Thursday, February 18, 2016

Rain and Snow

Isaac threw up when he woke up this morning and then his stomach was hurting him so I kept him home from school.  He ate and drank a little bit and then felt better the rest of the day.  I need to go grocery shopping so I took all three of them for the first time and it went pretty well.  The boys were really good.  I made dinner tonight, it was chicken pot pie and it tasted really good.  It was fun to make also.  Casey bought a new alternator for his car and he installed it today.  His car hasn't been starting so I am glad that it is fixed.  This afternoon we made snow cones and it was a lot of fun, Isaac loved it.  Last night I forgot my visiting teachers were coming and I missed them since we were up at Randy's.  I am loosing my mind.  Here are more pictures.  If I am putting to many up tell me, I have gone kind of crazy.


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