Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Good Things

I forgot to blog last night that Casey had lost his wallet on the way down to Karen's house on the side of the road.  No one had used his card so we thought maybe he left it at home.  When we got home it wasn't here so we were pretty sure he had lost it.  When Casey got up to go to work the next day it was on the front door, someone had brought it back to him.  I thought that was amazing.  Then he lost his keys a couple of weeks ago at scouts.  Someone in the ward called tonight and said that they had found his keys.  I thought that was so nice, they didn't even know he had lost them they just noticed the Mercedes key and thought of him.  It is just nice to have something good happen.  Today was nice, we went to the park for a while but the sprinklers turned on so we had to leave.  We went to the mall to run around a bit.  Then we came home and gave Ruthie a nap and she slept for three hours which was so nice and the boys just played outside.  This evening we did yard work and went on a walk.  It was so nice to be outside.  Randy brought over a table and chairs that they didn't want.  We put it outside and it will be nice to have snacks and do crafts.  I organized Isaac's lego instructions into binders, it looks really nice.  The dinosaurs hatched from their eggs with a little help from me because I was impatient.  They are pretty neat.  Isaac and Oliver are both in the stroller in the last picture, they were pretending it was a cave.   Everyone stay safe and have a great day.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...