Saturday, August 13, 2011


today was good. I had a photoshoot in the morning and then meet up with everyone for lunch. I took a mini nap and then went to lagoon. I-80 was closed so I had to take the long way home. it was kinda dumb. but I made it alive. I am really tired though. I might sleep in for a bit and then I work all day tomorrow.


Dancing to the music

Well I hope that mom and Rachel had a fun time at the concert. I also hope that dad and Casey made it thru the night with Isaac with out incident. I have had a good day. I got my buzzer and primary lesson all set. I also got my grocery shopping done. I slept in this morning and it was nice. I love sleeping in. Well i hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Friday, August 12, 2011

darn toot'n

Today was good. I worked at lagoon in the morning and then I went out to dinner with mom. she got me this really cool cake pan in shape of a skull it was pretty cool. I'm excited for halloween. well I hope the concert if fun tomorrow. Josh groban rocks :) well tomorrow I have a photoshoot and then I work at lagoon. have a good night


That's the cutest baby

We went to the fair tonight and it was so fun. Isaac got a lot of complements on being cute. We bought him a cowboy hat so he would fit in. I put pictures on Facebook. We got a navajo taco, we had to wait an hour in line but it was worth the wait. While in line Casey got me a snow cone, it was really good. We saw the goats and quilts also, we hit the best spots. It was a lot of fun.

So glad it is friday

Well I made it to work and back on the bus. It was nice not to have to drive. Robin was home when I got here so we went to Julies and were going to have dinner with her but she wanted to stay and take care of the dog. She got neutered today. So me and Robin went to dinner and then we got her a latch hook thing because what she was using wasn't working out really well. Then we came home and it was a nice night. I am excited for tomorrow. It will be a good day. I am going grocery shopping in the morning and then Rachel and CAsey are coming in the afternoon. Good luck finding your buzzer tomorrow Karen. I think that will be a good game. I am tired and going to bed. I have to get up 1/2 hour earlier to get the bus but I think I am going to try it for awhile.


Another day over

Well I made it thru Friday. I had a good day and work went pretty fast so that was nice. I hope that Rachel and Isaac had a good trip to SLC. I also hope that mom and Rachel have a fun time at the concert tomorrow night. I am working on my lesson for primary I am working on list of questions for a game on Sunday. I hope that everyone has a great weekend BYE

Thursday, August 11, 2011

happy birthday

I'm glad dad had a good birthday good idea for the flowers karen :) my day was good but I'm glad its over. well not to much else happening. glad dad had a good birthday. drive safe rachel on the way up traffic is terrible!! well have a great friday



I just wanted to thank you guys for giving dad a really special birthday. He was so happy. Thanks. The feather bed came tonight and he loved his edible flowers. He just went on and on about them. We went to Leatherby's for dinner. That place has a lot of good memories and then we went to Best Buy. He didn't spend his gift card. He wanted to look around some more. That will make two fun night with the gift card. We found a really good DVD player for the car for Isaac. I am going to look around for awhile but it is good to know what it out there. I am glad it is friday. Rachel I am so excited for you to spend the weekend with us. You can stay as long as you want. Going to the fair will be a lot of fun. Bet Isaac loves the animals. Robin is was good to see you last night. Have a great Friday.


Happy Birthday Dad

I am glad that Dad had a good Birthday. I am excited for his feather bed. We had made a plan for this weekend, finally. Casey is going to come home tomorrow and we are going to the fair. Then we are going to come to SLC on Saturday and take Dad out for a Birthday lunch. Then Casey and Dad will watch Isaac at the apartment while we are at the awesome Josh Groban concert. Then Casey has to work on Sunday so we are going to stay until Monday and leave after his work. Is that alright with you Mom? If not we are flexible. I have been watching Modern Family and it is really funny. I really like it. It isn't on Nexflix's online yet. I also got a new book that is the first in it's series and is supposed the be the best fantasy series and I was wondering if you had read it yet Karen, it is A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book One. I am excited to read it. I have hit a wall on the third hunger games book and I am using this new book as incentive. It isn't as good as the other two. Well that is all I have, have a good night.

Happy Birthday Dad

Well i did try to blog last night but it wouldn't let me sign in. Oh well. Robin I hate training also. It is so boring sitting there while people talk at you all day. I had a design review this morning. It went until 1245 so I went to lunch really late. It did make the afternoon go by faster though. i hope that dad had a good birthday. Well have a great Friday everyone

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

happy people

Today was the longest day of my working life. I had a 9 hour training and the trainers were happy, and preppy, They thought when they yelled at you in a loud voice that was being enthusiastic. And I had to stand in a circle 4 times and sing a sappy song. It was so torturous I can't even describe it fully. so hopefully working tomorrow will seem like heaven. :) anywho have a great night I am going to go sleep off the nightmare that I just lived through.



Well the work party went well I think. There was lots of food and the kids seemed to have fun. I am glad it went well. Rachel I am sorry Isaac had a bad day. They are long when they are fussy like that. I hope he has a better day tomorrow. It was a busy day for me. I am glad it is going to be quiet tomorrow. WEll have a great thursday.


Growing Pains

Well today was long, not for any reason. Isaac was kind of fussy but not too bad. Although around 6 I decided that we should go on a walk by the Logan river by where I used to work, it was a big mistake. He started getting fussy when we were almost there but I thought he would be fine once we got there but her didn't want to ride in his stroller. So we left and he cried all the way home. It didn't work out. Well I hope that Dad has a good Birthday tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

hes growing up up up

I can't believe how big isaac gets so fast. Hes so cute the pictures were adorable on facebook. I'm not going to california. He has a friend there he can stay with till he finds a place, Its for the P.O.M job doing merchandising. he's excited. I think I might stay for the holidays though and do annie at pioneer. Just for experience, money, and to be home for the holidays :) then we can go from there. Well today was good I went out to dinner with mom. it was a lot of fun. Tomorrow I have a lame training for zions its 9 hours ...lame... but a good paycheck! well not to much else happening have a great night



Robin didn't have to work tonight so we went out to dinner and that was fun. Thanks Robin. We took dad some dinner because he was working. Tomorrow is my work party. I hope it turns out. Poor Issac growing is hard on you. He is growing up too fast. I am glad you had a good night. Karen I think 102 is hot. I hope you are hanging in there. Have a great Wednesday. We almost made it the whole week.



Robin, I am sorry that Josh is moving away. Are you going going to go down there and help him pick out a apartment? What job did he get? Does he need help? Isaac is growing, he is eating a ton and taking long naps. He hasn't been sleeping well at night again because he need to eat every 3 hours again, he is starving. He has been in a good mood though and has been fun. Casey came home tonight and he barbecued some brats and I mowed the lawn. It was fun. Well good luck with your party tomorrow Mom, I think that it will be really fun.



Rachel, those are cute pictures of Isaac. Robin I am sorry that Josh is moving far away. My day has been good. Just the same old same old going on down here. Work is moving steadily along. It was warm out side today. I think the high was 102. At least it wasn't humid. Have a great one. BYE

Monday, August 8, 2011

manic monday

well today was good. I worked and then I went up and saw josh. It looks as though he might get the job in california, so he might move down at the end of the week to save on money traveling back and forth. so that will make this week a bit more crazy. well not to much else going on, life is just on the fast track.


Nice Day

I had a nice day today. Work was really busy and then I did errands and then I came home and did laundry and signed my lease. I feel like I got a lot accomplished. That feels nice. Rachel those pictures are so cute. It makes me just want to be right there with him all the time. I am glad that Casey got his license. Wednesday is our office party. I hope it goes well because I planned it. Oh well I don't really care if it turns out or not. I just wanted to get outside for awhile. Karen I am glad you had a good day also. Robin I feel like I never see you. We live in the same house and our lives never connect. I hope you are doing well. I hope everyone has a good week. I can't believe that school is starting soon. Where does time go.

This and That

Today went really fast for me. Casey came home late last night and took the morning off to get his driver's license. He did that and we had lunch together and he had to go to work. Me and Isaac went to the library and got some new books. I finished my quiet book, it turned out pretty good. I hope that he likes it. I am going to work on finishing up the quilts I have half done. Well here are some pictures. One is Dad made Isaac his first paper hat and the other is Isaac eating snacks and watching cars. They are both cute.


Well it was a nice day here. It was warm today, but it is getting cooler at night so that is nice. Work was good. I got a project done that I have been working on. So that was nice. I am sorry that you got an owie Robin. Have Josh kiss it better for you. I have been sneezing all day today. I don't know what is in the air today, but it is setting off my hay fever. I hope that you got your errands done mom. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, August 7, 2011


today was good. I'm glad that everyone made it back through all there travels safely. I worked both jobs today and at lagoon I scraped my finger and it hurts :( ow. but I'm sure I will live. Well not to much else going on I hope everyone has a great week.


Josh Groban week

I am going to listen to Josh Groan this week in honor of his concert. It won't be to different from normal but it will be fun. I thought it was funny we all took a blogging break yesterday. Well we had a good day, Casey had to go to work so it was quiet when everyone left. Me and Isaac both took a long nap and then cleaned up the kitchen a bit. It was a nice afternoon. Well tomorrow we are going to get Casey a Utah drivers licence so that should be fun. I hope that everyone has a good night.


I'm back

I am back in SLC safe and sound. I had a really nice weekend. The wedding was really nice and Isaac is so dang cute. It was nice to visit with Rachel and Casey and just play for awhile. Dad however worked the whole time. Poor guy. Karen I do like your rug and you new project. I bet it really adds color to your room. I am doing laundry also. It is nice to have clean clothes for the week. I am still in need of ironing but I will get there. I had a nap when I got home from Logan and now I have lost all motivation. Have a great Monday. LOVE MOM


Well I guess we all took the day off blogging yesterday. I have had a good weekend. I went and saw Planet of the Apes yesterday and it was good. I also got a rug for my living room. I think that it looks nice. My primary class went well today also. they had fun making door hangers. I am doing laundry right now. I was going to do it yesterday, but I lost motivation. But I want clean clothes this week I have to do it some time. Well I hope that everyone had a great weekend. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...