We made it back home safe and sound. We had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Bodily. I think that we are going to start doing that every Saturday. Then we went over to Gumm's everything went well. We made it back home by 6:00 that was nice. We ate chips and dip and then watched bolt. I like that movie. Talk to you on Skype tomorrow.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Bette Davis
My day was good. I finished my first book on the kindle, it was a good book and fun to read. Casey went back packing with his friends and they are sleeping in the wilderness. He left this morning and he will be back by Sunday dinner tomorrow. I have been watching a lot of Betty Davis movies today while I sew since they are having a marathone. It had been fun to watch. I can't believe that it is Dad's brithday already. Summer is almost over.
Well my Saturday is going good. Your masks looks cool Robin, I am glad that you had fun at the chocolate party. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip to SLC. I was going to go and see GI Joe today, but when I got in line to buy my ticket this guy cut in line to get a refund and the lady that was giving tickets had to go and get a manager. So I stood there for ever it seemed like and then I looked at my watch and it was 5 minutes until the movie started, there were 4 people in front of me and the ticket lady still wasn't there. It was annoying so I left. I figured that by the time I got my ticket I would miss the start of the move. Other than that is was a good day. Well I will talk to you all tomorrow. BYE
I got my rock moves
well the chocolate party was fun, it was fun to talk and eat chocolate. I didn't get home till 1:00 though we lost track of time. So my photoshoots are this week, i'm a bit nervous for them. On tuesday I am going to a rendition of a chucky doll, on a girl. But instead of using scar wax and thread I'm painting her face to look beat up. So i'm trying to make everything look 3d and still look cool. I guess thats why I went to 4 years of art school. I bought a wig today that is black in pigtails and red bows. I thought It would make it creepy. I also got a pink lacy dress and me and other girl spent half the day burning it and sewing it and throwing blood on it. its an intense process but fun. I was practicing on a girl at school. I attached a photo so you could see. I'm making the eye look less purple and more red, and I'm going to doll up the other side more. Well sorry to go on, its kinda consumed my week. I think that 7 utah time is a good time to skype. I hope you all have a great day. love you
Friday, August 7, 2009
Well I am glad that it is Friday also. I hope that you have fun at the chocolate party Robin. Any kind of party that has chocolate has got to be good. It was nice here today 93 was the high it felt really nice outside. So are we still going to skype at 7 on Sunday. I think that is the time that I told Robin. That is Utah time of course because we don't do any of that Canada time here. Work was really quiet today. A lot of people were out on vacation. I am glad that your golf thing went well mom. I bet you feel a lot less stressed now that that is over with. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE
Golf Tournament
The golf tournament is officially over. It turned out really nice. The weather was a little cold this morning but other than that it was beautiful weather. We lucked out. It was fun. I had a good time. Seer won some stuff and that was fun. Dad's on his way home for the weekend and that is exciting. Next week I get to continue the drama of my teeth. I hope I get a good direction into which to go. I am looking forward to some positives. We are going to celebrate dad's birthday on Sunday. I was hoping for a Skype session. It will be fun to talk together. LOVE MO M
hooray for friday. :)
So i forgot today was friday, i've been running around so much. It will be nice to have a weekend though. Tuesday is our photoshoots for theater. Friday the 14th is our last day of theater , then we go to prosethics. I'm excited I can't believe I have 4 more months left. sheesh. I can't believe its so windy there, and all the fires. I guess in B.C in canada (west coast) they are having outragous fires. Its that time of year. Be safe :) anyway I have my chocolate party tonight, I think it will be fun. It will be nice to meet some more people. well thats about it. love ya
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I bet the fire in Clarkston is causing all the smoke in Logan. It was bad this afternoon. I am glad that Casey is coming home. That will be nice. I went and took over the membership for 5 months at the sports academy. They have a pool and I am going to go swimming. I think that will be fun. I even bought me a swim suit on Amazon.com. You guys are right that is way to easy to buy on. I love it. It is really windy here also. I didn't do too much tonight. I did ironing and watch the Adam Sadler movie about bedtime stories is wasn't very good. Not a keeper. The golf tournament is inthe morning. I have to be there around 7:30. Early morning. I hope the weather will be OK for it. It is going to be close. I will be glad when it is over. Have a great friday.
They call the wind Maria
I had a good day today. It is really windy this evening. My TV just went out because of the wind. Their was a fire in Clarkson, a wheat field caught on fire so the whole valley was filled with smoke. I heard on the news that their was a fire in Skull Valley that was caused by lightning.
Here is an article on it ksl.com - Fire, winds close Skull Valley Highway in Tooele County
It is scary. My house is doing well. I was able to water all my flowers and take care of the goats before it got too windy. I made some zucchini bread but it didn't come out of the pan very well, but it tastes good. I finished my double wedding ring quilt on Tuesday but my camera ran out of batteries so I will put a picture of it on next time. Casey is coming home tonight and should be here in a hour so that will be nice. Well stay safe in the wind and be careful of all the fires, their are 20 fires in Utah right now. It is crazy.
Here is an article on it ksl.com - Fire, winds close Skull Valley Highway in Tooele County
It is scary. My house is doing well. I was able to water all my flowers and take care of the goats before it got too windy. I made some zucchini bread but it didn't come out of the pan very well, but it tastes good. I finished my double wedding ring quilt on Tuesday but my camera ran out of batteries so I will put a picture of it on next time. Casey is coming home tonight and should be here in a hour so that will be nice. Well stay safe in the wind and be careful of all the fires, their are 20 fires in Utah right now. It is crazy.
Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It is really windy here today we have had a wind advisory today from 11 am until 3 am in the morning. They are definitely right about the wind. You could blow away if you are not careful. tomorrow it is suppose to have a high of only 91. That should be nice. It hasn't been that cool for awhile. I am excited to go to Canada next month. Me and mom are going to make plane reservations newt week when I am up there for my doctors appointment. Well have a great Friday.
I'm glad that you had a fun girls night out. sorry there wasn't a movie though. I think those days are great karen. I have monday off so we can do something all day. I have class on friday but I can give you some ideas for fun in the day time, maybe I will make you be my model for something wa ha ha ha. I'll be in prosethics so it will be interesting. Is mom going to come up for september or just december. For the december I think they have a march of santa, and they have a whole parade of people dressed as santa clause. I think it sounds fun. In september for Karen the circus is coming out and I heard its amazing. but its kinda expensive about 60 dollars I think. whatever I will look for some more fun stuff as it gets closer. :) Well today I trimmed my mustache and curled it. I kinda singed the ends so we smelt lovely burning hair. opps. We are going to apply them tomorrow. Tomorrow a lady from church called me and some girls are getting together to have a chocolate night. So i'm going to go and check it out. i love chocolate. well Better go try and study, have a great one. love ya
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Nice Evening
We had a nice evening. We went to dinner but the movie times weren't right so we didn't go. I get to see Harry Potter with Karen. Robin I am glad you like your movie. I hope it helps. I wasn't sure what else to mail but I thought it would be fun to get something. Not too much else going on. A storm blew in tonight no rain but it looks like it could. Lots of wind. It is hot and humid tonight. I am tired tonight. I think I will go to bed early tonight.
Well I am going to come that weekend then. I am going to take Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday off since I already have Monday off. I am excited to come up. I am ready for a weekend. The last one was busy so I am ready to have a quiet one. Your makeup stuff looks cool Robin, your are good at that. Rachel I am glad that you like your kindle. Have a great time tonight at dinner and the movies mom and Rachel. Well BYE
I got your package in the mail mom, thanks for the video it looks super awesome i'm excited to watch it. anyway nothing else to exciting today, I'm going over to a girls house to practice makeup, the mermaid girl. we will see how tonight goes :). Next week is our photoshoots. the week before is hectic trying to get things done. well not much else better run, I have to practice :) love ya
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Your Mom says WOW!
Dear Robin:
Love the makeup. You are getting good. That is fun. In a way it will be better for Robin to have us come in two different times. More company. There were two deer in my backyard tonight. They were eating the apples. I did dinners for grandma and grandpa all night. I am getting back some of my supply. That way I won't have to panic when they need food and I don't have time to make it. I don't have too much going on and that feels nice. Tomorrow we are having a girls night. Vickie is coming up to talk with a professor and then Rachel and Kelsey and me are going to dinner and a movie. Vickie and Rachel are spending the night. That will be fun. LOVE MOM
Love the makeup. You are getting good. That is fun. In a way it will be better for Robin to have us come in two different times. More company. There were two deer in my backyard tonight. They were eating the apples. I did dinners for grandma and grandpa all night. I am getting back some of my supply. That way I won't have to panic when they need food and I don't have time to make it. I don't have too much going on and that feels nice. Tomorrow we are having a girls night. Vickie is coming up to talk with a professor and then Rachel and Kelsey and me are going to dinner and a movie. Vickie and Rachel are spending the night. That will be fun. LOVE MOM
What would your mother say????
So it was a pretty crazy day..... but I am glad that rachel got her kindle you will have to bring it up when you come to visit. Karen, I think when ever you want to come up is fine with me, I will love to have company. :) I have labor day off as well so that would be exciting. I think Canada's wonderland will still be open, its an amusement park and everyone says its loads of fun. anyway whatever is cool with me. So anyway on to my day, so we did animal pictures on the face it was fun, I did a tiger and the girl did a leopard on me it was really cute. Then a girl from class wanted to practice so i went to her apartment. She turned me into a mermaid. Shes going to elaborate more for the photoshoots, but I thought I was cool. So I got really hungry so we went out, with makeup on. I got alot of looks and laughs, it was really fun. An old guy came up to me and asked if it was tattooed, i should have lied and said yes but i didn't I told the truth :) any way I posted pictures so you can see my makeup day. well i better go and take a long shower to clean all my makeup off. love you

Luckest Person in the World
Yesterday when I got home in my mail box it said that I had a package waiting and I knew it was my kindle. So today I left work at 4:00 so I could make it home before 5:00 when the post office closed. I made it with 5 minutes to spare, it was close. The kindle is amazing. It is so nice to read on. I have already read 5 chapters of a book. I got the Last Child and it is really good. It has been really nice. I am excited that it came. Well that is all my news. Have a good evening.
I don't think that i can go to Canada that week in December that is going to be finals week here so I will have to be here to take mine. Robin I was planning to come up there Labor day weekend, if that is okay with you. I would leave here on the 3rd and come back on the Monday after. Mom said that she might come with me also. Well work was kind of boring. I had a design review this morning and it started at 830 and went until 11. Then our IT updated word perfect so then none of the note that we put on drawing in solidworks wouldn't work. It was annoying. I hope that we can get that fixed. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, August 3, 2009
If only for Josh
Wouldn't that be something if he really was in Toronto when we were. What would be the chances of that. I had a good evening. It was quiet. I did laundry and made some dinners for Grandma and Grandpa. I was completely out. I am going to work on that again tomorrow. I am going to put a roast on when I go to work so it will be ready when I get home. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. He is in for a busy time. Exciting but busy. Not too much else to report. Have a great week.
All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey
I had a good day today. Work was really busy. I was working and I heard Dan say that he was going home and I looked at the clock and it was 5:10, I lost track of time. They signed the contract and we had a conference call about it today. The launch date is going to be the first of Nov so it is going to be busy till then. We had a ton of beans in our garden, me and Helen picked them and she is going to make pickled beans. Next time I going to keep them so Mom can make me some of her delicious beans, I am going to have to grab a couple when I visit on Wednesday. i mostly sewed tonight. I got another row done and I half way done with one. So I just have one and a half rows left. It is looking so good, I am excited. I was going to put a picture on but I thought that you would be sick of seeing my quilt every time I finished a row. I am excited the vacation in December to Toronto. I think that we should fly and I am excited for all of Robins suggestions. It sounds like their is a ton to do their, and I don't care if we don't make it to Palmyra. We can do that another time. I think that it would be fun to see some musicals and plays. If Josh Groban is preforming their we should definitely see him. I am excited for our trip!!
I need more light
Well 2 out of the 3 light bulbs in my living room went out, so I had to replace them. It makes a huge difference in how bright my room is. Well work was good nothing too exciting there. I am glad that you had a fun time star gazing. It is still hot here today but it looks like it is going to cool down by the end of the week. Krista's stuff went good. They had the reception in a church, it was cute. I didn't stay too long because I really didn't know anyone but Krista there. It was basically just her family and his family. So I felt a little awkward. But it was good to go and support her. Well I better go. Love ya
I'm jealous that you went out star gazing that sound like fun. :) anyway I have a few put ins for when you guys come up. but i will do whatever. Its the weekend before christmas, so I'm pretty sure they are going to have christmas celebrations everywhere. expecially down on dundas square, (that is right by the eaton center, (it has H&M)) so we could go see some parades or the city for christmas. Also i'm sure Niagara fall will be gorgeous, We could stop by the niagara on the lake town i'm sure they will have christmas festivities. They will probably have plays going on to. I don't know how fancy you want to go, but in the cn tower they have the expensive dinner that is on top and I think rotates around. but that is pricey. I will ask around what is big to do for christmas for more idea. I think if you want to go to palmyra it would be easier to go at the end of the trip and fly out there. Then we don't have to pay so much for the train tickets. and we could spend more time there. But It might be chilly. bring loads of layers.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Planning December
I have decided we all need to get on the same page for our trip to Robin's graduation in December. The 18th is a friday. How long do we want to stay in Toronto? What do we want to see. I was wondering if Palmyra would be fun? I am not sure how to get here but I will do research. It is probably 2 to 3 hours away from Toronto. We have to leave at least on Thursday. It takes a whole day to get up there. I think we can use the blog really easily to plan our clip board of fun for that trip. I think it will be a lot of fun. We just have to be careful not to get in the christmas rush.
Star Gazing

Me and Casey went to church but we probably would of skipped if we didn't need to go to nursery. We had 17 kids today, it was really crazy. We don't have church two Sundays in August because of the temple dedications and Stake conference. That is neat that you got to go to the spaghetti factory, I am jealous. That is awesome tip too. That is fun. How was Krista's reception Karen? They got married really fast. Last night me and Casey pulled out the telescope and it was really fun. We saw awesome craters on the moon. We tried to find Jupiter but I was too impatient. Today we went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. It was really good. I really like their new TV, it looks really nice downstairs. Casey is going to the Unitas again next week. Vickie is coming up on Wednesday so we are doing a girls night. I miss you guys and am glad that everything is going good for you.
I went
Well I wasn't a slacker like Robin, I went to church. Although mine starts at 1 so it is hard to sleep in and miss it. I am glad that the garbage strike is over. Well my day was been pretty quiet. It is really hot outside so I am enjoying my ac. I hope that Sunday dinner went well at moms house. Well I don't have anything else to report so I will go. BYE
august time
So i slept in today, I didn't make it to church. It was nice to sleep for a while. I feel like I've been running around alot. I cant believe its already august. July flew by. It was pretty warm up here today. I think we may have a few days of summer around here. I guess the garbage strike is over. Its nice to to have garbage everywhere. not to much after that. ttyl.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...