Well it felt like Sunday to me. I got up at 515 to do an extra shift at work. I got home at noon and took a nap and then we went to Ogden to play with the Anderson's. We had a really fun time. We went to the jump zone there and they had haunted it. It was super crowded. I couldn't figure it out but then figured we always meet on Sunday. We went to Texas road house and it was good. We went to old navy to get me and Rachel a new shirt and end up with no shirts for us but the kids got a couple new shirts. They were so cute trying them on. I am doing another shift tomorrow. I am going in a little later. Karen thanks for making the chicken broth and Rachel thanks for the pillows. Dad will use them. Luna is so smart. She is doing so well. Not much else to report. Love mom
Saturday, October 23, 2021
My day was good. I finished off the chicken broth. Then I took a nap. After dinner I watched my economics lecture and did the homework for that class. I hope everyone had a great day and I hope the Anderson's have an awesome adventure. Bye
Friday, October 22, 2021
My day was good. It was quiet at my work today also. I did feel productive though so that was good. After work I went grocery shopping. I got stuff to make chicken broth so I have that cooking. It smells good so hopefully it will taste good as well. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye
I was glad that today was Friday. Work was so quiet and I got some stuff done so that was nice. I came home and we made stir fry and it tasted so good. Dad bought some fresh green peppers at the farmers market and they tasted so good. We are making these pumpkins slinkies for school for the kids next Friday. It is fun but my glue gun was melting the slinkies and so we went to Hobby Lobby and got some cool heat ones. I hope they work better. Dad has been on fire making 3 d halloween. I am working in the morning and then meeting the Anderson gang for dinner. I go in a 6 and get off at 12. This is the last weekend I am going to do it until dad is all better. I think they probably won't need people after that. We will see. Rachel that quilt is amazing. It is so beautiful. Way to go. Robin I am glad your interview went well. Luna is growing up way to fast. Karen thanks for sending in that registration paper. LOVE MOM
Today was good and everyone was glad it was Friday. I walked this morning. We did High at exercise class and I think it is so fun. I love it. I helped in Ruth's class. The kids are cute and friendly. I finished Kay's quilt and it turned out really nice. We skipped the orchestra lab today and ran errands. We paid for dance class. Oliver had been wanting to do an art project so we got some construction paper. After dinner they worked on art projects for a while. They were sweet to make me pictures. Isaac went with his friends to a Harry Potter party at the library. He had a really fun time and was happy. Casey had a dentist appointment today to get his teeth cleaned and got a lottery ticket. Tomorrow I have to fill the font for a baptism and then we are meeting up with Mom and Dad. Love you guys.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Today was busy and it has been a busy week. I walked this morning. Me and Ruth ran errands after we dropped off the boys. We were at the library picking up some book when the lawyer handling the dog bite case called and said that the dog owner didn't want to pay the whole medical bill because she is poor. I called Casey and we are going to ask that she pay the whole bill and Casey is going to find a lawyer for us. A girl I was friends with in college her son killed himself. So Autumn called me to go in in some flowers. It was nice to talk with her. Ruth had dance class. She loves it. No one was at the desk the whole time so I will go tomorrow. I also didn't get the newsletter and their is a parade Saturday for the girls and we need to get the costumes for the recital. I will go in tomorrow and get on the email list. Casey worked late so we did homework and read. My scholastic book order came in and they were fun books. Good luck tomorrow Robin. I hope they make a good offer.
Work was good. Nothing too exciting. Just trying to get it all done. I had a doctor's appointment to recheck my blood pressure and I failed. I guess I shouldn't find out the girl doesn't want to pay the doctor bill for Oliver and blamed him for the dog biting him. I am so mad about that. We did go to Zurchers afterwards and then to Target it was fun to get out and about. We did go to the Shake Shack for dinner it was good and very much a college kid place. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I did sign up for a couple of shifts this weekend. I won't do it again until after dad feels better and they may not have them then. Robin good luck tomorrow with your interview. I hope it is a good job for you. Karen good luck with school. You are doing amazing. Three classes is a lot. Rachel I hope you got dance figured out. They are so bad at getting back with me. Have a nice Friday. It was such a beautiful day today. LOVE MOM
My day was good. I made it to work. It was just the usual. We did have a company meeting. We went over 3rd quarter results. They also need cnc machinists. Apparently they are having trouble finding people. Then I came home and did the midterm for my industrial modeling class. It wasn't too hard so hopefully I did good on it. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
It is dark in the morning and I really like the jacket you got me that is bright. I am so careful. I just have a better day if I go in the morning. Exercise class was really hard today but it felt good. Me and Ruth went to the fabric store and it was fun. We bought a pattern to make acorn pillows. Ruth was so excited about them. I studied and loaded Kay's quilt on my quilt frames. I am hoping to get it done this week. Isaac had orchestra and he forgot his violin this morning so I brought it after school. After dinner I met up with some girls from exercise class and went did a corn maze and got ice cream after. It was a fun evening and good to talk with them. We had fun. Love you guys.
Hump day
Karen I am glad you got your shot and it wasn't snowing. Get some rest. Robin where is your selfie of the new you. I am glad you got to relax. That is nice. Luna is getting strong with her head. She should start rolling around soon. Rachel I hope you had a nice day. It is so dark in the morning. I always thing about you. Be careful when you walk. You should walk while Ruth is in school and sleep in a little bit. Not much going on with us. Just on a count down calendar. Work was good not much going on there. Love mom
I went and got my shot this morning and I actually got it. Yeah! Work was good. Allergy shots make me tired so I came home after work and took a nap instead of watching a school lecture. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
We didn't get any snow just rain. I took Tony on a walk but he didn't like the rain so we didn't go far. The kids didn't sleep well last night and were all tired today. Isaac wanted to stay home and sleep but I had him go to school. I don't know if that was the right thing but he had a good day. We didn't have anything going on this morning so I let Ruth sleep in. I studied while she was at school. Ruth went with her friend to the pumpkin walk. We picked Casey up from work and went out for dinner. Love you guys.
I slept in a little bit this morning. It was so dark and cold. It felt nice. Work was good. Nothing way exciting. I like that. I came home and we went to put air in my tires and never found a air pump that worked. Weird. We went and picked up drugs. I wanted to get my hair cut and they close at 6. Go figure that one out. We came home and made tomato and bacon sandwiches. They tasted good. Dad picked up some tomatoes at a farmers market at Murray park when he went exercising. Robin that is nice that Jeremy got you a massage. That will be so nice. Luna is growing up way to fast. Karen I am glad you didn't get snowed in. Rachel am glad Casey had a fun birthday. Love 💕 mom
I decided to go get my allergy shot this morning. I drove through the snow and made it there. I checked in and waited about 5 minutes and then they came out and told me I was a day too early and I would have to come back tomorrow. It was annoying. So I left and went to work. Work was good though. It snowed until about 2 here, but I didn't have to shovel so that was nice. After work I came home and watched school lectures. Then I scrubbed my bathtub. I live an exciting life I know. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye
Monday, October 18, 2021
Happy Birthday Casey
Today was Casey's birthday and he had a good day. I walked this morning and went to exercise class. Then me and Ruth made a birthday cake. We used two boxes but I wanted to make the cake big so I went to the store after I dropped Ruth off to get two more. I hurried and made the cakes then went to school to walk with Ruth's class to the pumpkin walk. It was fun and the kids were cute. After school Isaac had orchestra. So me, Ruth and Oliver went and got balloons and decorations for Casey's birthday. We had Randy and Terri over for dinner. I made salmon and asparagus. It turned out good. It was a fun party and the kids were super hyper. It was a busy day but everything turned out nice. Love you guys.
I had a big busy day but I felt like I got a lot done. It was payroll Monday so that is always busy. It was pouring rain here this afternoon. It was nice to have rain. Rachel, I hope you don't get snowed in again. I was going to go get my hair cut but decided to wait until it was nicer weather. Good luck tomorrow Robin, I hope the interview goes well. I think you will like a Doterra job better but a school job isn't bad. Have a nice Tuesday. Not much going on with us this week. Just a quiet one. LOVE MOM
My day was good. It is still hard waking up Monday morning though. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Thanks for meeting us yesterday. We had a fun time. The lights were awesome and it was fun they turned them off. Today was good. I was tired so I didn't walk Tony early. I had a meeting which went well. Primary was busy but good. Casey worked and got off when we were done with church we met him at Arby's for lunch. Then we walked to the park and played for a while. We threw the ball for Tony until he got too hot. Isaac finished reading the hunger games so after dinner we watched some of that. It is hard to get back to school tomorrow but it is Casey's birthday so it should be fun. Thanks for all the gifts so Disney land. We are spoiled.
I sure had a nice weekend. Thank you everyone. I loved the lights at the dinosaur park. They did a really good job and we had so much fun. Karen spent the night and we went to the show. It was ok. It was fun to go to the movies and the popcorn was amazing. I live movie popcorn. We should have a quiet week. Dad has to go off some of his meds. I hope it isn't too bad. It is suppose to be stormy this week. I love you all mom
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...