Sunday, August 2, 2009

Star Gazing

Me and Casey went to church but we probably would of skipped if we didn't need to go to nursery. We had 17 kids today, it was really crazy. We don't have church two Sundays in August because of the temple dedications and Stake conference. That is neat that you got to go to the spaghetti factory, I am jealous. That is awesome tip too. That is fun. How was Krista's reception Karen? They got married really fast. Last night me and Casey pulled out the telescope and it was really fun. We saw awesome craters on the moon. We tried to find Jupiter but I was too impatient. Today we went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. It was really good. I really like their new TV, it looks really nice downstairs. Casey is going to the Unitas again next week. Vickie is coming up on Wednesday so we are doing a girls night. I miss you guys and am glad that everything is going good for you.


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