It was nice to have the day off. I slept in until 8. We drove up to Logan and played with the kids. We made glow in the dark t shirts for black light jump zone. They are cute. We are going to help with cabinets tomorrow. Good luck with your flu shot Karen. Robin those goblins are way cool. Wow. Have a nice Saturday. Love mom
Friday, September 22, 2023
I am glad that the weekend is finally here. I am jealous mom and Robin had the day off. I got an email saying I have a virtual jury selection on October 3rd. So that should be interesting. Tomorrow I am going to get my flu shot. Other than that nothing exciting here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, September 21, 2023
It was a busy week. I am taking tomorrow off to go to logan and I have to use one hour of pto. All the parties went pretty good. I am so glad they are all over. We are going to a corn maze on Friday night and work on cabinets on Saturday. Congratulations Karen. You get to buy us dinner for.that much.of a raise. Yeah. Robin you are next. Love you all mom
Congratulations Karen. What did your title change to? That is exciting. We made it to everything today and it was a good day. I took step by step photos at work and it went pretty good. I went visiting teaching after work so I had Oliver skip the after school program so I didn't have to pick him up. Then the little kids had piano lessons. Then we went to the chamber music meeting. Isaac is going to be in a quintet. They all seem like cute kids and I think he is going to have a fun time. They practice once a week have concerts and workshops. I dropped the kids off at home and went to exercise class. Thanks for coming tomorrow Mom and Dad. Drive safe.
Love Rachel
Rachel your cabinets are looking good. My day was good. They quality guy is gone, so I got my raise and title change. So that was exciting. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It has seemed like a long week. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Today was good. We had a tester meeting at work and talked about what happened with the department Manager being let go. We are all upset about it. After work I cleaned a bit and the kids played. Randy and Teri were watching Ivy and Lily so they came over and the kids played. They helped us hang three of the wall cabinets. They look really good. Isaac went to young men's and they helped someone move things out of a storage shed. Tomorrow is really busy and I have been dreading it all week so it will be nice to have it over with.
Love Rachel
Well the big announcement went off without a hitch so that was good. It was busy but so glad it went nice. I was so tired afterwards. There was a big wreck on the freeway and took forever to get home. Robin did they say why they didn't change your title? That makes me so mad. You think they could talk with you about it. Ugh. Rachel I am excited to come up. It is suppose to rain tomorrow and we are having our caregiver outside lunch. Should be loads if fun getting that set up tomorrow. Love mom
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
That is neat Isaac got accepted. He is so talented. I am so glad the insurance money came through. That made my day. My day was crazy busy. We are having that big party announcement tomorrow at one. I didn't order a breakfast for some one so I had to.pick stuff up for that. They called my boss over it. I also am on the committee for the caregiver lunch on thursday. I also had to get stuff for the board retreat. Karen helped me a lot getting all that stuff. It cost 600.00 dollars at Costco. We had a bad thunderstorm it was neat. Well everyone enjoy hump day. Tomorrow won't be bad because everyone will want to be part of the announcement. Love mom
Isaac was accepted into the chamber music project. They put the kids in quartets and they practice together. They have a meeting on Thursday. I am proud of him. Work was good. We had a meeting and talked about everything that has been going on. It was a nice to have our questions answered. I brought Tonya some.bread this evening and we talked a bit and that was nice also. Ruth had tumbling. So I was picking up and dropping off the kids. I went grocery shopping in the middle of it. I went to exercise class and it was upbeat barr which is nice and felt good since I am sore from yesterday. The insurance called today and are cutting us a check for the rest of the damages. So that is a relief and will be so good to wrap everything up.
Love Rachel
It felt like today should have been Thursday instead of Tuesday. I guess it is going to be a long week. Things are going good though. I met mom and dad at the mall tonight after work because mom had a ton of stuff she needed to buy. We went to hobby lobby, zurchers, and costco. The car is full. Then we came home and just watched a show. I hope everyone had a great day.bye
Monday, September 18, 2023
I was tired today also but it was worth it. Work was busy but with two big parties this week it is going to be crazy. Karen just finished her second block. Slacker mom had done nada. I like your cabinets Rachel. It is suppose to rain on Friday. I hope they are wrong. I have Friday off and am going to Logan. Well nothing more to report on my end. Sorry Robin about the changes. I feel bad. You work so hard. Love mom
Sunday, September 17, 2023
I slept in and worked a little bit and then went to lagoon. I waited in line and we visited. It was hotter than I thought I would be but it was fun. Have a nice Monday. Love mom
I don't have pictures of the cabinets. We have four of them made and none are installed so it is still a work in progress. I will take some photos tomorrow. I have some photos from Friday I forgot to post. The cabinets are a lot of work and we are slowly making progress. We worked on them most of yesterday. I made sough dough bread again this morning and it tasted really good. It is fun to make. After church we met Mom at Lagoon so we could ride Primordial their new ride. Mom got some drinks and snacks and we got in line. They said it was only and hour and a half wait. At first the line went really fast but the ride broke down a couple times and we ended up in line for four hours. Ruth panicked at the ended and didn't go on the ride. It was a fun ride. It is interactive and you shoot the bad guys. We had time to do a haunted house and watch the hack n slash. We got sushi for dinner. It was a fun day
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...