I got a lot done today. I put away all my sweaters and got my summer clothes out. I decided I had to have positive thinking. It was snowing while I did it. I went to Sam's and got dad his medicine and then me and grandma went out and help Rachel for a couple of hours organize Clifton. It was a nice drive. I took the items to the DI for Rachel and then we went to Angies for dinner. I also worked on laundry and now it is time for bills. Boy I have been on fire. Tomorrow we are coming in for Dinner at Kay's. I will call you Robin and come and pick you up. I will call you also Rachel and see what your plans are. Karen I hope your Ironmen competition was good. The morning sounded like a lot of fun. Dad is going to stay in SLC for the week when he comes with me on Sunday.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
saturday night
Well I didn't do much today. I did decide that I was going to make the amish friendship bread so I started the starter today. It won't be done for 5 days so on the 5th I am going to make some yummy bread. If you guys want some of the starter I can give you some this weekend when we are all together for mothers day. :)Well I hope your iron man competition went well today karen. I'm glad you were able to do that its a good experience. I hope everyone else had a relaxing saturday.
love you
Friday, April 30, 2010
Well we got done shooting early tonight we only went to 11:30. so that was nice. I am glad that rachel made it safe it was kinda rainy all day. Well I bought a hair up-do book a while ago, since I lack in hair abilities. So I did one style today and I think tomorrow I am going to practice all day. just for kicks and giggles. I hope everyone has a great saturday and I will see you on sunday. (except karen, but we will think of you) :)
Rachel made it here safe and sound. It was nice to sew again. I decided to make my blocks smaller and got them all cut down and then started to sew them together. I feel a lot better about it now. I was pretty upset about it for awhile. So all is well in the land of quilting again. YEAH. It was nice to talk with Robin and Karen today. I hope you guys have a good weekend. I don't have a lot planned tomorrow so I am just going to rest a little bit and then go help Rachel clean in Clifton.
No I don't think I am going to come down with rachel. we are shooting on friday and the way things are going I won't get done until 2 again. So if I come down it will be on saturday. Today I worked at the photography place and then went to shooting. I feel a little run down but I think its just late. Once I sleep I think i will have more energy. well I hope everyone has a great friday.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I missed sewing night also. It seemed strange but I know in my heart that it won't be long until we get that again. I am excited for you to come and stay with me. Is Robin coming with you? I don't have any news, dad is coming home tonight. He stopped at Grandma and Grandpa Bodily's house and so he is late coming. Kay and Paul made it home safe and sound. I guess I did have some news. Karen have fun at the Ironmen competition. I am excited for you. EMTing will be fun for you. Well have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Mom, I missed our sewing night tonight. We will do it tomorrow though, that will be nice. I am sorry. I am excited you to do the Iron Man Karen, that is exciting. Then next weekend you will be up here. We are headed to Logan tomorrow. Casey has a bike class Saturday. We are coming back to SLC Sunday morning. Well not much else is going on. I missed Logan today but it is nice here. I hope that everyone has a good Friday. One funny thing is I thought that it was Wednesday this morning but when I got to work I realized it was Thursday. It was funny. Me and Casey walked to Hot dog on a stick tonight and that was fun. It is fun to have it so close.
Still blowing
Well the wind is still blowing. It did rain a bit today also about 4 drops. Work was good. Tomorrow I go to a meeting for the ironman and I get a free t-shirt. Then early Saturday it begins ( I would say bright and early but I don't think the sun comes up that early). Well have a great one. BYE
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
seminole wind
Well today I went and looked at the house in centerville. I am still torn on weather or not I am going to take it. we will see. I also worked at x-pose today. I am also going to work tomorrow also. Then after that we are going to shoot for the film so tomorrow is a long night. I don't think we are shooting this weekend though so the driving around with everyone may happen. I will check for sure tomorrow on what they are planning. I'm glad that you guys liked the photo I liked the way it turned out. I am excited for you to work at the iron man karen that will be alot of fun. i don't think i could do the marathon also a 5K seems like an uphill battle. well have a great one .
love you
Well I think we bet all of you in the weather because we had snow. This morning you couldn't even see the grass there was so much snow. Crazy. I am glad the birds are happy. I was worried about them. I would love to sew on friday night if you want to. Do you and Casey both want to sleep here? Robin was thinking of coming home with you. You might want to talk with her. I can go up to Clifton and help you clean on Saturday. Rylie (from work) is getting baptized on saturday at noon and I would like to go see that. Other than that I am free all day. Karen I ordered you a filter tonight so you will start feeling better. I hope you have so much fun on the Ironmen. I hope you find you a good looking ironmen. I love your picture Robin that is amazing. It looks so real. Have a great week.
Wind and more Wind
Well no rain here, but we have a ton of wind. You could get blown away if you go outside. I am glad that the week is half over. I am excited for the ironman this weekend. I am just glad I am not competing in it. You have to swim 2.4 miles, then bike 112 miles, and then run 26 miles. I would be dead before even finishing the swimming. I thought your picture look cool Robin. i am impressed. Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday. BYE
Hot Dog on a Stick
Robin that picture is realy neat, you did a amazing job. That is fun to see results like that. Good job. Well today was good, even though it did rain. After work I went to Dad's apartment to pick up the birds food, they were real happy to get it. Casey had to work tonight so I brought him dinner and worked on my catherdral quilt for a while. I just got back home and I am going to watch a moive. I have so much time now. I get to sleep in for an hour and I feel like I have a ton of time in the evening, it is fun. Mom I was wondering if you wanted to sew on Friday night. Let me know what you think. I have to work at Icon for a while on Saturday and then I think I am going to go to Clifton and clean. Tomorrow if Casey doesn't have to work we are going to walk to the Gateway and get a hot dog on a stick. I am really excited, they are so good.
late night
Well I went to lagoon today, and then shoot for my film. It was a long day i feel like I am dragging. I don't have much tomorrow, the girl that I did the photo shoot with has a friend in centerville who wants to rent a room in her house, so I called her the other day and tomorrow I am going to see the house. I also got one of the photos from the photo shoot, I did the sunburn, beard, and blisters on his hand, oh and also his chapped lips. Well I am going to head for bed
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
It is really windy today. It is supposed to rain tomorrow I guess. Work went good today and went fast. I finished my nursey barn finally so that was nice. I finished unpacking the sewing room and it looks cute. I also finished machine sewing the cathedral pillow so now I need to do the hand sewing on it. Me and Casey went to dinner and then he had to work. We went to a good Chinese restraunt near our apartment, it is fun to walk places. Well have a good night and stay out of the wind.
So Sad
Well I had the worst headache last night and I decided it was the birds so dad took them to SLC this morning. I miss them. They are so cute. I hate not being able to have pets. It is hard. Other than that my day went good. Dad made it to SLC and boy is it windy here right now. We went to Angies for dinner and then went to Fred Meyers and walked around. It felt nice to get out. It is a quiet week but Rachel is coming up on Saturday and I think we are going to Kay's for Sunday dinner. It will be good to see her again. Have a great hump day (Wednesday) LOVE MOM
Robin I agree with with you about how creepy empty amusement parks are. I think that there have been too many horror films set in empty parks. Well my day has been going good. My allergies are bad. The wind is blowing hard and there is alot of cotton floating in the air. It is suppose to be stormy here tomorrow. I hope that you are enjoying city life Rachel. Are you enjoying not having an hour drive to work? Well hope you all have a great night. BYE
Monday, April 26, 2010
lazy days
I just slept mose of the day. I didn't sleep much last night so I just napped all afternoon. I was going to get a lot done and none of it got done. I am doing laundry also. It is never ending. I am glad you got to work Robin. That will help things be busy for you. Movie and working there won't be a lot of extra in there. I am glad you are liking the city living Rachel. You are in a nice location for that. Well not much else going on with me. LOVE MOM PS I finished my nursery also.
run around
Well I worked at lagoon today it was good. Although empty amusement parks freak me out. Its the hole zombie complex. Well I didn't work on the movie today. I guess they had to cancel again. ugh. I guess we are trying again tomorrow. We are planning to do three long scenes tomorrow so its going to be a long day. I am going to work again at lagoon tomorrow till 3. so we will see how tomorrow goes. i am glad that dad is doing well. I'm sorry about your scratch karen I hope it doesn't get infected. I'm glad that moving is going well rachel if you need help let me know. We aren't going to shoot on wensday but I am planning on staying here so I'm pretty free. have a great night
City Living
I can't believe that everyone is done with the nursery barn but me. I need to get going. Thank you Robin for taking care of farm and dog while I didn't have Internet access. I really appreciate it. Work went really good today, I am liking it. I got a disc to watch netflixs online on the Wii so I am trying that now. I was unpacking the sewing room and the book but I am tired and I need a break. I am glad that Dad is alright, I was worried about him. Well not much else is going on, just unpacking. Thank you for everyone help.
Well I got one scratch is looking a little sore so I am doing the whole neosprin thing. Work was good today. I hope that you are liking your new place Rachel. I also hope that Lagoon was good for you today Robin. I am glad that dad is doing good. I hope that mom enjoyed your day off mom. I am doing laundry right now. I figure I should try to get ahead on that sometime. I finally finished my nursery on farmville. Thanks Robin your gift is the one that did it. Have a great one everyone. BYE
dad safe and sound
Just thought this would be the best way to let you know that dad is safe and sound. He had three polps but the doctor said they weren't any thing. That is good. He is home sleeping and I have been also. Lazy day.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fun times
It was fun to help Rachel move into her new place today. It is really nice. I love the outside of it on 3rd south. Very trendy. I hope it works out well for you guys. We made it back safe and sound and in plenty of time to help dad get ready for the colonoscopy tomorrow. Lucky him. I am tired tonight. I had to go to work for about 1/2 but I think everything is ready for tomorrow. We watched Avatar tonight and Grandma was glue to the whole show. She liked it. It was good to watch. Well have a great week. Yeah Robin for working at Lagoon tomorrow. That will be good to start working there.
up down touch the ground
Well Rachel and casey moved into there apartment today. I think its a cute place they will really like it. Well Tomorrow I am going to work at lagoon for a while then we are shooting at 5. So it will be nice to have a busy day tomorrow. nothing else to crazy going on.
gold stars all around
Good job with the moving everyone.. I am impressed. Moving things is really tiring. Don't worry too much about getting everything unpacked Rachel it took me a year after moving in before I unpacked the last box. I had a nice quiet Sunday. I am still having allergies from yesterday but other than that I am doing good. My home teachers came over so that was nice to visit with them. Well I hope that everyone has a good Monday tomorrow. BYE
good weekend
It sounds like everyone had a good weekend, I am glad. We are in our apartment aqnd I really like it. I was worried it was going to be too small but we have penty of room. We had a lot of help and I am very grateful. I am worn out, I am just going to take it easy tonight and work on unpacking things tomorrow.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...