Wednesday, July 19, 2023


 Happy anniversary Robin.  I am sorry about your tooth Karen, that sucks.  Today was good.  They came and took a little dry wall down in the sewing room.  They have a fan and humidifier running in the room.  Work was good.  I needed to have a bunch of file testing done by next Tuesday and I should be done tomorrow.  We had a meeting and they are interviewing for a new tester and she said one of us is moving teams and I don't want to move again.  I took the kids to get a macaroons but they only had two.  She said to come on Tuesday and we would for sure get one.  Then we went to the jump zone.  We haven't been all summer and it was fun.  I went to exercise class and it was so fun.  It felt good to go again.  Casey is running in this bad wind.  I made a clasp purse with my embroidery machine.  It turned out really good and I got all the supplies in a give away.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...