Saturday, February 20, 2016

Pre Birthday

Mom and Dad made it safety and we have had fun.  I went to a women's conference this morning and it was good to go with Jenn.  Casey and the boys went birthday food shopping and got balloons.  We played with Mom and Dad and went out to the Indian Oven for dinner, it was really good.  We got Ruth a blessing dress and it is beautiful.  It is going to be fun.  Dad also know about photography so he was showing me how to use my camera.  It was fun.  Drive safe tomorrow and thanks for coming up.




Sorry I forgot to blog again. I was working on oliver's quilt. Last night around 8 a guy from rich's studio had a makeup artist bail on him so he called me in. I've never worked with him before. But I said yes for some unknown reason. But it turned out ok. He paid me so that was nice. I decided to go have some fun so I took walter to fugi's, it tasted good. Then I am working at scheels tonight. I am hoping to finish the quilt tonight. Better late then never ha ha have a good one. I will see you tomorrow. Walter isn't able to go so it's just me



Well it was a really pretty day here today. It is nice to see the sun. I swept my floors and scrubbed my bathrooms. It is nice to have a semi clean house. I also went to Walmart and got a bag to put Oliver's birthday present in. I hope everyone had a great day and I will see everyone tomorrow. Bye

Friday, February 19, 2016

Pretty Day

Today was pretty good.  Isaac wanted a day off so he stayed in his pajamas all day.  I had cabin fever and it was so pretty outside I talked him into going on a walk and he could stay in his pajamas.  It was Ruth's first walk around the block and she did really good.  It was nice to be outside.  I made some cheesy noodles for dinner and they were really good.  I have been trying to get Isaac and Oliver to eat different things and better food.  Yesterday they had carrots and today I had them eat the dinner I made.  Issac only ate a couple bites but he was happy about it and I was glad he tried something new.  It is a good step.  As a reward we went and got ice scream and it tasted good.  The party is Sunday at 5.  Thanks guys for all you do.



I am glad that the weekend is here also. My day has been good. I got to help assemble and test some mini pumps today so that made the day go by pretty fast. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow. Bye

We made it

We made it to the weekend.  Work was good and I was glad it was Friday.  We went to Sam's after work and got Oliver's bike. We went to Shopko to get paper to wrap some things and they had a lot of playdough Karen so we bought a couple of cups for you.  I can't believe he is two.  Time goes so fast.  It was a beautiful day outside.  It was just after 6 and it still was a little light.  I am loving that.  Have a great Saturday.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, February 18, 2016


It was crazy weather today.  It was fun however to watch the storm roll in.  I have the best view for that.  It was just a blizzard.  Dad wasn't feeling great today so he stayed home and rested.  It was good for him.  I rode trax into work.  I am with Karen this has seemed like a long week to me as well.  I am glad it is Friday.  I am excited for Oliver's birthday party.  Rachel I love the pictures.  I appreciate you putting them on.  I look at them all the time.  I think we need to start looking at making books with them.  LOVE MOM

Rain and Snow

Isaac threw up when he woke up this morning and then his stomach was hurting him so I kept him home from school.  He ate and drank a little bit and then felt better the rest of the day.  I need to go grocery shopping so I took all three of them for the first time and it went pretty well.  The boys were really good.  I made dinner tonight, it was chicken pot pie and it tasted really good.  It was fun to make also.  Casey bought a new alternator for his car and he installed it today.  His car hasn't been starting so I am glad that it is fixed.  This afternoon we made snow cones and it was a lot of fun, Isaac loved it.  Last night I forgot my visiting teachers were coming and I missed them since we were up at Randy's.  I am loosing my mind.  Here are more pictures.  If I am putting to many up tell me, I have gone kind of crazy.



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Today seemed like a long day. The power went out about 11. Then it came back on about 12, but the server didn't come back on until 330. So i really wasn't able to do much all day. I helped deburr R and D parts all day. It was a little tedious but it was better than staring at the wall. At least the weather is suppose to be better from here on out. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.


Sorry I missed your call mom I worked at scheels tonight so I have to text. Today was good it was crazy weather. Our computers were down for most the day so it turned into a cleaning day. The girl at work that causes a lot of drama put in her two weeks today. So it will be an interesting couple of weeks. I am planning on coming down sunday. What time is the party? I hope you have a good friday.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Karen, we should take a photo class together one Saturday if you want to.  I think that would be fun and we could learn to use our cameras, think about it.  I forgot to say that we got new parts for Isaac's trampoline and they came yesterday.  It is so nice and looks a lot better.  We got another one for Oliver for his birthday so we are set.  Today was good.  Randy didn't have to work so he took Isaac to school which was really nice.  Isaac is doing so good at his writing, he has come a long way this year.  Afterwards Randy took Isaac on the city bus to get nuggets for lunch.  Oliver didn't want to go so I gave him a nap.  I started to watch the martian and I like it.  I like the book a lot better and would recommend you guys read it.  I had a doctor's appointment at 3:30 so Casey dropped me off and he took the little ones and bought some wheat and sugar.  He picked me up and we went up to Randy's to get Isaac.  He made dinner for us and we spent the evening their.  It was good to visit.  I haven't been up since Ruth was born.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.



Hump day

We made it through half a week.  Dad took Grandma to the doctor and then we took her out to dinner.  It was a nice evening.  It was starting to rain by the time we got home. It was such a pretty day.  Work was really quiet today and I got a lot done.  Still piles to do but making progress.  I am excited about that one.  Maybe tomorrow I will get more done.  Not much else going on with me.  I am excited for Oliver's birthday.  I need to get his present.  Have a wonderful day.  I am so glad you got your meds Karen.  I was ready to sit in the doctors office all day tomorrow to get it.  LOVE MOM


Well I finally got my prescription refilled. It only took a week and a half a requezt from the pharmacy, 2 requests from the myhealth website, and 2 phone calls. At least I am good for another year. Work was good today. I stayed busy so it went by fast. It has been windy here all day. It also got cloudy this afternoon. It is supposed to start snowing here tonight. I hope everyone had a great day.


Sorry I didn't blog last night. I feel asleep and forgot. Walter bought me cafe rio for dinner last night. I thought that was sweet. Then I worked today so nothing to exciting. I also am working at scheels. It's a pretty chill night. I still feel tired though. Such is life. Have a good one

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Good day

It was a pretty day today.  It was so nice to have that smog gone and warmer.  I love your pictures Rachel.  That one of Isaac with those blue blue eyes.  That is him.  I have missed the boys also.  We will have to have a sleep over again.  It was fun.  Karen I am glad you got your insurance all straightened out.  Work was good.  I am hanging in there.  I am so glad it is Wednesday.  That will make the week go by fast.  Dad is taking grandma to her lung doctor tomorrow.  Jed is working now so dad has to do it.  We are hoping to take her out to dinner afterwards.  Enjoy the warm weather.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you got a cool camera Rachel. I don't remember what type mine is but I bought when I went on my cruise forever ago so yours is definitely better. My day was good. I had to call the dentist and the guy that did my root canal because when Graco bought us we still have the same dental provider but a different group number and they both had the old one. So I emailed them both a copy of the new one so that is taken care of at least. Other than that my day was good work was busy so it went by fast. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. bye

Beautiful Day

Oliver was saying Grandpa house and Grandma all day long, he was missing you guys.  It was so pretty today.  The pollution was gone and it was sunny.  It felt really nice.  We went and bought Oliver's birthday decorations today, he got construction machines.  Then we played outside for a while.  I held Ruth outside but then I wanted to play with my camera so I laid her down inside, she was asleep.  I have gone crazy with the camera, it is so fun.  I took 160 pictures today.  It is really really nice.  I attached some of the better ones.  I have a lot to learn.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.


Monday, February 15, 2016

New Camera

Thanks Mom for letting the boys stay and bring them back, they had a really fun time, thank you.  While Mom was here she watched the kids and me and Casey went and bought a new camera with our tax refund.  It is really fun and will be really nice to have.  It was crazy with the kids so I didn't get to play a lot with it but I took a couple pictures and they were really really nice.  I think that will use it a lot.  Mom said that you had a nice camera Karen.  What kind do you have?  Thank everyone for the fun weekend.  It was good to get together and visit.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...