and it tasted really good.  Oliver is getting really good at walking along things, he is moving all over the place.  Today Casey hung up a table runner on the wall in the kitchen for me.  It looks good I think, I attached a picture.  Mandy sent us a package yesterday and their were some place mats that you can color in it.  I attached a picture of the boys coloring them.


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