Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fun day

We had a really fun day.  We got up and went to Liberty park and played and feed geese.  The rides opened and Isaac rode the swings and they all rode the rest of the rides. They had a really good time.  We went to Yellow Fin for lunch and then went to Old Navy and found a few pants for the kids.  It was fun.  We came home afterwards and watched a movie and then Robin and Jeramy came over and we went to the nickel arcade.  Everyone one hit it big and we ended up with over 3,000 tickets.  The kids had such a fun time picking out all the junk.  Jenkins came over and Rachel took him for while Robin is in Chicago.  He is a cute dog and he really loves me when Robin isn't around.  I think we are going to Hermit as well tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. It was nice sleeping in this morning. My only trauma was I had to kill 2 earwigs today. Rachel, you asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I was thinking something like this
To get my printer off the floor in the back bedroom. You and Robin can go in together. I don't need anything fancy but a shelf to put paper on would be nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, August 16, 2019


rachel and the kids made it down safe. They went swimming and I met them there. We went to mod pizza. They have on at the mall. It was good. We stopped at the children’s place and got a few things for school. We are going to liberty park in the morning. Karen enjoy you weekend. I hope you made it to Walmart. Robin good luck
Tomorrow at the bank. Love mom


Yeah it's the weekend. Work was good and then I went to Walmart. I am now ready to be a hermit. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Robin, bring Jenkins over Saturday night and we will take him home with us.  We love having him.  I forgot to blog that yesterday Oliver took his Kindergarten test.  I was in the hall and couldn't hear much but I think he did good.  We had a good day today.  We met Stephanie and went hiking which was fun.  We got snow cones afterwards.   We were driving home and we saw Casey stopping at sweeto burrito for lunch so we stopped and ate with him.  Randy came over this afternoon and tiled the shower and it is looking wonderful.  When Casey got home he helped.  Isaac had pack meeting so me and the kids went to that.  We will leave tomorrow after lunch.  We will head to the murry pool.



My day was good.  I got to meet up with the Logan Therapists for lunch today.  It was so nice to catch up with them.  They were at Primary's for a conference.  We met up with the Gumm gang tonight and that was nice.  It was nice to visit.  Jeff was so happy.  He had just come back from Pocatello for his birthday.  My neck hurts but I think I will live it is just more bothersome.  I did try a new bandage tonight but it is still so big.  I am going to keep working on that.  I am glad it is Friday tomorrow.  Rachel let me know when you leave and I will hook up with you.  I think I am going to drive trax in the morning because of the bike race.  Everyone drive careful.  Karen have fun being a hermit.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I didn't blog last night. I fell asleep on the couch and then just went to bed. My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


That is crazy they put such a big bandage on your neck. I hope it's feeling better mom. So Saturday me and Jeramy were thinking of going to the bank to start house stuff. But we can meet up later. Do you want to do dinner. Are you still ok to watch Jenkins Rachel? Sorry it's for so long. Do you want me to drive up Sunday? Or if you want I can drive him up to Mom's I'm good with whatever is easiest for you. Thanks again. I cut out some of my quilt tonight. It was fun to work on


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Got it done

Well I went to the doctor today and had that mole removed.  You should have seen the bandage they put on it.  It covered my whole neck and kept falling off so I put a littler bandage on it.  The cut goes across my neck to it is weird.  We went to Sam's afterwards to get drugs and coke for work and they had all the Halloween stuff out.  It made me happy for some reason.  Karen they had wintergreen life savers there.  I bought you some.  Robin I didn't know if Jeramy had to work on Saturday but we are goofing around if you want to hang out.  I wasn't sure about the plan with Jenkins.  Not much else to report.  I am meeting up the Gumm gang tomorrow.  This time I think we all have the right place.  Love MOM


Today was good.  I quilted this morning and was able to finish Mom's quilt.  My new machine is so fast and amazing.  Oliver wanted to go back to Green canyon so we hiked there this morning.  The boys went up way higher than yesterday and Oliver got stuck.  He figured out how to get down but it was dramatic.  Isaac and Ruth had money burning a hole in their pockets so they had ordered the amphibious car and a Rapunzel dress.  They were delivered today and they were excited.  Oliver ordered Toothless the dragon so he has something coming in the mail.  We played playdough this afternoon and that was fun.  After dinner we went to first dam so Isaac could use his car on the water.  It worked really well and was a hit.  Love you guys and I hope that you are feeling ok Mom.



Today was good. The dresses for Chicago were picked up so that is a nice feeling. I was tired today I'm ready to sleep for a month lol. I hope everyone had a good day


Tuesday, August 13, 2019


My day was good. I made it thru work. My allergies are still bad, I couldn't stop sneezing today. The tour of utah comes thru Kamas on Saturday and Sunday. I might become a hermit those 2 days to avoid it. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Ruthie did not sleep well last night and was so upset.  So I was tired and didn't walk this morning.  We were going to go hiking with Stephanie but her kids were sick so we just went by our self's to Green canyon.  We had a fun time.  The boys spent a hour climbing up a steep hill and had a blast.  We met Casey for lunch and it was good to see him.  We picked up Isaac's friend Ty and took him to the jump zone.  It was fun and the hour went really fast.  We got some snacks and then took him home.  When we got home the tour of Utah was going by our house so we watched it until we got to hot.  It was fun to see.  After dinner we meet Randy and Lowe's to get some tiles for the ceiling.  We went to Karrie Ann's afterwards for desert.  I am almost done quilting Mom's quilt.  It is so fun to work on.


Quiet Day

Robin that is a lot of work packing up wedding dresses.  I bet that got your exercise for the day.  I am glad they are all shipped out.  Work was really busy but I got some stuff done so that felt good.  I have to go get that mole taken off tomorrow afternoon.  Dad bought me a new shirt to wear, I thought that was really nice.  Robin, I am sorry that Lasix was so much.  Rachel, I am glad you got to go to the jump zone.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  It seems weird not to have anything to plan.  LOVE MOM


I finished packing for Chicago today so that was nice. All my gowns ship out tomorrow. I had a Lasik apt today. Its going to be to much. It will be around 4,000. Plus my cornia is weak so I need the more intense one and need to recoup for 3-4 days. So I might try hoops vision next year or so and see what they offer. Then we picked up groceries from Walmart. I just picked up because I ordered online so it was awesome. Then we had hamburgers for dinner. Hope everyone has a great one


Monday, August 12, 2019


Today was ok. I had to pack for Chicago and it was slow moving. :/ I didn't get what I wanted done. But that's life. Thanks for the fun trip Jeramy keeps saying how much fun he had. It was fun. Love you guys



Thanks for the fun vacation.  I haven't gotten my picture off of my camera yet but I will get too it.  I love the pictures you took Robin.  I need to get a bigger lens like yours.  Last night we tended the garden and picked a ton of apricots.  Most of them were bad with brown spots so we put them in the green waste.  The good ones we are drying.  Today I thought the kids would sleep in but the were up at 8.  We just had a lazy morning which was nice.  I loaded Mom's quilt on my quilt frame but I didn't have any thread.  So after lunch we went to the fabric store and I got some thread.  I spent the rest of my birthday gift card on some fat quarters.  Oliver really wanted to go to the bounce n slide so we went there.  It is small but the kids had a really good time.  We were there for two hours.  We needed to go to Lees to get milk so we went afterwards.  Ruthie had a old faithful meltdown and it was horrible.  She screamed through the whole store.  When we got home she went to time out and she was so upset.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and Imogene came over to play.  They are babysitting like 5 cats and they keep coming in our yard but they are cute.  Oliver's magazine came today, thanks again Karen.  Love you guys and thanks again for being amazing.



Thanks for putting pictures on facebook.  I love them.  I sure had a wonderful time.  We are a good family for sure.  Thanks again for making this trip so special.  Work was long but I didn't care, it just was so nice to remember the trip all day.  Not much else going on with us.  Dad stayed home and got laundry done which was really nice.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I took today off so I got to sleep in. It was nice. I really don't have much to report since I was just lazy all day. Thanks everyone for the fun time at Yellowstone. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...