Friday, June 21, 2019

Another eventful day

I was going to go to work this morning but was so tired so I just slept in. We went and got my teeth fix. They feel so much better. We stoped by ikea and had lunch then took a nap. I got my ultrasound and I am good. We drove up to kamas. We are going to Logan tomorrow. Karen is coming with us. Robin I hope you have a really nice quiet weekend. Love mom


Mom, I am glad that you got your inheritance.  That is really fun.  It was really cool today and felt like spring, it was nice.  I walked this morning and needed a jacket.  We went to exercise class and that was good.  We got the vans emissions tested so we could register the van and then we went grocery shopping.  We had lunch and then the kids rode their bikes to the library and I walked to help Ruth.  The boys were posing by the statue at the library and after I took the picture Oliver was climbing and it bumped his head and had a big goose ache.  Isaac has read a lot this summer and had enough points to get a free book.  We stayed at the library for a while which was fun.  We came home and watched a movie and rested.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and we played in the backyard.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad, thanks for coming up again.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Eventful day

I think I would have gotten more work done if I had stayed in bed and slept but I made it through.  I had the neatest experience this morning.  I came in a little early to make sure the meeting was set up and had food and the catering lady who doesn't speak English very well was working on setting up my breakfast and then she had a whole other breakfast to set up.  She needed tables so I went and got some for her and then helped her set up breakfast.  She stopped me and asked me if I believed in God and I said yes I did.  She said that  when she got up this morning she knew she was going to have a really hard day and she prayed that someone would help her.  That made me cry.  Annette deposited the money today into our bank account and that was fun.  We are going to have a fun summer for sure now.  The deposit is still pending but the money should be available in a couple of days.  That was really fun.  We hooked up with the Gumm gang tonight for dinner and traffic was so bad that we were really late.  They had started eating dinner but it was OK because we were really late.  I really like there food,  Dad has decided to buy a 3 d printer with his money.  He is pretty excited about that. We are going to get my teeth fixed tomorrow and get my second mammogram because I failed that last one.  After that we are heading to Kamas to spend the night with Karen  Dad is going to help her with Statistics and I am going to help with the yard.  On Saturday we are going to Logan to help with the bathroom.  I think we can make a lot of progress.  Robin, I am glad that you are doing good.  I am planning on hooking up on Wednesday to get you new shoes.  If you want to come to Logan on Saturday you guys are always welcome.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It did rain for 2 whole minutes today. I keep hoping it will rain some more tonight though. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today was a long day. Everything at work was unhinged and I just don't care. Lol it's just same ole same ole. I worked on more bouquets and I'm almost done. I need to get a few more things then I'm done. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday I'm ready for a relaxing weekend.



Isaac had scout camp today and they left at 7.  So we got up early and were there on time.  They said that they were leaving at 7:05 but it was 7:30 before they left so I didn't have time to walk so I sewed for a bit which was fun.  Isaac had a fun time and was really happy.  His favorite thing was going on the zip line.  I am glad that he had such a fun experience.  I took the little kids on a hike in green canyon this morning.  They were kind of whinny about going but it was fun and really nice to be outside.  We just played at home the rest of the day which worked out good.  I am tired and think I am going to bed early.  Love you guys.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Today was good. We have this really crappy Bluetooth speaker at work. I won 50 dollars at the golf tournament so I had a brilliant idea to get an Alexa for the office. I just bought the cheap dot one but it was really nice to have a good speaker. I came home and I bought a new rack for my pantry closet. It's so nice I love it. I also gave Jenkins a bath because he is shedding like crazy. That is crazy you are already half way through your summer semester Karen. That was fast Robin


It has seemed like a long week to me.  I think I have a bit of a cold.  Work was busy.  We are having big meetings for the new Lehi Hospital that they are designing.  My boss wants to be the CEO of it.  The meetings went really well.  Tomorrow will be the last day of that.  Dad had a doctor's appointment but they had canceled it and so he just went home and took a nap.  Rachel I hope Isaac has fun on his adventure tomorrow.  Karen, I am so glad you got the classes you needed.  Robin, today is the month mark.  One more month.  LOVE MOM


That sounds like a fun concert Robin, I am glad that you got to go.  Good job registering for fall Karen, summer semester is going fast.  Today was good.  Casey and Ruth had a hard time sleeping so we were tired today.  Also their was two cats fighting in our backyard all night and that was loud.  I walked this morning and then went to exercise class.  We did our work books and then went swimming.  The line to get in was so long, I have never seen it so long.  It moved ok so it didn't take too long.  It was colder today with the wind but it was still fun.  Ruth pooped in her swimsuit when we were having a snack so we had to go home but I was ready to leave.  I had to go visiting teaching this evening and that went ok.  Thanks for calling Mom, sorry we couldn't talk long.  I went to the store afterwards and got some more bread because we were out.  Isaac has scout camp tomorrow, I am excited for him.  Sorry I didn't have any pictures today.




Well today I got registered for the fall semester. Yeah for me. Next week I am officially halfway through the summer semester. Other than that it was just the usual for a Wednesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Today was good. Nothing to wild work was work. Jeramy had 5 dollar tickets to usuana. So we watched goo goo dolls and train. It was fun. It's sad how old it makes you feel when the singers say thanks for remembering us. Ha ha it was funny. Me and Jeramy got matching zip ups so in the winter time we will look cool. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Love you guys



Today was good.  I walked this morning and then let the kids sleep in since I didn't have exercise class.  We just went slow this morning.  After lunch their was a magic show at the library.  They had preregistration this year and it was a lot nicer getting in.  We were on the front row.  It is a fun magic show and the kids really liked it.  We went and got a snow cone afterwards just for fun.  After dinner we went canoeing and it was so nice.  It is good for the soul to go and be on the water.  The kids had their moments but I think they had a fun time.  A big horse fly bit me two times on my foot and it hurts when they bite.  Love you guys.  Good job with school Karen, that is a lot of work.



My day was busy also. I went to work and had 41 emails waiting for me. So it took me most all day to get thru all those. Then after work I came home and did school stuff. I watched my classes and then did homework. Then it was 9, so that pretty much sums up my day.  I did find 2 quarters left from Easter so bonus for me. I hope everyone had a great day.


Work was busy today and I was running a lot.  The architects are here for the new Lehi hospital and they had a ton of meeting and they go tomorrow and Thursday as well.  We came home and just vegged.  Dad has a doctor's appointment tomorrow for a checkup but he is going alone.  It is hard for me take Wednesday and Friday off .  I am going to go get my teeth fixed on Friday and go get another mamagram because I failed the first one.  I hope everyone had a nice day.  LOVE YOU MOM

Monday, June 17, 2019


Today was good.  Casey had a hard time sleeping last night so he went in late.  I knew he was going in late so I tried a long walking route that I have been wanting to try and that was fun.  The kids were tired this morning but I woke them up to go to exercise class and they were thrilled.  Oliver's balloon popped and it was pretty traumatic so we went to walmart after lunch to get new balloons but I couldn't find them so we ended up with water balloons.  Their was a water slide with water balloons for cheap also so we got that.  We did that for the rest of the afternoon and they had fun.  A thunder storm came through so we went inside but it was dinner time anyway.  After dinner we went and finished helping Ron get rid of the rest of his branches from the last wind storm.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  You guys are the best.



I went to work early today for payroll and worked until 5.  It was a long day but I am leaving early on Friday to go get my teeth adjusted so I can wear them.  I am going to try and wear them again tomorrow.  I am glad your flowers are going well.  We can always help with them if you need us to.  We could have a craft day :).  Karen I am so glad that your eyes are boring.  I always love to hear that.  I can't believe how fast June is going.  I am excited for July 19th.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I took the day off today because I had an eye doctor appointment. So this morning I worked on some school stuff and then about 2 I went and got my eyes dilated. My eyes are good, no issues so that is good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good for a Monday. I was tired. Jeramy.had to work really late so I worked on some bouquets. Jenkins kept stepping on the flowers so some of them are crinkled :/ Jeramy came over after work and we had dinner and relaxed. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday


Sunday, June 16, 2019


I tried to copy the airbnb link and I ruined the blog I think. Sorry!! Hopefully everyone can still see it. They look fun. We can help pay for a night. This weekend was good but I didn't accomplish anything. I did sign up for Hulu so that is fun. We met up with mom dad and Karen for lunch. We bought a frame for an old mirror and it worked perfect. It looks so nice. Then we wanted more racking in the kitchen. I'm running out of room. Lol so I found one on Amazon and it will be here Tues. I forgot to blog it but Jeramy had tickets to a concert at work for 5 dollars. So on Tues we are going to see goo goo dolls and train at usana. It should be fun. I forgot to wish dad happy father's day at lunch. Tell him we love him. Hope everyone has a good week.


Happy Father's Day

Mom, those cabins look great.  I think any of them would be perfect.  That was a good find.  Thanks for the fun weekend.  I am glad that everyone was able to met up today.  Happy Father's Day Dad, we love you.   Today was good.  We slept in and went to just one hour of church.  Casey stayed home from work and we spent the day at home.  We finished cleaning up Robin's patio area and it looks really nice.  Then the kids played in the hoses and we enjoyed being outside.  We went to Randy's house and visited this evening.  We made the smores on his fire which was fun.  Then we walked to the park and let the kids play.  Ivy was their also and came to the park too which was fun.  We are excited about Lagoon so that will be something fun to look forward to.



My day was good. I went down to salt lake and hung out with everyone. Then after dinner I came home and planted the sunflowers mom got me. I hope they live. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Look at this link and see what you think

Looked like some nice cabins

I love long weekends

It is going to be hard to go back to the real world early in the morning.  I sure had a nice long weekend.  I hate to see it end. Today was nice Annette didn't want us to come down so we just hung out with Karen and went to Costco and then met up with Robin and Jeramy and walked Walmart and the Army store.  It was a nice time. It was a really cloudy day but just nice to walk around in.  I did get Isaac some SPAM at Costco.  He has a week supply now  :).  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...