Saturday, July 22, 2023


 Today was good and we were busy.  Casey left early to cook for the pancake breakfast.  I went to exercise class and dropped Isaac off to help set up chairs for it.  I got the time wrong so he was early but he stayed and helped Casey.  Exercise class we good, they did high low which was nice because their are no burpees.  I can home and took a shower and grabbed the little kids.  We headed over to the breakfast which was good.  We were all tired so we took a little rest.  Then we had lunch and I took the kids to the jump zone.  I used the last gift card I had so we might be done for a while.  Casey stayed home with the inspector.  After the jump zone we came home and grabbed Casey and went to a play that Ruth's friend Emily is in.  It was so good and better than I expected.  They had amazing voices and it was really a great play.  We had dinner and found out that we didn't have any asbestos and we could take down the plastic.  So we came home and did that.  They took out one layer of the subfloor.  The kids were so excited to walk through the plastic tunnel into the house.  We then cooled off in the basement and watched a movie.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow.

Love Rachel 

Friday, July 21, 2023


 Work was busy and that made the day go fast. I came home and feel asleep. Karen bought spaghetti factory for dinner and I slept right through it. I did eat it later. We did make it to Costco. I like that place. Rachel I am sorry everything is so torn up. That is so hard. We will come up Sunday and help. Robin and crew are coming tomorrow and help with shed for a little while. We are going to take Luna over night and let them celebrate their anniversary. We will meet them in Logan on Sunday. I am excited to see the kids. Your new patio furniture and kitchen will be amazing. Love mom


 Sorry we had to change plans this weekend.  The inspection wasn't able to make it today but should be come tomorrow.  Work was ok.  I am putting a pillow together and it stressful.  I hope it is turns out good enough for the photoshoot.  Oliver and Ruth went with Emily this morning to hand out flyers for a play Emily is in.  We are going to go watch it.  Isaac went and had a playdates with Henry.  He had a fun time.  I picked him up and we went swimming.  It was a really hot day and it felt good to go.  We stayed until it closed.  We had dinner and now we are at black night light at the jump zone.  It isn't busy which is really nice.  We have a pancake breakfast tomorrow.  Casey is cooking at it and Isaac is setting up tables.  Love you guys and sorry again.

Love Rachel 

Tiffany got us addicted to creamies so we had to buy all the flavors today.

Thursday, July 20, 2023


 Today was good.  Work was ok, I went through all my blocks and got them ready for to make the pillow.  I need to make one block over but I was able to do that fast.  They worked on the floor today and they have to all sealed off.  The filter the air and pump it out into the backyard.  The construction was load so when I was done with work.  Casey went into the office and I took the kids out.  We went and got a snack.  Then we were going to go roller skating before piano lessons but Isaac didn't have socks so we went and got some.  Then we didn't have enough time so we walked around red balloon toys.  Isaac got a new Lego.  The kids had substitutes and they were able to see them at the same time which was so nice.  So I switched them to be at the same time from now on.  Then we met Casey for dinner at El Toro.  The kids love to there.  Then Casey went back to work and I took them roller skating.  We hung out in the backyard when we got home.  Everyone have a good Friday.

Love Rachel


 Work was good. It is nice to be busy again. I came home and made a casserole. I went goofing around with Karen. When we got back I mowed the lawn it was starting  to get really long. I just mowed the front. I roundup also. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I am super excited to play on Saturday. Robin that made me laugh about the pancakes. I remember those days. Rachel I hope your floor is getting done. Let us know if you need us to bring anything. Love mom


 So far our customer visit is going good. I hung out with them while they were watching assembly. So my day went by fast. After work I decided meringues sounded good. So me and mom went to harmons and smiths. They didn't have any so I got stuff to make them. They are currently in the oven. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


I worked from home today. Jenkins needed his vaccines so at lunch I ran and got him vaccinated. After work I made pancakes and sausages. Luna thought I ruined her life by putting pancakes in her presence. So she had Mac and cheese. It was hot so we stayed down stairs. Tomorrow is the last day of my sleep study. I'm excited to be done. I'm also glad tomorrow is Friday. See you all in Saturday


Wednesday, July 19, 2023


 It was busier at work today. The days of 2 emails in my box are gone. I came home and made ham fried rice it was good. I was going to mow the lawn buy it rained. I will do it tomorrow. Congratulations on 4 years. Here's to many more. Rachel I am glad yhey started on the getting the flood fixed. We will help take cabinets out on Saturday. Love mom


 Happy anniversary Robin.  I am sorry about your tooth Karen, that sucks.  Today was good.  They came and took a little dry wall down in the sewing room.  They have a fan and humidifier running in the room.  Work was good.  I needed to have a bunch of file testing done by next Tuesday and I should be done tomorrow.  We had a meeting and they are interviewing for a new tester and she said one of us is moving teams and I don't want to move again.  I took the kids to get a macaroons but they only had two.  She said to come on Tuesday and we would for sure get one.  Then we went to the jump zone.  We haven't been all summer and it was fun.  I went to exercise class and it was so fun.  It felt good to go again.  Casey is running in this bad wind.  I made a clasp purse with my embroidery machine.  It turned out really good and I got all the supplies in a give away.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel


 Happy Anniversary Robin, congrats on four years. My day was busy. Our customer from Japan is coming tomorrow so there was a lot last minute stuff to do. My dentist also changed my appointment to today. I didn't lose a filling, I broke a tooth. So I had to get a crown. I have a temp right now and go back in 2 weeks for the permanent one. It rained here also. My shed gets delivered Friday. I am excited for it. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good. It was me and Jeramys 4th wedding anniversary. We went out to dinner tonight. It started to pour rain once we got home it was pretty and it helped cool things down outside. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 My day was good. Work was busy because we are having customers coming on Thursday. Tomorrow is going to be busy as well. Mom already summed up the rest of my night. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye 


 It was a little busier today so that was nice. I am having a hard time focusing. I came home and had tacos and then Karen wanted to make a crochet pillow. Michaels didn't have the yarn so we went to Walmart and they didn't have it either. We went to joanns and they had what she wanted. It was really cloudy today but no rain. I had a burned out headlight and dad fixed it today. I hope luna.sleeps better tonight. 530 is so early. Rachel that is so fun you get fabric. It is so expensive. That is so fun. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


 I was struggling at work this morning.  Some girls ordered subway for lunch so I got one too and I felt a lot better after that.  They had a give away at work and they had fabric to make the clasp purses I have been wanting to make so I was excited.  I probably took too much stuff but it is so fun.  After work we went grocery shopping and then went to get a drink at a new restaurant where sweetie burrito used to be.  Ruth wanted to go but she didn't like the drink.  We colored on the deck for a long time and it was a lot of fun.  Casey's sisters got some Roman soup at natural grocers and Isaac is obsessed with it now.  We had that for dinner.  Everyone have a good night 

Love Rachel 


Today went by fast which was nice. It was nice it was cooler outside. We went on a walk while Luna rode her trike. Then she jumped on the trampoline. Hopefully she sleep good tonight. She woke up at 5:30 so I'm tired. 


Monday, July 17, 2023

Happy birthday

 Rachel that was such a fun visit. You guys had so much fun. You are going to miss them. Did you have to replace the wood on that swing. I don't remember it ever being that nice wow. Happy birthday to you! Robin that is a wonderful step forward. Pooping is the hardest. I am always for one less diaper to change. I love her sun glasses. Work was boring. I am caught up but I decided to.keep that to myself. When my people come back from vacation I will be way busy. I made torilleni tonight for dinner. Karen said it was good and I really liked it. I am excited for saturday. I love tearing down things. We will build new furniture and tear down the cabinets. Love you all mom

It's my birthday!

 Thanks for the birthday wishes.  You guys are sweet.  Thanks for coming up this weekend.  I thought we could stain and put together the bench.  Maybe take down for kitchen cabinets and then go swimming at the aquatic center.  If that sounds fun.  It is so hot it might be fun to swim.  The girls left today which is sad.  The bought me a wolf poncho before they left which was awesome.  They also finished the bench.  It looks so beautiful.  Tiffany took the kids out to lunch before she left.  Work was ok and everyone was really nice about my birthday.  After work we cleaned up for a bit.  Ruth lost a library book so we went and paid for it.  Me and the little kids colored for a while.  Casey went grocery shopping and then we went out to dinner at zuppas.  Then we went to Lowes to get some grasshopper killer and weed killer.  Thanks again for the birthday wishes.

Love Rachel

happy birthday

Happy birthday Rachel. Hope you had a good day. My day went well. I made another sell on Etsy so that was fun. Then the big news is Luna pooped in the potty for the first time. So that was fun. Hopefully that means we turned a corner and she's starting to get the hang of it. It was so hot today it's hard to play outside. So we just took it easy tonight. 


Sunday, July 16, 2023


 We had a really fun day today.  Everyone is leaving tomorrow and I am so sad.  We will miss them.  We slept in the morning.  Randy and Teri came over to help finish up the bench.  I looked at the photos that Robin scanned in and there is a picture of the bench.  It wasn't yellow like I remember.  The metal was black.  So they were able to make it look pretty much the same.  They got everything painted and stain and I think we can throw it together tonight.  I am going to stain the benches Robin make the same color and then they can all be on the deck and look amazing.  Everyone went to Angie's for breakfast.  I went to church to say the closing prayer and play the piano.  We decided to float down the Oneida narrows.  Randy bought some tubes.  We got some but they were the wrong size.  We headed up.  Collin drove and we drove the van.  We mixed up where we were going to meet and we didn't have cell phones so it took a bit to find each other.  We had Casey and the little kids in a boat called the voyager and the rest of us were on a tube.  Poor Mandy had a water proof backpack and it tipped her backwards and she twisted her ankles at the beginning so she got out and stayed at the car.  Oliver and Ruth wanted to try the tubs so I was switching out with them.  When Ruth was on it she drifted to the side and got stuck in a branch.  She grabbed on and her tub floated away.  Someone caught it.  I was able to go over and grab Ruth and get her back to the boat.  It was scary but she is fine.  We just kept the little kids in the boat after that.  It was really fun after that floating the river.  It was so pretty and the water felt really nice.  We stopped at Franklin on the way home to get lottery tickets.  We won $75 and everyone was nice and split it up and gave it to the kids.  We went to Randy's for a late dinner.  He made dutch oven stew and it tasted really good.  Tomorrow is my birthday and it should be a fun day.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel


 I slept most of the day. I woke up late and then took a nap. I hate having to sleep that much. I hope I feel better next week. Happy birthday tomorrow Rachel. I did go to Michael's with Karen. It is nice to be so close to stores. Robin Luna is so cute. Dies she wake up at 530 on week mornings. That is so early. I am glad you both got a nap. Stay cool. Love mom


 My day was good. It was a hot one today though.  I slept in so that was nice.  I did hang out in the basement after dinner tonight because it was hot after cooking dinner.  It is a lot cooler in the basement. I did go to Michael's because I decided to make a scarf and I needed one more thing of yarn.  I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


Luna woke up at 5:30 this morning. So it was an early one. Once Jeramy woke up we went to the park before it got too hot. Luna then took a nap and I took one too. After she woke up we went to kidstopia it's a soft play area. Luna is getting really fast and it wore me out. She is still bouncing off the walls. But I tried to get out as much energy as I could today for her. Hopefully she sleeps ok.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...