Saturday, June 4, 2016

Me too

I had a quiet day also. I did go to Park City and got a new pair of jeans. That was my big excitment for the day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Quiet day

We had a quiet day.  We slept in and then worked on my phone.   I think everything is up and working.  We went shopping for stuff for dad to make fruit cake and rice pudding.  I did do laundry.  I hope everyone had a good day.  We are going to meet Rachel and gang for dinner tomorrow in Ogden.  If anyone wants to come let me know.  We are going to give Casey our car so he can see what is making that weird noise.  LOVE MOM

Friday, June 3, 2016


Well i am glad that it is the weekend. I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. The trash guy missed my trash today.  So i called the trash place and they said they would be by Monday. But then the super nice construction guy took my trash to his shop and dumped it for me. So that was my day. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Yeah for Friday

I got my phone tonight and that feels really nice.  I lost all my contacts but I found all your numbers on dad's phone so I am good.  I need to get all my numbers back.  That might take awhile.  Oh well.  That is neat that Ruthie is rolling.  She is mobile.  Robin, I am sorry you are so busy.  It just wears you out.  I hope you get some rest.  My day was good.  I am trying to get caught back up.  I did make some progress.  Have a wonderful weekend.  I hope the boys have fun fishing.  LOVE MOM

Rolling along

I finished my quilt last night and I really like how it turned out.  Thinking of it kept me happy today.  Isaac woke up throwing up and he didn't feel well this morning.  Then he was super grouchy.  The afternoon he was feeling better and a lot happier.  Ruthie combo rolled off her blanket which was pretty cool, she is getting the hang of it.  The boys went fishing around 4 with Randy, they were excited.  They are coming back tonight so they aren't camping.  I think Casey is going to set up the tent in the backyard tomorrow and they can sleep in it tomorrow night.  Me and Ruthie had a good evening.  We went on a walk and I took some cute photos of her.  Well I can't believe it is the weekend already, this week went fast.



Today was busy, busy. I didn't sit for more than 10 minutes. Luckily next week looks slow so hopefully I can get caught up. I worked a scheels tonight. I also work tomorrow at scheels so everything I can push off till tomorrow I am. I just lost motivation and I figured it would make time go faster tomorrow. The weather channel said it was going to be around 90. I might take a walk around a park and stretch my legs after work. Have a good night


Thursday, June 2, 2016


My batting came today which is exciting.  I am glad that it made it.  Other than that nothing too exciting going on.  It is getting so hot.  We spent a lot of time outside in the shade.  Ruthie is a wild women, she has really picked up rolling and ran with it.  Randy came over and brought more starts for Isaac's and Oliver's room.  They put them up and had fun.  They are going to go fishing tomorrow and I think camping.  I am not sure if me and Ruthie are going on not.  Casey mowed the lawn tonight and it looks really nice.  This week has gone super fast.  I love it.




Today was good work was busy. They keep defecting everything and it makes me mad. But I guess it's job security. Me and Walter meet up and has cafe rio and I helped put his t.v and netflix together. We had fun. I am tired I am glad tomorrow is friday. Have a good night


24 more hours

I hopefully will be getting my new phone tomorrow after work.  I know I don't use it a lot but I have been missing it.  Rachel, thanks for calling me it was nice to talk with you.  Karen, I am glad your dinner was nice.  I knew the apple crisp would be perfect.  Robin, I hope all is well.  Not much else to report.  I did go grocery shopping so that was nice.  Dad has lunches again.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good.Work is moving along. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I had a fun time at dinner with my visiting teachers family. My apple crisp even turn out yummy so that was good. I hope you get your new phone tomorrow mom. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Good day

I spent most of the day training the new person.  I think she will be good.  She was really nervous.  My phone officially died so we went to sprint and got me a new phone.  There was a free one so we got that.  It is a IPhone 4S.  They don't carry them so they will ship it tomorrow and I will get it on Friday.  If you call me use dad's phone.  I love those shoes on Ruthie.  Those are cute.  Karen have fun at dinner tomorrow.  Robin, I hope all is going well at your place.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Good Things

I forgot to blog last night that Casey had lost his wallet on the way down to Karen's house on the side of the road.  No one had used his card so we thought maybe he left it at home.  When we got home it wasn't here so we were pretty sure he had lost it.  When Casey got up to go to work the next day it was on the front door, someone had brought it back to him.  I thought that was amazing.  Then he lost his keys a couple of weeks ago at scouts.  Someone in the ward called tonight and said that they had found his keys.  I thought that was so nice, they didn't even know he had lost them they just noticed the Mercedes key and thought of him.  It is just nice to have something good happen.  Today was nice, we went to the park for a while but the sprinklers turned on so we had to leave.  We went to the mall to run around a bit.  Then we came home and gave Ruthie a nap and she slept for three hours which was so nice and the boys just played outside.  This evening we did yard work and went on a walk.  It was so nice to be outside.  Randy brought over a table and chairs that they didn't want.  We put it outside and it will be nice to have snacks and do crafts.  I organized Isaac's lego instructions into binders, it looks really nice.  The dinosaurs hatched from their eggs with a little help from me because I was impatient.  They are pretty neat.  Isaac and Oliver are both in the stroller in the last picture, they were pretending it was a cave.   Everyone stay safe and have a great day.



Well my day was good. I found the charger I thought I lost last night. I was excited about that. Mom you left a pair of shoes at my house. I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow i am going to my visiting teachers house for dinner. I told her that i would bring desert, so i decided to make apple crisp. So i went to Walmart after work to get some more apples. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Back at it

I am sorry you guys had a long day.  That is rough after a long weekend.  I hope that your road is fix soon Karen.  Today was nice, it was good to be home.  Oliver was happier but Ruthie was kind of grumpy.  We just stay home and played outside all morning which was nice.  Jenn came over to sew, she can't sew most of June so this was the last time for a while.  Ollie wouldn't nap and fell asleep at 5.  He slept until I was giving Isaac a bath, I just put him in his pajamas and put him back to bed.  Not much else going on.  It sure is hot, I miss your cool house Karen.


Long day

It was a long day today.  I knew it was going to be one but man I don't know how you keep it up Robin.  I am so tired after one day and you do it all the time.  Love the pictures Rachel.  Thanks so much for posting them.  I had a fun holiday.  Karen it might be along summer for you while they lay that pipe.  It is a mess.  My phone died today.  That makes two in less than 6 months.  It might be that I am hard on phones.  I was hoping the kids were doing good after the long weekend.  I am curious to see what hatches out of the eggs.  LOVE MOM

Busy bee

Today was busy. I kept getting hit with big projects one after another. I have 100 gowns the factory used the wrong satin so now they are all bad. :/ I worked at scheels tonight. Time is flying by. I can't believe tomorrow is the start of june. Well have a good one


Seemed like Monday

Today seemed like Monday. Work went good. I could have used a nap, but i made it thru. I couldn't get to my house after work. The guy apologized and said he would have a path cleared in 15 minutes. So I told him no worries and parked at work and walked home. Then about 7 i walked back over and got my car. That was my excitement for today. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Vernal Pictures


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...