It sounds like we were all really busy today. We got up and got the u-haul trailer and came up to kamas. We got her shed all cleaned out and all the yucky paint thrown out. It looks really nice. We even too the rotted bridge to the dump. Dad and Karen got the trailer all put together and Karen owed the back yard. It took 10 minutes. Robin that dress was beautiful. I bet she loved that. Rachel way to go in the tree house. We can come up and help. We are spending the night in kamas and going home in the morning. We also got the cooler up in her house. It is in the basement. Love mom
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Ruth didn't sleep well and ended up sleeping with us so we were tired today. I walked Tony and it is crazy hot early it gets hot. We went to the Anderson family reunion and it was fun to talk to everyone. Randy brought sandwiches for lunch. It was a good time. Oliver had a birthday party so we left and took him to that. He had a fun time. While he was gone we went to Home Depot and bought wood to start on the garage/treehouse. There was a carnival at the mall but the rides were 5 dollars a ride and I thought it was too much. We spent our khols cash and got Casey some pants and the old navy gift card. I got me some clothes. Thanks again Mom. We worked on the tree house the rest of the day. It is huge. Love you guys and thanks for everything.
Friday, June 4, 2021
Work was quiet. It was nice. We came home and went to red rock for dinner. It tasted good. The paint class was fun. My moon is crooked. I am glad the girl quit. Robin have fun at the wedding take a picture of the dress. Rachel I can't believe you got rain. I am jealous. It is so hot here. We are going to Karens tomorrow for free dump day. Love mom
I walked and went to exercise class. The little kids came with which is fun. We met Casey for lunch. I had to get a key made for primary so we did that and I got a new giant sprinkler which is awesome. We went to the library and it is just like the old times. Everything was back to normal and we had a good time. It is national doughnut day today so we picked up some doughnuts on the way home. We watched the new rays dragon movie on Disney. The kids liked it. After dinner we rode bikes to the new BMX course by our house. I walked Tony and it was fun. It was raining and thundering while we were there. Love you guys.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
I am excited for your lawnmower Karen. I am glad you got a trailer also. You needed it. We had a good day. It was so hard to wake up this morning but I did and it was a nice walk. I finished my programming class yesterday so I am done and am going to work through the book again. Isaac had his last day of basketball camp and got his tee shirt. He loved it going and was grateful he went. We were going to the school for summer reading but I got the times wrong so we wl try again next week. We had lunch and then went swimming again. We stayed until the pool closed. They love to swim. Since we were home late we decided it was a good night for the Olive garden. Thanks again Karen. You are sweet and we had a fun time eating there. Everyone have a good Friday. Love you.
Karen that is one nice ride. Congratulations. Robin I am glad your stress test went well. Luna is doing so good. Work was good. It was quiet. A lot of people are going on vacation. Karen is taking us to paint night tomorrow. They are really fun. It is dump day in kamas so Saturday we are going up there and clean out her shed. Thanks to Rachel there isn't much yard work to do. It was a hit one today. Love mom
My day was good. It felt like Friday though so tomorrow might be a long day. My lawn mower finally come at 7 pm. I am so excited. It was to hot to mow so I will do that later. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
We had a fun day and are loving summer. I walked this morning and then we went to exercise class. Oliver and Ruth came with. Oliver has a friend Abigail and they had fun playing. Abigail gave a tall at church and said the Holy Ghost told her to play with a boy and it was Oliver and they became best friends. Isaac had basketball camo. I think he is liking it. We went grocery shopping while he was gone. We had lunch and then went swimming all afternoon. It was so fun and so nice to be able to go there again. It was a fun afternoon. I had book group at my house and that was fun to talk to everyone. We sat outside and it was a pretty evening. Love you guys.
Well I had today off work. I woke up and worked on school stuff until it was time for my eye appointment. My eyes checked out good. No issues. Then I came home and took a nap until about 2. Then I went back to school work. I am all caught up on my HR school work though so that is nice. Tomorrow and I am going to do my project management stuff. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
I went to bed early and I was tired all day but I made it through the day. It was a good day. I am loving not being super busy. I just keep up with what I have to do and the feels really nice. I could get use that that one. I came home and we armed up spaghetti for dinner. It tasted so good. Not much else going on with us. Karen, I am glad your eyes check out good and Robin I am glad the baby is doing well. Good luck with your stress test tomorrow. Rachel, I hope your day went well and that you are enjoy summer vacation. I love the sunshine. It was really warm today however. It is suppose to be hot all weekend. LOVE MOM
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
My day was good. Work was just the usual for a Tuesday. I am going to the eye doctor tomorrow so I am taking the day off because I have to get my eyes dilated. Thanks for all your hard work this weekend it all looks great. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
Thanks for having us this weekend Karen. You are awesome. We were planning things for June and then we realized Luna would be born then. You don't have long to go Robin. Today was good. My back was sore this morning but I still walked. It is feeling better now. The kids slept in and I programed. Oliver had a eye appointment and doesn't need glass. He is doing good. Isaac had basketball camp and Casey drove him there which was super nice of him. Isaac had fun and said it was a lot better than a cooking class. I thought Oliver had a birthday party today we picked up a present. It is on Saturday, I am loosing it. We went to the jump zone. Oliver's friend from school was there and he had a blast. Ruth was sad because she said she didn't have any friends. Thanks for all the leftovers. We are set for meals. Karen got us a gift card also which was so nice. We are spoiled. We mowed the lawn after dinner. Isaac mowed the whole backyard which was sweet of him. Love you guys.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...